Source code for tools.image

    from import fits
except BaseException:
    import pyfits as fits

import numpy as np
from datetime import date
import logging
from initLogger import getLogger
log = getLogger('crispy')

''' most of this code is due to Tim Brandt '''

[docs]class Image: """ Image is the basic class for images, self.ivar, and self.header should be numpy ndarrays, which can be read from and written to a fits file with the load and write methods. If not ndarrays, they should be None. Image may be initialized with the name of the raw file to read, through a call to Image.load(). """ def __init__(self, filename='', data=None, ivar=None, header=None, extraheader=None): = data self.ivar = ivar if header is None: self.header = fits.PrimaryHDU().header else: self.header = header self.filename = filename self.extraheader = extraheader if data is None and filename != '': self.load(filename)
[docs] def load(self, filename, loadbadpixmap=False): """ Image.load(outfilename) Read the first HDU with data from filename into, and HDU[0].header into self.header. If there is more than one HDU with data, attempt to read the second HDU with data into self.ivar. """ try: self.filename = filename hdulist =, ignore_missing_end=True) self.header = hdulist[0].header if hdulist[0].data is not None: i_data = 0 else: i_data = 1 = hdulist[i_data].data"Read data from HDU " + str(i_data) + " of " + filename) if len(hdulist) > i_data + 1: self.ivar = hdulist[i_data + 1].data if self.ivar.shape != log.error("Error: data (HDU " + str(i_data) + ") and inverse variance (HDU " + str(i_data + 1) + ") have different shapes in file " + filename) self.ivar = None else:"Read inverse variance from HDU " + str(i_data + 1) + " of " + filename) # elif loadbadpixmap: # self.ivar ='calibrations/mask.fits')[0].data else: self.ivar = None except BaseException: log.error("Unable to read data and header from " + filename) = None self.header = None self.ivar = None
[docs] def write(self, filename, clobber=True): """ Image.write(outfilename, clobber=True) Creates a primary HDU using and self.header, and attempts to write to outfilename. If self.ivar is not None, append self.ivar as a second HDU before writing to a file. clobber is provided as a keyword to fits.HDUList.writeto. """ hdr = fits.PrimaryHDU().header today = yyyymmdd = '%d%02d%02d' % (today[0], today[1], today[2]) hdr['date'] = (yyyymmdd, 'File creation date (yyyymmdd)') for i, key in enumerate(self.header): hdr.append( (key, self.header[i], self.header.comments[i]), end=True) out = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(None, hdr)) out.append(fits.PrimaryHDU( if self.ivar is not None: out.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(self.ivar.astype(np.float32))) if self.extraheader is not None: try: out.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(None, self.extraheader)) except BaseException: log.warn("Extra header in image class must be a FITS header.") try: out.writeto(filename, clobber=clobber)"Writing data to " + filename) except BaseException: log.error("Unable to write FITS file " + filename)