Source code for tools.inputScene

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as c
import astropy.analytic_functions as af
    from import fits
except BaseException:
    import pyfits as fits
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

[docs]def adjust_krist_header(cube, lamc, pixsize=None): ''' Force a different central wavelength, assuming that everything is wavelength-independent Parameters ---------- cube: 3D float array Input cube from J. Krist lamc: float Central wavelength to override in nm pixsize: float Pixel scale at central wavelength to override (in lambda/D) ''' oldlam = cube.header['LAM_C'] cube.header['LAM_C'] = lamc / 1000. cube.header['LAM_MIN'] *= lamc / 1000. / oldlam cube.header['LAM_MAX'] *= lamc / 1000. / oldlam if pixsize is not None: cube.header['PIXSIZE'] = pixsize
[docs]def convert_krist_cube(cubeshape, lamlist, star_T, star_Vmag, tel_area): ''' Function convert_krist_cube This function calculates the number of photons per second entering the WFIRST obscured aperture, given the star `Vmag` and its temperature for each slice of the input cube This was only tested with John Krist's cubes and his normalization. Parameters ---------- cubeshape: tuple Indicates the shape of the cube that needs to be multiplied lamlist: 1D array Wavelength array in nm corresponding to the cube slices star_T: float Stellar temperature in K star_Vmag: float Stellar magnitude in V band tel_area: units.m**2 Area of telescope in units of units.m**2 Returns ------- newcube: 3D array Cube that multiplies an input normalized cube from John Krist to turn it into units of photons/s/nm/pixel. Each slice from the product cube subsequently needs to be multiplied by the bandwidth of each slice to determine the photons/s/pixel incident on the telescope ''' # We need to determine the coefficient of proportionality between a blackbody source and the # actualy flux received (depends on size of the star, distance, etc) # define Vband lambda_cent = 550 * u.nanometer # this is the flux density per steradian (specific intensity) you would # expect from Vband flux_bb_F550 = af.blackbody_lambda( lambda_cent, star_T).to( u.Watt / u.m**2 / / # this is the actual flux density received in Vband Vband_zero_pt = (3636 * u.Jansky).to(u.Watt / u.m**2 / u.Hertz) Vband_zero_pt *= (c.c / lambda_cent**2) flux_star_Vband = Vband_zero_pt * 10**(-0.4 * star_Vmag) # the ratio is coefficient we seek; this will multiply a blackbody function to yield flux densities # at all wavelengths ratio_star = (flux_star_Vband / flux_bb_F550) # this is the ratio which we want to multiply phot_Uma_Vband for the other bands #print("Ratio of blackbodies is %f" % ratio_Uma) # Now convert each slice to photons per second per square meter dlam = lamlist[1] - lamlist[0] newcube = np.zeros(cubeshape) * u.photon / u.s / u.m**2 / u.nm for i in range(len(lamlist)): E_ph = ( c.h * c.c / lamlist[i] / u.photon).to( u.J / u.photon) # photon energy at middle frequency BBlam = af.blackbody_lambda( lamlist[i], star_T).to( u.Watt / u.m**2 / u.nm / flux = ( BBlam * ratio_star).to( u.W / u.m**2 / u.nm) # this is Watts per m2 per nm photon_flux = flux / E_ph # This is in Photons per second per m2 per nm # add value to entire cube since we will multiply Krist's cube newcube[i, :, :] += / u.s / u.m**2 / u.nm) # multiply by the number of wavelengths since this is the way J. Krist # normalizes his cubes newcube *= tel_area * len(lamlist) # note that this is still per unit nanometer of bandwidth, so it still # needs to be multipled by dlam in the IFS. return newcube
