Source code for tools.postprocessing

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as c
from import convert_krist_cube, calc_contrast, calc_contrast_Bijan, zodi_cube, adjust_krist_header
import glob
from crispy.IFS import reduceIFSMap, polychromeIFS
from initLogger import getLogger
log = getLogger('crispy')
from import Image
    from import fits
except BaseException:
    import pyfits as fits
from time import time
import os
from import averageDetectorReadout, averageDetectorReadoutParallel, readDetector, calculateDark
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import multiprocessing
from import Task, Consumer
import seaborn as sns
from import calc_contrast
from import calculateWaveList
from import bowtie, scale2imgs, circularMask
from import shiftCube
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import scipy

[docs]def process_SPC_IFS(par, psf_time_series_folder, offaxis_psf_filename, planet_radius=1.27 * c.R_jup, planet_AU=3.6, planet_dist_pc=14.1, ref_star_T=9377 * u.K, ref_star_Vmag=2.37, target_star_T=5887 * u.K, target_star_Vmag=5.03, lamc=770., BW=0.18, n_ref_star_imgs=30, tel_pupil_area=3.650265060424805 * u.m**2, IWA=3, OWA=9, xshift=0.0, yshift=0.0, # need to tie this to planet distance pp_fact=0.05, t_zodi=0.09, useQE=True, subtract_ref_psf=True, outdir_time_series='OS5', outdir_detector='OS5/OS5_detector', outdir_average='OS5/OS5_average', process_cubes=True, process_offaxis=True, process_detector=True, process_noiseless=False, take_averages=True, parallel=True): ''' Process SPC PSF cubes from J. Krist through the IFS Parameters ---------- par: Params instance Contains all the parameters of the IFS psf_time_series_folder: string Where the files from Krist are located offaxis_psf_filename: string Where the off-axis PSF is located mean_contrast: float Mean contrast of the planet spectrum ref_star_T: `u.K` float Reference star temperature, float multiplied by astropy.units.K ref_star_Vmag: float Vmag of the reference star target_star_T: `u.K` float Target star temperature, float multiplied by astropy.units.K target_star_T_star_Vmag: float Vmag of the target star lamc: float Band's central wavelength in nm BW: float Bandwidth n_ref_star_imgs: int Number of reference star images in the list tel_pupil_area: `u.m**2` float Effective surface area of telescope, including all geometric losses. Float multiplied by astropy.units.m**2 IWA: float Inner working angle defined at par.lenslet_wav OWA: float Outer working angle defined at par.lenslet_wav pp_fact: float Post-processing factor - multiplies the target star PSF t_zodi = float Zodi transmission outdir_time_series: string Where to store the noiseless IFS detector images outdir_detector: string Where to store the noisy IFS detector images outdir_average: string Where to store the averages of the time series process_cubes: Boolean Whether to process the raw images from Krist, or skip this step if it was already done process_offaxis: Boolean Whether to process the offaxis images and add it to the images process_detector: Boolean Whether to add detector QE, IFS losses and noise to the IFS images process_noiseless: Boolean Whether to add detector QE, IFS losses but no detector noise to the IFS images take_averages: Boolean Whether to average all IFS detector images in the time series to create averages Returns ------- signal: ndarray Array with the matched-filtered flux at each of the final cube's wavelengths; The background is already subtracted noise: ndarray Noise estimate using the pixel-to-pixel variance within the dark hole, multiplied by the number of effective pixels within the matched filter (sum of matched filter cube) ''' times = {'Start': time()} ########################################################################## # Step 1: Convert all the cubes to photons/seconds ########################################################################## # load the filenames filelist = sorted(glob.glob(psf_time_series_folder + '/*')) # load first filelist to get its shape kristfile = Image(filename=filelist[0]) fileshape = adjust_krist_header(kristfile, lamc=lamc) Nlam = fileshape[0] lamlist = lamc * np.linspace(1. - BW / 2., 1. + BW / 2., Nlam) * u.nm # reference and target star cube conversions ref_star_cube = convert_krist_cube( fileshape, lamlist, ref_star_T, ref_star_Vmag, tel_pupil_area) target_star_cube = convert_krist_cube( fileshape, lamlist, target_star_T, target_star_Vmag, tel_pupil_area) ########################################################################## # Step 2: Process all the cubes and directly apply detector ########################################################################## ref_outlist = [] target_outlist = [] # Parallelized propagation if parallel: if process_cubes: tasks = multiprocessing.Queue() results = multiprocessing.Queue() ncpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() consumers = [Consumer(tasks, results) for i in range(ncpus)] for w in consumers: w.start() # you call the function here, with all its arguments in a list for i in range(len(filelist)): reffile = filelist[i]'Processing file ' + reffile.split('/')[-1]) cube =[0] if i < n_ref_star_imgs: *= ref_star_cube else: *= target_star_cube # adjust headers for slightly different wavelength log.debug('Modifying cube header') adjust_krist_header(cube, lamc=lamc) par.saveDetector = False tasks.put(Task(i, polychromeIFS, (par, lamlist.value, cube))) for i in range(ncpus): tasks.put(None) for i in range(len(filelist)): index, result = results.get() reffile = filelist[index] if index < n_ref_star_imgs: Image(data=result, header=par.hdr).write(outdir_time_series + '/' + \ reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_refstar_IFS.fits', clobber=True) ref_outlist.append( outdir_time_series + '/' + reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_refstar_IFS.fits') else: Image(data=result, header=par.hdr).write(outdir_time_series + '/' + \ reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_targetstar_IFS.fits', clobber=True) target_outlist.append( outdir_time_series + '/' + reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_targetstar_IFS.fits') else: for i in range(len(filelist)): reffile = filelist[i] if i < n_ref_star_imgs: ref_outlist.append( outdir_time_series + '/' + reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_refstar_IFS.fits') else: target_outlist.append( outdir_time_series + '/' + reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_targetstar_IFS.fits') else: for i in range(len(filelist)): reffile = filelist[i] if process_cubes:'Processing file ' + reffile.split('/')[-1]) cube =[0] if i < n_ref_star_imgs: *= ref_star_cube else: *= target_star_cube # adjust headers for slightly different wavelength log.debug('Modifying cube header') adjust_krist_header(cube, lamc=lamc) par.saveDetector = False detectorFrame = polychromeIFS( par, lamlist.value, cube, QE=useQE) if i < n_ref_star_imgs: Image(data=detectorFrame, header=par.hdr).write(outdir_time_series + '/' + \ reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_refstar_IFS.fits', clobber=True) ref_outlist.append( outdir_time_series + '/' + reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_refstar_IFS.fits') else: Image(data=detectorFrame, header=par.hdr).write(outdir_time_series + '/' + \ reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_targetstar_IFS.fits', clobber=True) target_outlist.append( outdir_time_series + '/' + reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_targetstar_IFS.fits') else: if i < n_ref_star_imgs: ref_outlist.append( outdir_time_series + '/' + reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_refstar_IFS.fits') else: target_outlist.append( outdir_time_series + '/' + reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_targetstar_IFS.fits') times['Process cubes through IFS'] = time() ########################################################################## # Step 3: Process the off-axis PSF in the same way; also process a flipped version ########################################################################## # first recenter the offaxis psf cube # recenter_offaxis(offaxis_psf_filename,threshold=0.01,outname=par.exportDir+'/centered_offaxis.fits') # # now shift the cube to put it at the desired lambda/D # input_sampling = kristfile.header['PIXSIZE'] # input_wav = kristfile.header['LAM_C']*1000. # par.pixperlenslet = par.lenslet_sampling/(input_sampling * input_wav/par.lenslet_wav) # par.hdr['DX_OFFAX']=xshift*par.pixperlenslet # par.hdr['DY_OFFAX']=yshift*par.pixperlenslet # # shifted_cube = shiftCube(cube,dx=sep*kristfile.header['PIXSIZE'],dy=0,order=1) if process_offaxis: offaxiscube = Image(offaxis_psf_filename) print('Processing file ' + offaxis_psf_filename) # Need to re-center the off-axis psf if it is not the right size if[1] < fileshape[1]: diff = fileshape[1] -[1] offaxiscube_recentered = np.zeros(fileshape) offaxiscube_recentered[:, diff // 2:-diff // 2, diff // 2:-diff // 2] += offaxiscube = Image( data=offaxiscube_recentered, header=offaxiscube.header) offaxis_star_cube = convert_krist_cube(, lamlist, target_star_T, target_star_Vmag, tel_pupil_area) contrast = calc_contrast_Bijan(lamlist.value) contrast_cube = np.zeros( for i in range([0]): contrast_cube[i, :, :] += contrast[i] *= offaxis_star_cube * contrast_cube # adjust headers for slightly different wavelength log.debug('Modifying cube header') adjust_krist_header(offaxiscube, lamc=lamc) par.saveDetector = False Image(, header=offaxiscube.header).write( outdir_average + '/offaxiscube_processed.fits', clobber=True) detectorFrame = polychromeIFS( par, lamlist.value, offaxiscube, QE=useQE) Image( data=detectorFrame, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/offaxis.fits', clobber=True) offaxiscube_flipped =[0] # Need to re-center the off-axis psf if it is not the right size if[1] < fileshape[1]: diff = fileshape[1] -[1] offaxiscube_recentered = np.zeros(fileshape) offaxiscube_recentered[:, diff // 2:-diff // 2, diff // 2:-diff // 2] += offaxiscube_flipped = Image( data=offaxiscube_recentered, header=offaxiscube.header) for i in range([0]):[i, :, :] = np.fliplr([i, :, :]) *= offaxis_star_cube * contrast_cube detectorFrame = polychromeIFS( par, lamlist.value, offaxiscube_flipped, QE=useQE) Image( data=detectorFrame, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/offaxis_flipped.fits', clobber=True) ########################################################################## # Add the zodi and exozodi, uniform for now as opposed to decreasing # as a function of separation from the star; over the full FOV instead of just the bowtie ########################################################################## local_zodi_mag = 23 exozodi_mag = 22 D = 2.37 pixarea = kristfile.header['PIXSIZE'] * lamc * 1e-9 / D / 4.848e-6 absmag = target_star_Vmag - 5 * np.log10(planet_dist_pc / 10.) zodicube = zodi_cube(target_star_cube, area_per_pixel=pixarea, absmag=absmag, Vstarmag=target_star_Vmag, zodi_surfmag=23, exozodi_surfmag=22, distAU=planet_AU, t_zodi=t_zodi) zodicube = Image(data=zodicube, header=kristfile.header) detectorFrame = polychromeIFS(par, lamlist.value, zodicube, QE=useQE) times['Cube conversion'] = time() Image( data=detectorFrame, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/zodicube.fits', clobber=True) times['Process off-axis PSF through IFS'] = time() ########################################################################## # Step 4: Add the off-axis PSF before reading on the detector ########################################################################## if process_detector: # Apply detector for both reference star and target ref_det_outlist = averageDetectorReadout( par, ref_outlist, outdir_detector) offaxis_filename = os.path.abspath(outdir_average + '/offaxis.fits') zodi_filename = os.path.abspath(outdir_average + '/zodicube.fits') target_det_outlist = averageDetectorReadout( par, target_outlist, outdir_detector, offaxis=offaxis_filename, factor=pp_fact, zodi=zodi_filename) else: ref_det_outlist = [] target_det_outlist = [] suffix = 'detector' for reffile in ref_outlist: ref_det_outlist.append( outdir_detector + '/' + reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_' + suffix + '.fits') for reffile in target_outlist: target_det_outlist.append( outdir_detector + '/' + reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_' + suffix + '.fits') times['Construct IFS detector'] = time() par.hdr.append(('comment', ''), end=True) par.hdr.append(('comment', '*' * 60), end=True) par.hdr.append(('comment', '*' * 22 + ' Scene ' + '*' * 20), end=True) par.hdr.append(('comment', '*' * 60), end=True) par.hdr.append(('comment', ''), end=True) try: par.hdr.append(('TZODI', t_zodi, 'Zodi throughput'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('ABSMAG', absmag, 'Target star absolute magnitude'), end=True) except BaseException: pass par.hdr.append(('comment', ''), end=True) par.hdr.append(('comment', '*' * 60), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('comment', '*' * 22 + ' Postprocessing ' + '*' * 20), end=True) par.hdr.append(('comment', '*' * 60), end=True) par.hdr.append(('comment', ''), end=True) par.hdr.append(('PPFACT', pp_fact, 'Post-processing factor'), end=True) ########################################################################## # Take averages ########################################################################## if take_averages:'Taking averages') ref_star_average = np.zeros( Image(filename=ref_det_outlist[0]).data.shape) target_star_average = np.zeros( Image(filename=target_det_outlist[0]).data.shape) for reffile in ref_det_outlist: ref_star_average += Image(filename=reffile).data #ref_star_average /= len(ref_det_outlist) for reffile in target_det_outlist: target_star_average += Image(filename=reffile).data Image( data=ref_star_average, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/average_ref_star_detector.fits', clobber=True) Image( data=target_star_average, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/average_target_star_detector.fits', clobber=True) par.hdr.append( ('NIMGS', len(target_det_outlist), 'Number of time series steps'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('TOTTIME', len(target_det_outlist) * par.timeframe, 'Total integration time on source'), end=True) times['Taking averages'] = time() ########################################################################## # Process the cubes ########################################################################## img = Image( filename=os.path.abspath( outdir_average + '/average_ref_star_detector.fits')) ref_cube = reduceIFSMap( par, os.path.abspath( outdir_average + '/average_ref_star_detector.fits')) target_cube = reduceIFSMap( par, os.path.abspath( outdir_average + '/average_target_star_detector.fits')) offaxis_ideal = reduceIFSMap( par, os.path.abspath( outdir_average + '/offaxis.fits')) offaxis_ideal_flipped = reduceIFSMap( par, os.path.abspath( outdir_average + '/offaxis_flipped.fits')) ########################################################################## # Construct a bowtie mask ########################################################################## ydim, xdim = target_cube[0].shape mask, scratch = bowtie(target_cube[0], ydim // 2, xdim // 2, openingAngle=65, clocking=- par.philens * 180. / np.pi, IWApix=IWA * lamc / par.lenslet_wav / par.lenslet_sampling, OWApix=OWA * lamc / par.lenslet_wav / par.lenslet_sampling, export=None, twomasks=False) times['Process average cubes'] = time() ########################################################################## # Least-squares slice-by-slice subtraction ########################################################################## if subtract_ref_psf: # ref_cube_stack = np.sum(,axis=0) # target_cube_stack = np.sum(,axis=0) # ratio = np.sum(target_star_cube[:,0,0]) / np.sum(ref_star_cube[:,0,0]) # residual = - ratio* # residual[np.isnan(] = np.NaN # residual[(residual>1e10)*(residual<-1e10)] = np.NaN # NEED TO subtract the mean of the cube slice by slice before the lstsq # step # residual is target_cube-coefs*ref_cube coefs, residual = scale2imgs( target_cube, ref_cube, mask=mask, returndiff=True) par.hdr.append( ('comment', 'Subtracted scaled mean of reference star PSF'), end=True) else: residual = Image( data=residual, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/residual.fits', clobber=True) Image(data=np.sum(residual, axis=0), header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/residual_stack.fits', clobber=True) times['Normalize and subtract reference PSF'] = time() ########################################################################## # Flatfielding, to account for small errors in wavelength calibration ########################################################################## flatfield = Image(par.exportDir + '/flatfield_red_optext.fits') residual[~np.isnan(residual)] /=[~np.isnan(residual)] residual[np.logical_or((residual > 1e10), (residual < -1e10))] = np.NaN par.hdr.append(('comment', 'Divided by lenslet flatfield'), end=True) Image( data=residual, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/residual_flatfielded.fits', clobber=True) Image( data=np.sum( residual, axis=0), header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/residual_flatfielded_stack.fits', clobber=True) ########################################################################## # Construct a matched filter ########################################################################## # # # loop over all the slices in the cube: # matched_filter = np.zeros(residual.shape) # matched_filter_flipped = np.zeros(residual.shape) # signal = np.zeros(residual.shape[0]) # on source # off = np.zeros(residual.shape[0]) # off source # mf_npix = np.zeros(residual.shape[0]) # effective background area of matched filter # noise = np.zeros(residual.shape[0]) # noise # for slicenum in range(residual.shape[0]): # # ON # offaxis_ideal_norm =[slicenum]/np.nansum([slicenum]) # this_slice = offaxis_ideal_norm/np.nansum((offaxis_ideal_norm)**2) # # calculate correction factor since we are going to crop only the top the of the hat # # this is the inverse ratio of the contribution of the brightest pixels over the rest # aper_phot = np.nansum(this_slice)/np.nansum(this_slice[this_slice>1.0]) # # Set all low-contributing pixels to 0.0 # this_slice[this_slice<1.0] = 0.0 # matched_filter[slicenum,:,:] = this_slice # # Multiply what is left by that aperture correction factor # matched_filter[slicenum,:,:]*=aper_phot # signal[slicenum] = np.nansum(matched_filter[slicenum,:,:]*residual[slicenum,:,:]) # # OFF # offaxis_ideal_flipped_norm =[slicenum]/np.nansum([slicenum]) # this_slice = offaxis_ideal_flipped_norm/np.nansum((offaxis_ideal_flipped_norm)**2) # aper_phot = np.nansum(this_slice)/np.nansum(this_slice[this_slice>1.0]) # this_slice[this_slice<1.0] = 0.0 # matched_filter_flipped[slicenum,:,:] = this_slice # matched_filter_flipped[slicenum,:,:]*=aper_phot # off[slicenum] = np.nansum(matched_filter_flipped[slicenum,:,:]*residual[slicenum,:,:]) # mf_npix = np.nansum(np.nansum(matched_filter,axis=2),axis=1) # # ################################################################################### # # Step 9: Determine the pixel noise in the dark hole # ################################################################################### # # # PSF is in the right mask # pixstd = [np.nanstd(residual[i,:,:]*maskright) for i in range(residual.shape[0])] # noiseright = np.sqrt(2*mf_npix)*pixstd # twice the num of pix since we subtract the off field # pixstd = [np.nanstd(residual[i,:,:]*maskleft) for i in range(residual.shape[0])] # noiseleft = np.sqrt(2*mf_npix)*pixstd # twice the num of pix since we # subtract the off field Image( data=matched_filter).write( outdir_average + '/matched_filter.fits', clobber=True) Image( data=matched_filter_flipped).write( outdir_average + '/matched_filter_flipped.fits', clobber=True) times['Computed signal and noise arrays'] = time() 'Cube conversion: %.3f' % (times['Cube conversion'] - times['Start']))'Process cubes through IFS: %.3f' % (times['Process cubes through IFS'] - times['Cube conversion'])) 'Process off-axis PSF through IFS: %.3f' % (times['Process off-axis PSF through IFS'] - times['Process cubes through IFS'])) 'Construct IFS detector: %.3f' % (times['Construct IFS detector'] - times['Process off-axis PSF through IFS'])) 'Taking averages: %.3f' % (times['Taking averages'] - times['Construct IFS detector'])) 'Process average cubes: %.3f' % (times['Process average cubes'] - times['Taking averages'])) 'Normalize and subtract reference PSF: %.3f' % (times['Normalize and subtract reference PSF'] - times['Process average cubes']))'Computed signal and noise arrays: %.3f' % (times['Computed signal and noise arrays'] - times['Normalize and subtract reference PSF'])) 'Total time: %.3f' % (times['Computed signal and noise arrays'] - times['Start'])) return signal - off, noiseright, noiseleft
[docs]def process_SPC_IFS2(par, psf_time_series_folder, offaxis_psf_filename, xshift=0.0, yshift=0.0, order=3, albedo_filename='Jupiter_1x_5AU_90deg.dat', planet_radius=1.27, planet_AU=3.6, planet_dist_pc=14.1, albedo=0.28, ref_star_T=9377 * u.K, ref_star_Vmag=2.37, target_star_T=5887 * u.K, target_star_Vmag=5.03, lamc=770., BW=0.18, n_ref_star_imgs=30, tel_pupil_area=3.650265060424805 * u.m**2, IWA=3, OWA=9, forced_inttime_ref=10.0, forced_tottime_ref=1000.0, pp_fact=1.00, RDI=True, subtract_dark=False, normalize_cubes=True, t_zodi=0.09, useQE=True, mflib='/mflib.fits.gz', outdir_time_series='OS5', outdir_detector='OS5/OS5_detector', outdir_average='OS5/OS5_average', process_cubes=True, process_offaxis_files=True, process_detector=True, take_averages=True, take_ref_average=True, nosource=True): ''' Process SPC PSF cubes from J. Krist through the IFS Parameters ---------- par: Params instance Contains all the parameters of the IFS psf_time_series_folder: string Where the files from Krist are located offaxis_psf_filename: string Where the off-axis PSF is located xshift: float X-shift of the reference star with respect to the target star(pixels) yshift: float Y-shift of the reference star with respect to the target star(pixels) order: int Order of all interpolations (3 recommended) albedo_filename: string Name of file containing the geometric albedo of the planet, located in Inputs/ folder planet_radius: float Radius of planet in Jupiter radii planet_AU: float Distance of the planet from its star in AU planet_dist_pc: float Distance of the star system in pc albedo: float Overrides the albedo. If None, then the original albedo curve is used. If not None, then the maximum of the albedo curve is normalized to the new albedo, while keeping overall albedo shape ref_star_T: `u.K` float Reference star temperature, float multiplied by astropy.units.K ref_star_Vmag: float Vmag of the reference star target_star_T: `u.K` float Target star temperature, float multiplied by astropy.units.K target_star_T_star_Vmag: float Vmag of the target star lamc: float Band's central wavelength in nm BW: float Bandwidth n_ref_star_imgs: int Number of reference star images in the list tel_pupil_area: `u.m**2` float Effective surface area of telescope, including all geometric losses. Float multiplied by astropy.units.m**2 IWA: float Inner working angle defined at par.lenslet_wav OWA: float Outer working angle defined at par.lenslet_wav forced_inttime_ref: float Forced time of a single integration for the reference star. This should be smaller than the individual integration time for the target since the reference star is typically brighter forced_tottime_ref: float Forced time spent for a single input cube for the reference. Typically, this is the same as the time for a single input cube for the target pp_fact: float Post-processing factor - artificially multiplies the target star PSF. Note that this is NOT the same as Bijan's f_pp RDI: Boolean If True, run an RDI function to clean up the raw cubes. mflib: String Path towards an already-existing matched filter library. If empty string is given, the software will construct the library each time subtract_dark: Boolean If True, estimate the mean dark region (bottom of the detector) and subtract from map. Default: True. For different kinds of input maps that might cover the entire defector, this might be more tricky. normalize_cubes: Boolean If True, all cubes are normalized to contrast units. Default is True. t_zodi: float Zodi transmission (not operational for now) useQE: Boolean If True, the QE is applied when constructing the IFS maps. Note that in this case the QE file should represent both the actual detector QE, and the wavelength-dependent optical losses outdir_time_series: string Where to store the noiseless IFS detector images outdir_detector: string Where to store the noisy IFS detector images outdir_average: string Where to store the averages of the time series process_cubes: Boolean Whether to process the raw images from Krist, or skip this step if it was already done process_offaxis: Boolean Whether to process the offaxis images and add it to the images process_detector: Boolean Whether to add detector QE, IFS losses and noise to the IFS images process_noiseless: Boolean Whether to add detector QE, IFS losses but no detector noise to the IFS images take_averages: Boolean Whether to average all IFS detector images in the time series to create averages nosource: Boolean Whether or not to process everything without actually adding the planet Returns ------- signal: ndarray Array with the matched-filtered flux at each of the final cube's wavelengths; The background is already subtracted noise: ndarray Noise estimate using the pixel-to-pixel variance within the dark hole, multiplied by the number of effective pixels within the matched filter (sum of matched filter cube) ''' times = {'Start': time()} ########################################################################## # Convert all the cubes to photons/seconds and propagate them through the IFS ########################################################################## filelist = sorted(glob.glob(psf_time_series_folder + '/*.fits')) reffiles = filelist[:n_ref_star_imgs] targetfiles = filelist[n_ref_star_imgs:] ref_outlist = processReferenceCubes( par, xshift=xshift, yshift=yshift, order=order, outdir_time_series=outdir_time_series, ref_input_list=reffiles, process_cubes=process_cubes, ref_star_T=ref_star_T, ref_star_Vmag=ref_star_Vmag, lamc=lamc, BW=BW, tel_pupil_area=tel_pupil_area) target_outlist = processTargetCubes( par, targetfiles, outdir_time_series=outdir_time_series, process_cubes=process_cubes, target_star_T=target_star_T, target_star_Vmag=target_star_Vmag, lamc=lamc, BW=BW, tel_pupil_area=tel_pupil_area) times['Process cubes through IFS'] = time() ########################################################################## # Process the off-axis PSF in the same way ########################################################################## fileshape =[0])[0].data.shape lamlist = lamc * np.linspace(1. - BW / 2., 1. + BW / 2., fileshape[0]) * u.nm if process_offaxis_files: # planetary off-axis source # process_planet(par,offaxis_psf_filename,fileshape=fileshape, # lamlist=lamlist, # lamc=lamc, # outdir_average=outdir_average, # planet_radius = planet_radius, # planet_AU = planet_AU,planet_dist_pc=planet_dist_pc, # target_star_T=target_star_T, target_star_Vmag=target_star_Vmag, # tel_pupil_area=tel_pupil_area, order=order) # stellar off-axis source for contrast normalization - watch out for # the photon counting issues! process_offaxis( par, offaxis_psf_filename=offaxis_psf_filename, fileshape=fileshape, lamlist=lamlist, lamc=lamc, filename=par.codeRoot + '/Inputs/' + albedo_filename, albedo=albedo, planet_radius=planet_radius, planet_AU=planet_AU, planet_dist_pc=planet_dist_pc, inttime=1, Nreads=1, Nave=1, outdir_average=outdir_average, target_star_T=target_star_T, target_star_Vmag=target_star_Vmag, tel_pupil_area=tel_pupil_area) times['Cube conversion'] = time() ########################################################################## # Add the zodi and exozodi, uniform for now as opposed to decreasing # as a function of separation from the star; over the full FOV instead of just the bowtie ########################################################################## # local_zodi_mag = 23 # exozodi_mag = 22 # D = 2.37 # pixarea = kristfile.header['PIXSIZE']*lamc*1e-9/D/4.848e-6 # absmag = target_star_Vmag-5*np.log10(planet_dist_pc/10.) # zodicube = zodi_cube(target_star_cube, # area_per_pixel=pixarea, # absmag=absmag, # Vstarmag=target_star_Vmag, # zodi_surfmag=23,exozodi_surfmag=22, # distAU=planet_AU,t_zodi=t_zodi) # # zodicube = Image(data=zodicube,header=kristfile.header) # detectorFrame = polychromeIFS(par,lamlist.value,zodicube,QE=useQE) # Image(data = detectorFrame,header=par.hdr).write(outdir_average+'/zodicube.fits',clobber=True) times['Process off-axis PSF through IFS'] = time() ########################################################################## # Add the off-axis PSF before reading on the detector ########################################################################## if process_detector:"Taking average of reference star") ref_det_outlist = averageDetectorReadoutParallel( par, ref_outlist, outdir_detector, forced_inttime=forced_inttime_ref, forced_tottime=forced_tottime_ref) offaxis_filename = os.path.abspath( outdir_average + '/offaxis_planet.fits') if nosource:"Taking average of target star without planet") target_nosource_outlist = averageDetectorReadout( par, target_outlist, outdir_detector, suffix='nosource_detector', factor=pp_fact)"Taking average of target star with planet") target_det_outlist = averageDetectorReadoutParallel( par, target_outlist, outdir_detector, offaxis=offaxis_filename, factor=pp_fact) else: ref_det_outlist = [] if nosource: target_nosource_outlist = [] target_det_outlist = [] suffix = 'detector' for reffile in ref_outlist: ref_det_outlist.append( outdir_detector + '/' + reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_' + suffix + '.fits') for reffile in target_outlist: if nosource: target_nosource_outlist.append( outdir_detector + '/' + reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_nosource_detector.fits') target_det_outlist.append( outdir_detector + '/' + reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_' + suffix + '.fits') times['Construct IFS detector'] = time() par.hdr.append(('comment', ''), end=True) par.hdr.append(('comment', '*' * 60), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('comment', '*' * 22 + ' Postprocessing ' + '*' * 20), end=True) par.hdr.append(('comment', '*' * 60), end=True) par.hdr.append(('comment', ''), end=True) par.hdr.append(('PPFACT', pp_fact, 'Post-processing factor'), end=True) ########################################################################## # Take