Source code for tools.locate_psflets

#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np
    from import fits
except BaseException:
    import pyfits as fits
import copy
from scipy import signal, ndimage, optimize, interpolate
from image import Image
import glob
import re
import os

from initLogger import getLogger
log = getLogger('crispy')

[docs]class PSFLets: """ Helper class to deal with the PSFLets on the detector. Does most of the heavy lifting during the wavelength calibration step. """ def __init__(self, load=False, infile=None, infiledir='.'): ''' Initialize the class Parameters ---------- load: Boolean Whether to load an already-existing wavelength calibration file infile: String If load is True, this is the name of the file infiledir: String If load is True, this is the directory in which the file resides ''' self.xindx = None self.yindx = None self.lam_indx = None self.nlam = None self.nlam_max = None self.interp_arr = None self.order = None if load: self.loadpixsol(infile, infiledir)
[docs] def loadpixsol(self, infile=None, infiledir='./calibrations'): ''' Loads existing wavelength calibration file Parameters ---------- infile: String Name of the file infiledir: String Directory in which the file resides ''' if infile is None: infile = re.sub('//', '/', infiledir + '/PSFloc.fits') hdulist = try: self.lam_indx = hdulist[0].data self.xindx = hdulist[1].data self.yindx = hdulist[2].data self.nlam = hdulist[3].data.astype(int) self.good = hdulist[4].data.astype(int) except BaseException: raise RuntimeError( "File " + infile + " does not appear to contain a CHARIS wavelength solution in the appropriate format.") self.nlam_max = np.amax(self.nlam)
[docs] def savepixsol(self, outdir="calibrations/"): ''' Saves wavelength calibration file Parameters ---------- outdir: String Directory in which to put the file. The file is name PSFloc.fits and is a multi-extension FITS file, each extension corresponding to: 0. the list of wavelengths at which the calibration is done 1. a 2D ndarray with the X position of all lenslets 2. a 2D ndarray with the Y position of all lenslets 3. a 2D ndarray with the number of valid wavelengths for a given lenslet (some wavelengths fall outside of the detector area) ''' if not os.path.isdir(outdir): raise IOError( "Attempting to save pixel solution to directory " + outdir + ". Directory does not exist.") outfile = re.sub('//', '/', outdir + '/PSFloc.fits') out = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(self.lam_indx)) out.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(self.xindx)) out.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(self.yindx)) out.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(self.nlam.astype(int))) out.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(self.good.astype(int))) try: out.writeto(outfile, clobber=True) except BaseException: raise
[docs] def geninterparray(self, lam, allcoef, order=3): ''' Set up array to solve for best-fit polynomial fits to the coefficients of the wavelength solution. These will be used to smooth/interpolate the wavelength solution, and ultimately to compute its inverse. Parameters ---------- lam: float Wavelength in nm allcoef: list of lists floats Polynomial coefficients of wavelength solution order: int Order of polynomial wavelength solution Notes ----- Populates the attribute interp_arr in PSFLet class ''' self.interp_arr = np.zeros((order + 1, allcoef.shape[1])) self.order = order xarr = np.ones((lam.shape[0], order + 1)) for i in range(1, order + 1): xarr[:, i] = np.log(lam)**i for i in range(self.interp_arr.shape[1]): coef = np.linalg.lstsq(xarr, allcoef[:, i])[0] self.interp_arr[:, i] = coef
[docs] def return_locations_short(self, coef, xindx, yindx): ''' Returns the x,y detector location of a given lenslet for a given polynomial fit Parameters ---------- coef: lists floats Polynomial coefficients of fit for a single wavelength xindx: int X index of lenslet in lenslet array yindx: int Y index of lenslet in lenslet array Returns ------- interp_x: float X coordinate on the detector interp_y: float Y coordinate on the detector ''' interp_x, interp_y = transform(xindx, yindx, coeforder, coef) return interp_x, interp_y
