Source code for tools.detector

#!/usr/bin/env python

from scipy import signal
import scipy.interpolate
import scipy.ndimage

import numpy as np
import multiprocessing
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from detutils import frebin
from par_utils import Task, Consumer

from initLogger import getLogger
log = getLogger('crispy')
from image import Image
import multiprocessing

[docs]def rebinDetector(par, finalFrame, clip=False): ''' Rebins the dense detector map with the correct scaling while conserving flux. This also works with non-integer ratios. Parameters ---------- par : Parameter instance Contains all IFS parameters finalFrame : 2D ndarray Dense detector map to be rebinned. Returns ------- detectorFrame : 2D array Return the detector frame with correct pixel scale. ''' detpixprlenslet = par.pitch / par.pixsize'Number of detector pixels per lenslet: %f' % detpixprlenslet) newShape = (finalFrame.shape[0] // (par.pxperdetpix), finalFrame.shape[1] // (par.pxperdetpix))'Rebinning final detector. Image has dimensions %dx%d' % newShape) detectorFrame = frebin(finalFrame, newShape) if clip: i = int(detectorFrame.shape[0] * (1. - 1. / np.sqrt(2.)) / 2.) detectorFrame = detectorFrame[i:-i, i:-i] return detectorFrame
[docs]def readDetector(par, IFSimage, inttime=100): ''' Read noise, CIC, dark current; NO TRAPS Input is IFSimage in average photons per second Quantum efficiency considerations are already taken care of when generating IFSimage images ''' if 'RN' not in par.hdr: par.hdr.append(('comment', ''), end=True) par.hdr.append(('comment', '*' * 60), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('comment', '*' * 22 + ' Detector readout ' + '*' * 20), end=True) par.hdr.append(('comment', '*' * 60), end=True) par.hdr.append(('comment', ''), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('TRANS', par.losses, 'IFS Transmission factor'), end=True) par.hdr.append(('POL', par.pol, 'Polarization losses'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('PHCTEFF', par.PhCountEff, 'Photon counting efficiency'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('NONOISE', par.nonoise, 'Ignore all noises?'), end=True) if ~par.nonoise: par.hdr.append( ('POISSON', par.poisson, 'Poisson noise?'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('RN', par.RN, 'Read noise (electrons/read)'), end=True) par.hdr.append(('CIC', par.CIC, 'Clock-induced charge'), end=True) par.hdr.append(('DARK', par.dark, 'Dark current'), end=True) par.hdr.append(('Traps', par.Traps, 'Use traps? T/F'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('EMSTATS', par.EMStats, 'EM statistics?'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('EMGAIN', par.EMGain, 'Gain of the EM stage'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('PCBIAS', par.PCbias, 'To make RN zero-mean '), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('PCMODE', par.PCmode, 'Photon counting mode?'), end=True) if par.PCmode: par.hdr.append( ('THRESH', par.threshold, 'Photon counting threshold'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('LIFEFRAC', par.lifefraction, 'Mission life fraction (changes CTE if >0)'), end=True) par.hdr['INTTIME'] = inttime # just to deal with small numerical errors - normally there is nothing # there[ < 0] = 0.0 eff = par.losses * par.PhCountEff * par.pol photoelectrons = * eff * inttime if par.nonoise: return photoelectrons else: # verify with Bijan that the CIC/dark doesn't contribute to this # formula if par.lifefraction > 0.0: photoelectrons[photoelectrons > 0] *= np.minimum(np.ones(photoelectrons[photoelectrons > 0].shape), 1 + par.lifefraction * 0.51296 * (np.log10(photoelectrons[photoelectrons > 0]) + 0.0147233)) average = photoelectrons + par.dark * inttime + par.CIC # calculate electron generation in the CCD frame if par.poisson: atEMRegister = np.random.poisson(average) else: atEMRegister = average # calculate the number of electrons after the EM register if