[docs]def haystacks_to_photons(haystacks_hdu): ''' Function haystacks_to_photons This function converts a Haystacks hdu in Jy/pixels to photons/s/nm/m^2/pixel and returns a full cube Parameters ---------- cube: haystacks_hdu Haystacks HDU Returns ------- hc: ndarray Converted cube in ph/s/um/m2 lamlist: wavelength array ''' # last extension is the list of wavelengths NEXT = haystacks_hdu[0].header['N_EXT'] lamlist = haystacks_hdu[NEXT + 1].data * lamcube = c.c / lamlist[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]**2 # allocate memory hc = np.zeros( (NEXT, haystacks_hdu[1].data.shape[0], haystacks_hdu[1].data.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) * u.Jy for i in range(NEXT): hc[i] = haystacks_hdu[i + 1].data * u.Jy # convert cube hc = / u.m**2 / u.Hertz) hc *= lamcube hc = / u.m**2 / # photon energy Eph = (c.h * c.c / lamlist[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] / u.photon).to(u.J / u.photon) # convert to photon return (hc / Eph).to(u.photon / u.s / u.m**2 / u.nm), lamlist
[docs]def Jy_to_photons(cube_Jy, wavlist): ''' Parameters ---------- cube_Jy: 3D datacube in Jy wavlist: 1D array with wavelengths in microns Returns ------- hc: 3D haystacks cube in photons/m2/um/s ''' if isinstance(wavlist, u.Quantity): lamlist = else: lamlist = wavlist * lamcube = c.c / lamlist[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]**2 hc = cube_Jy * u.Jansky hc = / u.m**2 / u.Hertz) hc *= lamcube hc = / u.m**2 / # photon energy Eph = (c.h * c.c / lamlist[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] / u.photon).to(u.J / u.photon) hc = (hc / Eph).to(u.photon / u.s / u.m**2 / return hc
[docs]def zodi_cube( krist_cube, area_per_pixel, absmag, Vstarmag, zodi_surfmag, exozodi_surfmag, distAU, t_zodi): ''' (obsolete) ''' cube = krist_cube.copy() # *cube.shape[1]*cube.shape[2] # now we consider the cube as a real spectral datacube instead of a multiplication cube cube /= cube.shape[0] # each pixel now represents the number of photons per pixel per slice if # it was uniform across the field Msun = 4.83 # where area_per_pixel has to be in square arcsec zodicube = cube * t_zodi * area_per_pixel * \ 10**(-0.4 * (zodi_surfmag - Vstarmag)) # where area_per_pixel has to be in square arcsec exozodicube = cube * t_zodi * area_per_pixel * \ 10**(-0.4 * (exozodi_surfmag + absmag - Msun - Vstarmag)) / distAU**2 return zodicube + exozodicube
[docs]def calc_contrast_Bijan(wavelist, # default values are for 47 Uma c albedo=0.28, # in the continuum; use albedo=0 to use native albedo files from Cahoy et al radius=1.27, # in Jupiter radius dist=3.6, # in AU - note that it is different from the distance keyword below because there simply isn't a Cahoy spectrum for 3.6AU # this is just to load some spectrum planet_type='Jupiter', abundance=1, distance=5, phase=90, folder='/Users/mrizzo/Science/Haystacks/Cahoy_Spectra/albedo_spectra/'): ''' Function calc_contrast_Bijan (obsolete) ''' if folder is None: vals = np.ones(len(wavelist)) else: filename = folder + planet_type + '_' + \ str(abundance) + 'x_' + str(distance) + 'AU_' + str(phase) + 'deg.dat' spectrum = np.loadtxt(filename) spec_func = interp1d(spectrum[:, 0] * 1000., spectrum[:, 1]) vals = spec_func(wavelist) if albedo != 0: vals /= np.amax(vals) if albedo != 0: vals *= albedo vals *= (radius * / (dist * u.AU).to(u.m))**2 return vals
[docs]def calc_contrast(wavelist, distance, radius, filename, albedo=None): ''' Function calcContrast Returns the flux ratio Fplanet/Fstar at given wavelengths. Parameters ---------- wavelist : 1D array, list Array of wavelengths in nm at which the contrast is computed. distance : float Distance in AU between the planet and the star radius: float Radius of planet in units of Jupiter radii filename: string Two-column file with first column as the wavelength in microns, second column is the geometrical albedo albedo: float If None, then the albedo is given by the contents of the text file. If not None, the geometrical albedo given in the text file is normalized to have its maximum within the wavelist range to be albedo. Returns ------- vals : 1D array Array of flux ratio at the desired wavelengths. ''' spectrum = np.loadtxt(filename) spec_func = interp1d(spectrum[:, 0] * 1000., spectrum[:, 1]) vals = spec_func(wavelist) if albedo is not None: vals /= np.amax(vals) vals *= albedo vals = vals * (radius * / (distance * u.AU).to(u.m))**2 return vals