[docs] def return_res(self, lam, allcoef, xindx, yindx, order=3, lam1=None, lam2=None): ''' Returns the spectral resolution and interpolated wavelength array Parameters ---------- lam: float Wavelength in nm allcoef: list of lists floats Polynomial coefficients of wavelength solution xindx: int X index of lenslet in lenslet array yindx: int Y index of lenslet in lenslet array order: int Order of polynomial wavelength solution lam1: float Shortest wavelength in nm lam2: float Longest wavelength in nm Returns ------- interp_lam: array Array of wavelengths R: float Effective spectral resolution ''' if lam1 is None: lam1 = np.amin(lam) / 1.04 if lam2 is None: lam2 = np.amax(lam) * 1.03 interporder = order if self.interp_arr is None: self.geninterparray(lam, allcoef, order=order) coeforder = int(np.sqrt(allcoef.shape[1])) - 1 n_spline = 100 interp_lam = np.linspace(lam1, lam2, n_spline) dy = [] dx = [] for i in range(n_spline): coef = np.zeros((coeforder + 1) * (coeforder + 2)) for k in range(1, interporder + 1): coef += k * self.interp_arr[k] * np.log(interp_lam[i])**(k - 1) _dx, _dy = transform(xindx, yindx, coeforder, coef) dx += [_dx] dy += [_dy] R = np.sqrt(np.asarray(dy)**2 + np.asarray(dx)**2) return interp_lam, R
[docs] def monochrome_coef(self, lam, alllam=None, allcoef=None, order=3): if self.interp_arr is None: if alllam is None or allcoef is None: raise ValueError( "Interpolation array has not been computed. Must call monochrome_coef with arrays.") self.geninterparray(alllam, allcoef, order=order) coef = np.zeros(self.interp_arr[0].shape) for k in range(self.order + 1): coef += self.interp_arr[k] * np.log(lam)**k return coef
[docs] def return_locations(self, lam, allcoef, xindx, yindx, order=3): ''' Calculates the detector coordinates of lenslet located at `xindx`, `yindx` for desired wavelength `lam` Parameters ---------- lam: float Wavelength in nm allcoef: list of lists floats Polynomial coefficients of wavelength solution xindx: int X index of lenslet in lenslet array yindx: int Y index of lenslet in lenslet array order: int Order of polynomial wavelength solution Returns ------- interp_x: float X coordinate on the detector interp_y: float Y coordinate on the detector ''' if len(allcoef.shape) == 1: coeforder = int(np.sqrt(allcoef.shape[0])) - 1 interp_x, interp_y = transform(xindx, yindx, coeforder, allcoef) return interp_x, interp_y if self.interp_arr is None: self.geninterparray(lam, allcoef, order=order) coeforder = int(np.sqrt(allcoef.shape[1])) - 1 if not (coeforder + 1) * (coeforder + 2) == allcoef.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "Number of coefficients incorrect for polynomial order.") coef = np.zeros((coeforder + 1) * (coeforder + 2)) for k in range(self.order + 1): coef += self.interp_arr[k] * np.log(lam)**k interp_x, interp_y = transform(xindx, yindx, coeforder, coef) return interp_x, interp_y
[docs] def genpixsol( self, par, lam, allcoef, order=3, lam1=None, lam2=None, borderpix=4): """ Calculates the wavelength at the center of each pixel within a microspectrum Parameters ---------- lam: float Wavelength in nm allcoef: list of floats List describing the polynomial coefficients that best fit the lenslets, for all wavelengths order: int Order of the polynomical fit lam1: float Lowest wavelength in nm lam2: float Highest wavelength in nm Notes ----- This functions fills in most of the fields of the PSFLet class: the array of xindx, yindx, nlam, lam_indx and nlam_max """ ################################################################### # Read in wavelengths of spots, coefficients of wavelength # solution. Obtain extrapolated limits of wavlength solution # to 4% below and 3% above limits of the coefficient file by # default. ################################################################### if lam1 is None: lam1 = np.amin(lam) * 0.98 if lam2 is None: lam2 = np.amax(lam) * 1.02 interporder = order if self.interp_arr is None: self.geninterparray(lam, allcoef, order=order) coeforder = int(np.sqrt(allcoef.shape[1])) - 1 if not (coeforder + 1) * (coeforder + 2) == allcoef.