averages ########################################################################## if take_averages:'Taking averages') ref_star_average = np.zeros( Image(filename=ref_det_outlist[0]).data.shape) target_star_average = np.zeros( Image(filename=target_det_outlist[0]).data.shape) if nosource: target_star_nosource_average = np.zeros( Image(filename=target_nosource_outlist[0]).data.shape) for reffile in ref_det_outlist: ref_star_average += Image(filename=reffile).data ref_star_average /= len(ref_det_outlist) * \ Image(filename=ref_det_outlist[0]).header['NREADS']'Divide total image sum by %f times %f' % (len(ref_det_outlist), Image(filename=reffile).header['NREADS'])) if par.PCmode: ref_star_average *= np.exp(par.RN * par.threshold / par.EMGain) ref_star_average = -np.log(1. - ref_star_average) ref_star_average /= Image( filename=ref_det_outlist[0]).header['INTTIME'] for reffile in target_det_outlist: target_star_average += Image(filename=reffile).data target_star_average /= len(target_det_outlist) * \ Image(filename=reffile).header['NREADS'] 'Divide total image sum by %f times %f' % (len(target_det_outlist), Image( filename=reffile).header['NREADS'])) if par.PCmode: target_star_average *= np.exp(par.RN * par.threshold / par.EMGain) target_star_average = -np.log(1. - target_star_average) target_star_average /= Image(filename=reffile).header['INTTIME'] if nosource: for reffile in target_nosource_outlist: target_star_nosource_average += Image(filename=reffile).data target_star_nosource_average /= len(target_nosource_outlist) * Image( filename=reffile).header['NREADS'] 'Divide total image sum by %f times %f' % (len(target_nosource_outlist), Image( filename=reffile).header['NREADS'])) if par.PCmode: target_star_nosource_average *= np.exp( par.RN * par.threshold / par.EMGain) target_star_nosource_average = - \ np.log(1. - target_star_nosource_average) target_star_nosource_average /= Image( filename=reffile).header['INTTIME'] Image( data=ref_star_average, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/average_ref_star_detector.fits', clobber=True) Image( data=target_star_average, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/average_target_star_detector.fits', clobber=True) if nosource: Image( data=target_star_nosource_average, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/average_target_star_nosource_detector.fits', clobber=True) else: ref_star_average = Image( outdir_average + '/average_ref_star_detector.fits').data target_star_average = Image( outdir_average + '/average_target_star_detector.fits').data if nosource: target_star_nosource_average = Image( outdir_average + '/average_target_star_nosource_detector.fits').data if "NREADS" not in par.hdr: par.hdr.append( ('NREADS', par.Nreads, 'Number of subframes co-added per image'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('EXPTIME', par.timeframe, 'Total exposure time for number of frames'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('NIMGS', len(target_det_outlist), 'Number of time series steps'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('TOTTIME', len(target_det_outlist) * par.timeframe, 'Total integration time on source'), end=True) ########################################################################## # Subtract average, supposed known ########################################################################## if subtract_dark:"Mean of average reference map: %f" % np.mean(ref_star_average[:100, :])) ref_star_average -= np.mean(ref_star_average[:100, :])"Mean of average target map: %f" % np.mean(target_star_average[:100, :])) target_star_average -= np.mean(target_star_average[:100, :]) if nosource: target_star_nosource_average -= np.mean( target_star_nosource_average[:100, :]) par.hdr.append( ('SUBDARK', subtract_dark, 'Subtract dark frame?'), end=True) Image( data=ref_star_average, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/average_ref_star_detector_darksub.fits', clobber=True) Image( data=target_star_average, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/average_target_star_detector_darksub.fits', clobber=True) if nosource: Image( data=target_star_nosource_average, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/average_target_star_nosource_detector_darksub.fits', clobber=True) else: ref_star_average = Image(outdir_average + '/average_ref_star_detector_darksub.fits').data target_star_average = Image( outdir_average + '/average_target_star_detector_darksub.fits').data if nosource: target_star_nosource_average = Image( outdir_average + '/average_target_star_nosource_detector_darksub.fits').data times['Taking averages'] = time() ########################################################################## # Reduce the cubes ########################################################################## ref_reduced = reduceIFSMap(par, ref_star_average) target_reduced = reduceIFSMap(par, target_star_average) if nosource: target_nosource_reduced = reduceIFSMap( par, target_star_nosource_average) # flatfield = Image(par.exportDir+'/flatfield_red_optext.fits') #[~np.isnan(] /=[~np.isnan(] #[~np.isnan(] /=[~np.isnan(] #[~np.isnan(] /=[~np.isnan(] # par.hdr.append(('comment', 'Divided by lenslet flatfield'), end=True) if normalize_cubes:"Normalizing cubes...") # offaxiscube_star_processed = Image(outdir_average+'/offaxiscube_star_processed.fits') # input_flux_density = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(lamlist,np.nansum(np.nansum(,axis=2),axis=1)) offaxis_star_cube = Image( outdir_average + "/offaxis_star_red_optext.fits") offaxis_ref_star_cube = Image( outdir_average + "/offaxis_ref_star_red_optext.fits") lam_midpts, waveList = calculateWaveList(par, method='optext') dlam = (waveList[-1] - waveList[0]) / (len(waveList) - 1) # ratio = input_flux_density(lam_midpts)/np.nansum(np.nansum(,axis=2),axis=1)/dlam # ratio = 1./np.nansum(np.nansum(,axis=2),axis=1) ratio = 1. / \ np.nanmax(np.nanmax(, axis=2), axis=1) ratio_ref = 1. / \ np.nanmax(np.nanmax(, axis=2), axis=1) *= ratio_ref[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] *= ratio[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] if nosource: *= ratio[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] par.hdr.append( ('comment', 'Normalized cubes to photons per sec per nm'), end=True) Image(, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/average_ref_star_detector_red_optext_flatfielded.fits') Image(, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/average_target_star_detector_red_optext_flatfielded.fits') if nosource: Image(, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/average_target_star_nosource_detector_red_optext_flatfielded.fits') times['Process average cubes'] = time() ########################################################################## # Do basic least squares RDI, slice by slice with trimmed mean subtraction ########################################################################## ydim, xdim =[0].shape mask, scratch = bowtie([0], ydim // 2 - 1, xdim // 2, openingAngle=65, clocking=- par.philens * 180. / np.pi, IWApix=IWA * lamc / par.lenslet_wav / par.lenslet_sampling, OWApix=OWA * lamc / par.lenslet_wav / par.lenslet_sampling, export=None, twomasks=False) maskleft, maskright = bowtie([0], ydim // 2 - 1, xdim // 2, openingAngle=65, clocking=- par.philens * 180. / np.pi, IWApix=IWA * lamc / par.lenslet_wav / par.lenslet_sampling, OWApix=OWA * lamc / par.lenslet_wav / par.lenslet_sampling, export=None, twomasks=True) if RDI:"Doing RDI") # do least square subtraction on image without the source (Neil's idea) if nosource: coefs_scratch, est_nosource = scale2imgs(target_nosource_reduced, ref_reduced, bowtie_mask=mask, returndiff=False, returnest=True) coefs, est = scale2imgs(target_reduced, ref_reduced, bowtie_mask=maskleft, returndiff=False, returnest=True) par.hdr.append(('comment', 'Applied RDI'), end=True) residual = - est if nosource: residual_nosource = - est_nosource else: # for i in range([0]): #[i] -= np.mean([i][mean_pixel_mask])#scipy.stats.trim_mean([i][[i]>0.0],0.4) # for i in range([0]): #[i] -= # np.mean([i][mean_pixel_mask])#scipy.stats.trim_mean([i][[i]>0.0],0.4) residual = # - if nosource: residual_nosource = # mask if this is not already done # residual *=mask # residual_nosource *=mask Image( data=residual, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + "/lstsq_residual.fits") #residual[~np.isnan(residual)] /=[~np.isnan(residual)] # Image(data=residual*mask,header=par.hdr).write(outdir_average+"/lstsq_residual_flatfielded.fits") if nosource: Image( data=residual_nosource, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + "/lstsq_residual_nosource.fits") # matched filter attempt # offaxis_ideal = Image(outdir_average+'/offaxis_planet_red_optext.fits') # offaxis_ideal_flipped = Image(outdir_average+'/offaxis_flipped_planet_red_optext.fits') # matched_filter = mf(offaxis_ideal,mask,0.20) # Image(data=matched_filter,header=par.hdr).write(outdir_average+'/matched_filter.fits') # matched_filter_flipped = mf(offaxis_ideal_flipped,mask,0.20) # signal = np.nansum(np.nansum(matched_filter*residual,axis=2),axis=1)# - # np.nansum(np.nansum(matched_filter_flipped*residual,axis=2),axis=1) times['RDI'] = time() ########################################################################## # Convolve with matched filter ########################################################################## if mflib == '': # re-build the matched filter library construct_mflib( par, planet_cube=outdir_average + '/offaxis_planet_red_optext.fits', threshold=0.2, lamc=lamc, BW=BW, outdir=outdir_average, mask=mask, trim=30, outname='mflib.fits.gz', order=3) mflib = outdir_average + '/mflib.fits.gz'"Convolving with matched filter") convolved = convolved_mf(residual, mflib) par.hdr.append(('comment', 'Convolved with matched filter'), end=True) Image( data=convolved, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/convolved.fits') if nosource: convolved_nosource = convolved_mf(residual_nosource, mflib) convolved_nosource_reduced = convolved_mf(, mflib) Image( data=convolved_nosource, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/convolved_nosource.fits') Image( data=convolved_nosource_reduced, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/convolved_nosource_reduced.fits') convolved_target = convolved_mf(, mflib) Image(data=convolved_target, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/convolved_target_reduced.fits') convolved_ref = convolved_mf(, mflib) Image( data=convolved_ref, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/convolved_ref_reduced.fits') times['Convolve'] = time() ########################################################################## # this computes the convolution with an offaxis source as bright as the star ########################################################################## # if normalize_cubes: #"Normalizing contrast") # par.hdr.append(('comment', 'Normalized with offaxis PSF from star'), end=True) # starmf = convolved_mf(,mflib) # Image(data=starmf,header=par.hdr).write(outdir_average+'/starmf.fits') # max_starmf = np.amax(np.amax(starmf,axis=2),axis=1) #"Max star matched filter:%f" % np.amax(max_starmf)) # else: # max_starmf = np.ones(convolved.shape[0]) # convolved /= max_starmf[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] # convolved_nosource /= max_starmf[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] # convolved_target /= max_starmf[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] outkey = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(convolved.astype(np.float))) outkey.writeto(outdir_average + '/convolved_normalized.fits', clobber=True) if nosource: outkey = fits.HDUList( fits.PrimaryHDU( convolved_nosource.astype( np.float))) outkey.writeto( outdir_average + '/convolved_nosource_normalized.fits', clobber=True) outkey = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(convolved_target.astype(np.float))) outkey.writeto( outdir_average + '/convolved_no_rdi_normalized.fits', clobber=True) # for the noise, use the scene with no planet noise = np.sqrt(2) * [np.nanstd(convolved[i] * maskleft) for i in range(convolved.shape[0])] if nosource: noise_no_source = np.sqrt(2) * [np.nanstd(convolved_nosource[i] * maskleft) for i in range(convolved_nosource.shape[0])] else: noise_no_source = noise noise_no_rdi = np.sqrt(2) * [np.nanstd(convolved_target[i] * maskleft) for i in range(convolved_target.shape[0])] # for the signal, just pick where the planet is procplanet = Image(outdir_average + '/offaxis_planet_red_optext.fits') *= ratio[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] Image(, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/offaxis_planet_red_optext_flatfielded.fits') procplanet_convolved = convolved_mf(, mflib) yp, xp = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax( procplanet_convolved[procplanet_convolved.shape[0] // 2]), procplanet_convolved[procplanet_convolved.shape[0] // 2].shape)"Coordinates of the planet in lenslets: %.2f, %.2f" % (xp, yp)) signal = convolved[:, yp, xp] signal_planet = procplanet_convolved[:, yp, xp] signal_star = convolved_ref[:, yp, xp] signal_no_rdi = convolved_target[:, yp, xp] if nosource: signal_no_source = convolved_nosource_reduced[:, yp, xp] else: signal_no_source = signal_star outkey = fits.HDUList( fits.PrimaryHDU( procplanet_convolved.astype( np.float))) outkey.writeto(outdir_average + '/convolved_planet.fits', clobber=True) times['Computed signal and noise arrays'] = time() 'Cube conversion: %.3f' % (times['Cube conversion'] - times['Start']))'Process cubes through IFS: %.3f' % (times['Process cubes through IFS'] - times['Cube conversion'])) 'Process off-axis PSF through IFS: %.3f' % (times['Process off-axis PSF through IFS'] - times['Process cubes through IFS'])) 'Construct IFS detector: %.3f' % (times['Construct IFS detector'] - times['Process off-axis PSF through IFS'])) 'Taking averages: %.3f' % (times['Taking averages'] - times['Construct IFS detector'])) 'Process average cubes: %.3f' % (times['Process average cubes'] - times['Taking averages']))'RDI: %.3f' % (times['RDI'] - times['Process average cubes']))'Convolve: %.3f' % (times['Convolve'] - times['RDI']))'Computed signal and noise arrays: %.3f' % (times['Computed signal and noise arrays'] - times['Convolve'])) 'Total time: %.3f' % (times['Computed signal and noise arrays'] - times['Start'])) return signal, noise, noise_no_source, noise_no_rdi, signal_planet, signal_star, signal_no_rdi, signal_no_source