par.EMStats: EMmask = atEMRegister > 0 afterEMRegister = np.zeros(atEMRegister.shape) afterEMRegister[EMmask] = np.random.gamma( atEMRegister[EMmask], par.EMGain, atEMRegister[EMmask].shape) else: afterEMRegister = par.EMGain * atEMRegister # add read noise if par.EMStats and par.RN > 0: afterRN = afterEMRegister + \ np.random.normal(par.PCbias, par.RN, afterEMRegister.shape) # clip at zero afterRN[afterRN < 0] = 0 else: afterRN = afterEMRegister + par.PCbias # add photon counting thresholding if par.PCmode: PCmask = afterRN > par.PCbias + par.threshold * par.RN afterRN[PCmask] = 1.0 afterRN[~PCmask] = 0. else: afterRN -= par.PCbias afterRN /= par.EMGain return afterRN
[docs]def averageDetectorReadout( par, filelist, detectorFolderOut, suffix='detector', offaxis=None, averageDivide=False, factor=1.0, zodi=None, forced_inttime=None, forced_tottime=None): ''' Process a list of files and creates individual detector readouts If we want only one file, we can just make a list of 1 ''' det_outlist = [] for reffile in filelist:'Apply detector readout on ' + reffile.split('/')[-1]) img = Image(filename=reffile) if offaxis is not None: off = Image(offaxis) *= factor # Multiplies by post-processing factor += if zodi is not None: z = Image(zodi) += par.makeHeader() if forced_inttime is None: inttime = par.timeframe / par.Nreads nreads = int(par.Nreads) exptime = int(par.timeframe) else: inttime = forced_inttime nreads = int(forced_tottime / forced_inttime) exptime = int(forced_tottime)"Nreads: %d" % nreads) frame = np.zeros( varframe = np.zeros( # averaging reads for i in range(nreads): newread = readDetector(par, img, inttime=inttime) frame += newread varframe += newread**2 if averageDivide: frame /= nreads varframe /= nreads varframe -= frame**2 if "NREADS" not in par.hdr: par.hdr.append( ('NREADS', nreads, 'Number of subframes co-added per image'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('EXPTIME', exptime, 'Total exposure time for number of frames'), end=True) par.hdr['NREADS'] = nreads par.hdr['EXPTIME'] = exptime outimg = Image(data=frame, ivar=1. / varframe, header=par.hdr) # append '_suffix' to the file name outimg.write(detectorFolderOut + '/' + reffile.split('/') [-1].split('.')[0] + '_' + suffix + '.fits', clobber=True) det_outlist.append(detectorFolderOut + '/' + reffile.split('/') [-1].split('.')[0] + '_' + suffix + '.fits') return det_outlist
[docs]def multipleReadouts( par, filename, detectorFolderOut, suffix='detector', offaxis=None, averageDivide=False, factor=1.0, zodi=None, forced_inttime=None, forced_tottime=None):'Apply detector readout on ' + filename.split('/')[-1]) img = Image(filename=filename) if offaxis is not None: off = Image(offaxis) *= factor # Multiplies by post-processing factor += if zodi is not None: z = Image(zodi) += par.makeHeader() if forced_inttime is None: inttime = par.timeframe / par.Nreads nreads = int(par.Nreads) exptime = int(par.timeframe) else: inttime = forced_inttime nreads = int(forced_tottime / forced_inttime) exptime = int(forced_tottime)"Nreads: %d" % nreads) frame = np.zeros( varframe = np.zeros( # averaging reads for i in range(nreads): newread = readDetector(par, img, inttime=inttime) frame += newread varframe += newread**2 if averageDivide: frame /= nreads varframe /= nreads varframe -= frame**2 if "NREADS" not in par.hdr: par.hdr.append( ('NREADS', nreads, 'Number of subframes co-added per image'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('EXPTIME', exptime, 'Total exposure time for number of frames'), end=True) par.hdr['NREADS'] = nreads par.hdr['EXPTIME'] = exptime outimg = Image(data=frame, ivar=1. / varframe, header=par.hdr) # append '_suffix' to the file name outimg.write(detectorFolderOut + '/' + filename.split('/') [-1].split('.')[0] + '_' + suffix + '.fits', clobber=True) return detectorFolderOut + '/' + \ filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_' + suffix + '.fits'