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "Number of coefficients incorrect for polynomial order.") xindx = np.arange(-par.nlens / 2, par.nlens / 2) xindx, yindx = np.meshgrid(xindx, xindx) n_spline = 100 interp_x = np.zeros(tuple([n_spline] + list(xindx.shape))) interp_y = np.zeros(interp_x.shape) interp_lam = np.linspace(lam1, lam2, n_spline) for i in range(n_spline): coef = np.zeros((coeforder + 1) * (coeforder + 2)) for k in range(interporder + 1): coef += self.interp_arr[k] * np.log(interp_lam[i])**k interp_x[i], interp_y[i] = transform(xindx, yindx, coeforder, coef) x = np.zeros(tuple(list(xindx.shape) + [1000])) y = np.zeros(x.shape) nlam = np.zeros(xindx.shape, lam_out = np.zeros(y.shape) good = np.ones(xindx.shape) # if hasattr(par, 'lenslet_mask'): # lenslet_mask = Image(par.lenslet_mask).data # else: # lenslet_mask = np.ones(xindx.shape) for ix in range(xindx.shape[0]): for iy in range(xindx.shape[1]): # pix_x = interp_x[:, ix, iy] # pix_y = interp_y[:, ix, iy] # flipping x and y axes because code interpolates in the y # direction pix_y = interp_x[:, ix, iy] pix_x = interp_y[:, ix, iy] # if ix==par.nlens/2 and iy==par.nlens/2: # print pix_y,pix_x #good[ix,iy] = lenslet_mask[iy,ix] if np.any( pix_x < borderpix) or np.any( pix_x > par.npix - borderpix) or np.any( pix_y < borderpix) or np.any( pix_y > par.npix - borderpix): good[ix, iy] = 0 continue if pix_y[-1] < pix_y[0]: try: tck_y = interpolate.splrep( pix_y[::-1], interp_lam[::-1], k=1, s=0) except BaseException: good[ix, iy] = 0 raise else: tck_y = interpolate.splrep(pix_y, interp_lam, k=1, s=0) y1, y2 = [int(np.amin(pix_y)) + 1, int(np.amax(pix_y))] tck_x = interpolate.splrep(interp_lam, pix_x, k=1, s=0) nlam[ix, iy] = y2 - y1 + 1 y[ix, iy, :nlam[ix, iy]] = np.arange(y1, y2 + 1) lam_out[ix, iy, :nlam[ix, iy]] = interpolate.splev( y[ix, iy, :nlam[ix, iy]], tck_y) x[ix, iy, :nlam[ix, iy]] = interpolate.splev( lam_out[ix, iy, :nlam[ix, iy]], tck_x) for nlam_max in range(x.shape[-1]): # if np.all(y[:, :, nlam_max] == 0): if np.all(y[:, :, nlam_max] == 0): break # self.xindx = x[:, :, :nlam_max] # self.yindx = y[:, :, :nlam_max] self.xindx = y[:, :, :nlam_max] self.yindx = x[:, :, :nlam_max] self.nlam = nlam self.lam_indx = lam_out[:, :, :nlam_max] self.nlam_max = np.amax(nlam) self.good = good
[docs]def initcoef(order, scale=15.02, phi=np.arctan2(1.926, -1), x0=0, y0=0): """ Create a set of coefficients including a rotation matrix plus zeros. Parameters ---------- order: int The polynomial order of the grid distortion scale: float The linear separation in pixels of the PSFlets. Default 13.88. phi: float The pitch angle of the lenslets. Default atan(2) x0: float x offset to apply to the central pixel. Default 0 y0: float y offset to apply to the central pixel. Default 0 Returns ------- coef: list of floats A list of length (order+1)*(order+2) to be optimized. Notes ----- The list of coefficients has space for a polynomial fit of the input order (i.e., for order 3, up to terms like x**3 and x**2*y, but not x**3*y). It is all zeros in the output apart from the rotation matrix given by scale and phi. """ try: if not order == int(order): raise ValueError("Polynomial order must be integer") else: if order < 1 or order > 5: raise ValueError("Polynomial order must be >0, <=5") except BaseException: raise ValueError("Polynomial order must be integer") n = (order + 1) * (order + 2) coef = np.zeros((n)) coef[0] = x0 coef[1] = scale * np.cos(phi) coef[order + 1] = -scale * np.sin(phi) coef[n // 2] = y0 coef[n // 2 + 1] = scale * np.sin(phi) coef[n // 2 + order + 1] = scale * np.cos(phi) return list(coef)