[docs]def SNR_spectrum(lam_midpts, signal, noise, filename='Jupiter_1x_5AU_90deg.dat', planet_radius=1.27, planet_AU=3.6, albedo=0.28, lam_contrast=None, plot=True, outname='SNR.png', outfolder='', title='Planet+star', edges=1, FWHM=2, FWHMdata=2., ymargin=0.05, # in percent ): ''' Plot the outputs of process_SPC_IFS ''' if lam_contrast is not None: lams = lam_contrast else: lams = lam_midpts real_vals = calc_contrast( lams, distance=planet_AU, radius=planet_radius, filename=filename, albedo=albedo) smooth = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d( real_vals, FWHM / 2.35, order=0, mode='nearest') smoothfunc = interp1d(lams, smooth) smoothdata = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d( signal, FWHMdata / 2.35, order=0, mode='nearest') smoothdatafunc = interp1d(lam_midpts, smoothdata) # chisq = np.sum((signal[edges:-edges] - smoothfunc(lam_midpts[edges:-edges]))**2/(noise[edges:-edges])**2) if plot: sns.set_style("whitegrid") fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6)) ax.plot(lams, real_vals, label='Original spectrum') ax.fill_between( lams, 0.9 * real_vals, 1.1 * real_vals, alpha=0.3, facecolor='Gray') ax.errorbar( lam_midpts, signal, yerr=noise, label='Recovered spectrum', fmt='o') ax.plot( lams, smooth, '-', label='Original spectrum convolved w/ R=50 spectrograph') # if ratio is not None: # ax.plot(newlam,smoothdatafunc(newlam)*ratio*np.mean(real_vals)/np.mean(signal[edges:-edges]),'-',label='Gaussian-smoothed data w/ FWHM=%.0f bins' % FWHMdata) # if ratio is None: # ax.plot(newlam,smoothdatafunc(newlam)*np.mean(real_vals)/np.mean(signal[edges:-edges]),'-',label='Gaussian-smoothed data w/ FWHM=%.0f bins' % FWHMdata) ax.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)') ax.set_ylabel('Contrast') ax.set_ylim([(1.0 - ymargin) * min(real_vals[edges:-edges]), (1.0 + ymargin) * max(real_vals[edges:-edges])]) #ax.set_title(title+', chisq='+str(chisq/len(signal[edges:-edges]))) plt.legend() fig.savefig(outfolder + outname) return smoothfunc(lam_midpts) / signal
[docs]def mf(cube, mask, threshold): ''' Matched filter function Parameters ---------- cube: 3D ndarray An IFS cube representing the offaxis PSF, from which to compute the matched filter mask: 2D ndarray This is typically the coronagraphic mask threshold: float Fraction of max below which we crop the normalized PSF Returns ------- matched_filter: 3D ndarray Matched filter with the same dimensions as input cube ''' matched_filter = np.zeros( for slicenum in range([0]): cube_norm =[slicenum] / np.nansum([slicenum]) msk = mask * (cube_norm > np.nanmax(cube_norm) * threshold) # zero out all pixels outside of the thresholded area cube_norm[~msk] = 0.0 # normalize cube_norm /= np.nansum(cube_norm) # this is now the final matched filter coefficients matched_filter[slicenum, :, :] = cube_norm / \ np.nansum(cube_norm**2) * np.amax(cube_norm) return matched_filter
[docs]def recenter_offaxis(offaxis_file, threshold, outname='centered_offaxis.fits'): ''' Example: recenter_offaxis('/Users/mrizzo/IFS/OS5/offaxis/spc_offaxis_psf.fits',0.01,par.exportDir+'/centered_offaxis.fits') Parameters ---------- offaxis_file: string Path to off-axis file from John Krist threshold: float Threshold under which we don't care about the values outname: string The path to the centered off axis cube Returns ------- outkey: HDUList HDU list of the recentered cube ''' offaxis = Image(offaxis_file) #'Previous sum: %.3f'% np.sum( offsetpx = offaxis.header['OFFSET'] / offaxis.header['PIXSIZE'] centered_offaxis = Image(data=shiftCube(, dx=-offsetpx, dy=0)) oldsum = np.nansum([ < threshold * np.amax(] = 0.0 *= oldsum / np.nansum( #'New sum: %.3f'% np.nansum( outkey = fits.HDUList( fits.PrimaryHDU(, offaxis.header)) outkey.writeto(outname, clobber=True) return outkey
# def construct_mflib(par,offaxis_psf_filename,threshold,lamc,BW,outdir, # mask=None,IWA=None,OWA=None,trim=30,outname = 'mflib.fits.gz',order=3): # ''' # Construct a library of matched filters for all points within the bowtie mask # For now, this uses the reduced, ideal offaxis psf already in cube space. # We could also build a function that offsets the original file, before IFS transformation. # # This particular function saves memory and time by only recording the relevant pixels # # Parameters # ---------- # par: Parameters instance # Crispy parameter instance # offaxis_psf_filename: string # Path to the off-axis cube from J. Krist # threshold: float # Value below which we zero out the matched filter pixels # lamc: float # Central wavelength in nm # BW: float # Spectral bandwidth # outdir: string # Export directory # mask: 2D ndarray # 2D bowtie mask. If left to None, then the bowtie mask is calculated and IWA and OWA need to be specified # IWA: float # Inner working angle (in terms of lam/D # OWA: float # Outer working angle (in terms of lam/D # trim: integer # How much to trim the cubes on each side to save memory space (nominally 30) # outname: string # Name of the matched filter library file. Highly recommend to compress it to save space # order: int # Order at which we do the spline transformation to move offaxis PSF around. # # # ''' # # # Recenter the offaxis PSF file so that it is nominally in the center of the IFS # recenter_offaxis(offaxis_psf_filename,0.01,par.exportDir+'/centered_offaxis.fits') # centered_offaxis_file = Image(par.exportDir+'/centered_offaxis.fits') # # # adjust the file header for correct IFS propagation # adjust_krist_header(centered_offaxis_file,lamc=lamc) # par.saveDetector=False # Nlam =[0] # lamlist = lamc*np.linspace(1.-BW/2.,1.+BW/2.,Nlam) # # # propagate the offaxis PSF # detectorFrame = polychromeIFS(par,lamlist,centered_offaxis_file,QE=True) # Image(data = detectorFrame,header=par.hdr).write(outdir+"/offaxis_centered_detector.fits",clobber=True) # # # reduce the offaxis PSF # offaxis_reduced = reduceIFSMap(par,outdir+"/offaxis_centered_detector.fits") # offaxis_reduced.write(outdir+"/offaxis_centered_detector_red_optext.fits") # # psf = Image(outdir+"/offaxis_centered_detector_red_optext.fits") # # # calculate mask if unspecified # if mask is None: # ydim,xdim =[0].shape # mask,junk = bowtie([0],ydim//2,xdim//2,openingAngle=65, # clocking=-par.philens*180./np.pi,IWApix=IWA*lamc/par.lenslet_wav/par.lenslet_sampling,OWApix=OWA*lamc/par.lenslet_wav/par.lenslet_sampling, # export=None,twomasks=False) # # x = np.arange(mask.shape[1]) # y = np.arange(mask.shape[0]) # x,y = np.meshgrid(x,y) # # # only care about the coordinates of pixels within the mask # # pay attention to bookkeeping in the end # xlist= x[mask] # ylist= y[mask] # # # trim the data to save space # psftrim =[:,trim:-trim,trim:-trim] # masktrim = mask[trim:-trim,trim:-trim] # mflib = np.zeros(list(xlist.shape)+list(psftrim.shape)) # # # Now loop on all the valid pixel coordinates # ic = mask.shape[0]//2 # i or x axis is horizontal # jc = mask.shape[1]//2 # j or y axis is vertical # for ii in range(len(xlist)): # i = xlist[ii] # j = ylist[ii] # # move the offaxis pixel to center it on that pixel # decentered = Image(data=ndimage.interpolation.shift(psftrim, # [0.0,j-jc,i-ic],order=order)) # # calculate the matched filter for that image with the desired threshold # mflib[ii] = mf(decentered,masktrim,threshold) # # # save the matched filter library but also the corresponding coordinates, necessary for unpacking # outkey = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(mflib)) # outkey.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(mask.astype( # outkey.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(xlist.astype( # outkey.