[docs]def averageDetectorReadoutParallel( par, filelist, detectorFolderOut, suffix='detector', offaxis=None, averageDivide=False, factor=1.0, zodi=None, forced_inttime=None, forced_tottime=None): ''' Process a list of files and creates individual detector readouts If we want only one file, we can just make a list of 1 ''' det_outlist = [] tasks = multiprocessing.Queue() results = multiprocessing.Queue() ncpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() consumers = [Consumer(tasks, results) for i in range(ncpus)] for w in consumers: w.start() for i in range(len(filelist)): tasks.put( Task( i, multipleReadouts, (par, filelist[i], detectorFolderOut, 'detector', offaxis, averageDivide, factor, zodi, forced_inttime, forced_tottime))) for i in range(ncpus): tasks.put(None) for i in range(len(filelist)): index, strres = results.get() det_outlist.append(strres) return det_outlist
[docs]def calculateDark(par, filelist): ''' Process a series of dark frames to get an estimate of the dark current frame that matches the exposures. ''' fileshape = Image(filename=filelist[0]).data.shape darkframe = np.zeros(fileshape) blankframe = Image(data=np.zeros(fileshape)) inttime = par.timeframe / par.Nreads par.makeHeader() for i in range(par.Nreads * len(filelist)): darkframe += readDetector(par, blankframe, inttime=inttime) return darkframe
from scipy import stats
[docs]def photonCounting(average, EMGain=1.0, RN=0.0, PCbias=0.0, threshold=6, poisson=True, EMStats=True, PCmode=True): # calculate electron generation in the CCD frame if poisson: atEMRegister = np.random.poisson(average) else: atEMRegister = average # calculate the number of electrons after the EM register if EMStats: EMmask = atEMRegister > 0 afterEMRegister = np.zeros(atEMRegister.shape) afterEMRegister[EMmask] = np.random.gamma( atEMRegister[EMmask], EMGain, atEMRegister[EMmask].shape) else: afterEMRegister = EMGain * atEMRegister # add read noise if EMStats and RN > 0: afterRN = afterEMRegister + \ np.random.normal(PCbias, RN, afterEMRegister.shape) # clip at zero afterRN[afterRN < 0] = 0 else: afterRN = afterEMRegister + PCbias # add photon counting thresholding if PCmode: PCmask = afterRN > PCbias + threshold * RN afterRN[PCmask] = 1.0 afterRN[~PCmask] = 0. else: afterRN -= PCbias afterRN /= EMGain return afterRN
[docs]def readoutPhotonFluxMapWFIRST( fluxMap, tottime, inttime=None, QE=1.0, darkBOL=1.4e-4, darkEOL=2.8e-4, CIC=1e-2, eff=1.0, EMGain=2500., RN=100.0, PCbias=1000.0, threshold=6., lifefraction=0.0, dqeKnee=0.858, dqeFluxSlope=3.24, dqeKneeFlux=0.089, nonoise=False, poisson=True, EMStats=True, PCmode=True, PCcorrect=False, normalize=False, verbose=False): photoElectronsRate = QE * eff * fluxMap if nonoise: return photoElectronsRate * tottime else: # if inttime is None, determine the exposure time so that the brightest # pixel is only 0.1 electrons if inttime is None: exptime = 0.1 / np.amax(QE * eff * fluxMap) if verbose: print("Individual exposure time: %.3f" % exptime) else: exptime = inttime nreads = int(tottime / exptime) if verbose: print("Number of reads: %d" % nreads) photoElectrons = photoElectronsRate * exptime if lifefraction > 0.0: photoElectrons *= np.maximum( np.zeros( photoElectrons.shape), np.minimum( np.ones( photoElectrons.shape) + lifefraction * ( dqeKnee - 1.), np.ones( photoelectrons.shape) + lifefraction * ( dqeKnee - 1) + lifefraction * dqeFluxSlope * ( photoElectrons - dqeKneeFlux))) dark = darkBOL + lifefraction * (darkEOL - darkBOL) average = photoElectrons + dark * exptime + CIC frame = np.zeros(average.shape) for n in range(nreads): newread = photonCounting(average, EMGain=EMGain, RN=RN, PCbias=PCbias, threshold=threshold, poisson=poisson, EMStats=EMStats, PCmode=PCmode) frame += newread if normalize: frame /= float(nreads) if PCcorrect: frame *= np.exp(RN * threshold / EMGain) frame = -np.log(1. - frame) frame /= exptime else: if PCcorrect: frame *= np.exp(RN * threshold / EMGain) frame = -np.log(1. - frame) return frame