[docs]def transform(x, y, order, coef): """ Apply the coefficients given to transform the coordinates using a polynomial. Parameters ---------- x: ndarray Rectilinear grid y: ndarray of floats Rectilinear grid order: int Order of the polynomial fit coef: list of floats List of the coefficients. Must match the length required by order = (order+1)*(order+2) Returns ------- _x: ndarray Transformed coordinates _y: ndarray Transformed coordinates """ try: if not len(coef) == (order + 1) * (order + 2): raise ValueError( "Number of coefficients incorrect for polynomial order.") except BaseException: raise AttributeError("order must be integer, coef should be a list.") try: if not order == int(order): raise ValueError("Polynomial order must be integer") else: if order < 1 or order > 5: raise ValueError("Polynomial order must be >0, <=5") except BaseException: raise ValueError("Polynomial order must be integer") _x = np.zeros(np.asarray(x).shape) _y = np.zeros(np.asarray(y).shape) i = 0 for ix in range(order + 1): for iy in range(order - ix + 1): _x += coef[i] * x**ix * y**iy i += 1 for ix in range(order + 1): for iy in range(order - ix + 1): _y += coef[i] * x**ix * y**iy i += 1 return [_x, _y]
[docs]def corrval(coef, x, y, filtered, order, trimfrac=0.1): """ Return the negative of the sum of the middle XX% of the PSFlet spot fluxes (disregarding those with the most and the least flux to limit the impact of outliers). Analogous to the trimmed mean. Parameters ---------- coef: list of floats coefficients for polynomial transformation x: ndarray coordinates of lenslets y: ndarray coordinates of lenslets filtered: ndarray image convolved with gaussian PSFlet order: int order of the polynomial fit trimfrac: float fraction of outliers (high & low combined) to trim Default 0.1 (5% trimmed on the high end, 5% on the low end) Returns ------- score: float Negative sum of PSFlet fluxes, to be minimized """ ################################################################# # Use np.nan for lenslet coordinates outside the FOV, # discard these from the calculation before trimming. ################################################################# _x, _y = transform(x, y, order, coef) vals = ndimage.map_coordinates(filtered, [_y, _x], mode='constant', cval=np.nan, prefilter=False) vals_ok = vals[np.where(np.isfinite(vals))] iclip = int(vals_ok.shape[0] * trimfrac / 2) vals_sorted = np.sort(vals_ok) score = -1 * np.sum(vals_sorted[iclip:-iclip]) return score
[docs]def locatePSFlets(inImage, mask, polyorder=2, sig=0.7, coef=None, trimfrac=0.1, phi=np.arctan2(1.926, -1), scale=15.02, nlens=108): """ function locatePSFlets takes an Image class, assumed to be a monochromatic grid of spots with read noise and shot noise, and returns the esimated positions of the spot centroids. This is designed to constrain the domain of the PSF-let fitting later in the pipeline. Parameters ---------- imImage: Image class Assumed to be a monochromatic grid of spots polyorder: float order of the polynomial coordinate transformation. Default 2. sig: float standard deviation of convolving Gaussian used for estimating the grid of centroids. Should be close to the true value for the PSF-let spots. Default 0.7. coef: list initial guess of the coefficients of polynomial coordinate transformation trimfrac: float fraction of lenslet outliers (high & low combined) to trim in the minimization. Default 0.1 (5% trimmed on the high end, 5% on the low end) Returns ------- x: 2D ndarray Estimated spot centroids in x. y: 2D ndarray Estimated spot centroids in y. good:2D boolean ndarray True for lenslets with spots inside the detector footprint coef: list of floats List of best-fit polynomial coefficients Notes ----- the coefficients, if not supplied, are initially set to the known pitch angle and scale. A loop then does a quick check to find reasonable offsets in x and y. With all of the first-order polynomial coefficients set, the optimizer refines these and the higher-order coefficients. This routine seems to be relatively robust down to per-lenslet signal-to-noise ratios of order unity (or even a little less). """ ############################################################# # Convolve with a Gaussian, centroid the filtered image. ############################################################# x = np.arange(-1 * int(3 * sig + 1), int(3 * sig + 1) + 1) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, x) gaussian = np.exp(-(x**2 + y**2) / (2 * sig**2)) if inImage.ivar is None: unfiltered = signal.convolve2d(, gaussian, mode='same') else: unfiltered = signal.convolve2d( * inImage.ivar, gaussian, mode='same') unfiltered /= signal.convolve2d(inImage.ivar, gaussian, mode='same') + 1e-10 filtered = ndimage.interpolation.spline_filter(unfiltered) ############################################################# # x, y: Grid of lenslet IDs, Lenslet (0, 0) is the center. ############################################################# #gridfrac = 10 ydim, xdim = #x = np.arange(-(ydim//gridfrac), ydim//gridfrac + 1) x = np.arange(-nlens // 2, nlens // 2 + 1) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, x) ############################################################# # Set up polynomial coefficients, convert from lenslet # coordinates to coordinates on the detector array. # Then optimize the coefficients. # We want to start with a decent guess, so we use a grid of # offsets. Seems to be robust down to SNR/PSFlet ~ 1 # Create slice indices for subimages to perform the intial # fits on. The new dimensionality in both x and y is 2*subsize ############################################################# if coef is None:"Initializing PSFlet location transformation coefficients") bestval = 0 subshape = xdim // 3 _s = x.shape[0] // 3 subfiltered = ndimage.interpolation.spline_filter( unfiltered[subshape:-subshape, subshape:-subshape]) for ix in np.arange(0, 14, 0.5): for iy in np.arange(0, 25, 0.5): coef = initcoef( polyorder, x0=ix + xdim / 2. - subshape, y0=iy + ydim / 2. - subshape, scale=scale, phi=phi) newval = corrval(coef, x[_s:-_s, _s:-_s], y[_s:-_s, _s:-_s], subfiltered, polyorder, trimfrac) if newval < bestval: bestval = newval coefbest = copy.deepcopy(coef) coef_opt = coefbest "Performing initial optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame " + inImage.filename) res = optimize.minimize(corrval, coef_opt, args=( x[_s:-_s, _s:-_s], y[_s:-_s, _s:-_s], subfiltered, polyorder, trimfrac), method='Powell') coef_opt = res.x coef_opt[0] += subshape coef_opt[(polyorder + 1) * (polyorder + 2) // 2] += subshape ############################################################# # If we have coefficients from last time, we assume that we # are now at a slightly higher wavelength, so try out offsets # that are slightly to the right to get a good initial guess. ############################################################# else:"Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values") bestval = 0 coefsave = list(coef[:]) for ix in np.arange(-3, 3.1, 0.2): for iy in np.arange(-3, 3.1, 0.2): coef = coefsave[:] coef[0] += ix coef[(polyorder + 1) * (polyorder + 2) // 2] += iy newval = corrval(coef, x, y, filtered, polyorder, trimfrac) if newval < bestval: bestval = newval coefbest = copy.deepcopy(coef) coef_opt = coefbest "Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame " + inImage.filename) res = optimize.minimize( corrval, coef_opt, args=( x, y, filtered, polyorder, trimfrac), method='Powell') coef_opt = res.x if not res.success: "Optimizing PSFlet location transformation coefficients may have failed for frame " + inImage.filename) _x, _y = transform(x, y, polyorder, coef_opt) ############################################################# # Boolean: do the lenslet PSFlets lie within the detector? ############################################################# good = (_x > 5) * (_x < xdim - 5) * (_y > 5) * (_y < ydim - 5) return [_x, _y, good, coef_opt]