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(ylist.astype( # outkey.writeto(outdir+'/'+outname,clobber=True)
[docs]def construct_mflib(par, planet_cube, threshold, lamc, BW, outdir, mask, trim=30, outname='mflib.fits.gz', order=3): ''' Construct a library of matched filters for all points within the bowtie mask For now, this uses the reduced, ideal offaxis psf already in cube space. We could also build a function that offsets the original file, before IFS transformation. This particular function saves memory and time by only recording the relevant pixels Parameters ---------- par: Parameters instance Crispy parameter instance planet_cube: string Path to the off-axis planet IFS cube threshold: float Value below which we zero out the matched filter pixels lamc: float Central wavelength in nm BW: float Spectral bandwidth outdir: string Export directory mask: 2D ndarray 2D bowtie mask. If left to None, then the bowtie mask is calculated and IWA and OWA need to be specified IWA: float Inner working angle (in terms of lam/D OWA: float Outer working angle (in terms of lam/D trim: integer How much to trim the cubes on each side to save memory space (nominally 30) outname: string Name of the matched filter library file. Highly recommend to compress it to save space order: int Order at which we do the spline transformation to move offaxis PSF around. ''' # load PSF psf = Image(planet_cube) # coordinates jc, ic = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax([[0] // 2]),[[0] // 2].shape)"Coordinates of the planet in lenslets: %.2f, %.2f" % (ic, jc)) x = np.arange(mask.shape[1]) y = np.arange(mask.shape[0]) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # only care about the coordinates of pixels within the mask # pay attention to bookkeeping in the end xlist = x[mask] ylist = y[mask] # trim the data to save space psftrim =[:, trim:-trim, trim:-trim] masktrim = mask[trim:-trim, trim:-trim] mflib = np.zeros(list(xlist.shape) + list(psftrim.shape)) # Now loop on all the valid pixel coordinates for ii in range(len(xlist)): i = xlist[ii] j = ylist[ii] # move the offaxis pixel to center it on that pixel decentered = Image(data=ndimage.interpolation.shift( psftrim, [0.0, j - jc, i - ic], order=order)) # calculate the matched filter for that image with the desired # threshold mflib[ii] = mf(decentered, masktrim, threshold) # save the matched filter library but also the corresponding coordinates, # necessary for unpacking outkey = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(mflib)) outkey.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(mask.astype( outkey.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(xlist.astype( outkey.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(ylist.astype( outkey.writeto(outdir + '/' + outname, clobber=True)
[docs]def convolved_mf(incube, mflibname, trim=30,): ''' Generates a pseudo-convolution of the image by the matched filter library Parameters ---------- incube: 3D ndarray Cube to convolve. Make sure all NaNs have been converted to zeros mflibname: string Path to the Matched Filter library, that was pre-computed trim: integer How much to trim the cubes on each side to save memory space (nominally 30) Returns ------- convolvedmap: 3D ndarray Input cube multiplied in each non-zero pixel by the matched filter corresponding to that pixel ''' # load the matched filter library and all of its extensions mflibHDUlist = mflib = mflibHDUlist[0].data mask = mflibHDUlist[1].data xlist = mflibHDUlist[2].data ylist = mflibHDUlist[3].data convolvedmap = np.zeros(incube.shape) for i in range(len(xlist)): # this now allows us to match an entry of the library to the cube # coordinates ix = xlist[i] iy = ylist[i] # for each pixel, we do a 2D sum convolvedmap[:, iy, ix] = np.nansum(np.nansum( incube[:, trim:-trim, trim:-trim] * mflib[i], axis=2), axis=1) return convolvedmap
[docs]def processReferenceCubes(par, xshift=0.0, yshift=0.0, order=3, outdir_time_series='OS5', ref_input_list=[], process_cubes=True, ref_star_T=9377 * u.K, ref_star_Vmag=2.37, lamc=660., BW=0.18, tel_pupil_area=3.650265060424805 * u.m**2, ): ''' Processes raw cubes from John Krist into IFS flux cubes just before the IFS. Doesn't take into account the optical losses, but does take into account the detector QE. Parameters ---------- par: Parameters instance Crispy parameter instance xshift: float The amount to shift the input in X (in final IFS cube pixels) yshift: float The amount to shift the input in Y (in final IFS cube pixels) order: integer The order of the spline transform used for shifting the cubes outdir_time_series: string Path to which we will export the IFS fluxes at the detector ref_input_list: string List of filenames with the reference cubes Nref: integer Out of the files in John Krist's folder, how many correspond to observations of the reference star ref_only: Boolean Whether to only process the reference files or also target files ref_star_T: 'u.K' Temperature of the reference star in u.K ref_star_Vmag: float V Magnitude of the reference star lamc: float Central wavelength of the band, in nm BW: float Bandwidth tel_pupil_area: 'u.m**2' Collecting area of the telescope, minus obscurations, in u.m**2 Returns ------- ref_outlist: list of strings List of the filenames corresponding the reference star target_outlist: list of strings List of the filenames corresponding the target star fileshape: tuple Size of the original John Krist cube ''' ########################################################################## # Load, shift and propagate all of the IFS images for the reference star ########################################################################## # load the filenames # load first filelist to get its shape kristfile = Image(filename=ref_input_list[0]) fileshape = adjust_krist_header(kristfile, lamc=lamc) Nlam = fileshape[0] lamlist = lamc * np.linspace(1. - BW / 2., 1. + BW / 2., Nlam) * u.nm # reference and target star cube conversions ref_star_cube = convert_krist_cube( fileshape, lamlist, ref_star_T, ref_star_Vmag, tel_pupil_area) # compute the amount to be shifted in the cubes from J. Krist input_sampling = kristfile.header['PIXSIZE'] input_wav = kristfile.header['LAM_C'] * 1000. par.pixperlenslet = par.lenslet_sampling / \ (input_sampling * input_wav / par.lenslet_wav)'X,Y Shift in px in original cubes: %.2f, %.2f' % (xshift * par.pixperlenslet, yshift * par.pixperlenslet)) ########################################################################## # simulate the IFS flux at the detector plane (no losses other than QE) ########################################################################## ref_outlist = [] for i in range(len(ref_input_list)): reffile = ref_input_list[i] if process_cubes:'Processing file ' + reffile.split('/')[-1]) cube =[0] *= ref_star_cube # adjust headers for slightly different wavelength adjust_krist_header(cube, lamc=lamc) par.saveDetector = False # shift the cube"Shifting input cube") = ndimage.interpolation.shift(, [ 0.0, yshift * par.pixperlenslet, xshift * par.pixperlenslet], order=order) detectorFrame = polychromeIFS(par, lamlist.value, cube, QE=True) par.hdr.append( ('XSHIFT', xshift * par.pixperlenslet, 'X Shift in px in original cubes'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('YSHIFT', yshift * par.pixperlenslet, 'Y Shift in px in original cubes'), end=True) Image(data=detectorFrame, header=par.hdr).write(outdir_time_series + '/' + \ reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_refstar_IFS.fits', clobber=True) ref_outlist.append(outdir_time_series + '/' + reffile.split('/') [-1].split('.')[0] + '_refstar_IFS.fits') else: ref_outlist.append(outdir_time_series + '/' + reffile.split('/') [-1].split('.')[0] + '_refstar_IFS.fits') return ref_outlist
[docs]def processTargetCubes(par, target_file_list, outdir_time_series='OS5', process_cubes=True, target_star_T=5887 * u.K, target_star_Vmag=5.03, lamc=660., BW=0.18, tel_pupil_area=3.650265060424805 * u.m**2, ): ''' Processes raw cubes from John Krist into IFS flux cubes just before the IFS. Doesn't take into account the optical losses, but does take into account the detector QE. Parameters ---------- par: Parameters instance Crispy parameter instance target_file_list: string List of files outdir_time_series: string Path to which we will export the IFS fluxes at the detector target_star_T: 'u.K' Temperature of the target star in u.K target_star_Vmag: float V Magnitude of the target star lamc: float Central wavelength of the band, in nm BW: float Bandwidth tel_pupil_area: 'u.m**2' Collecting area of the telescope, minus obscurations, in u.m**2 Returns ------- target_outlist: list of strings List of the filenames corresponding the target star ''' ########################################################################## # Load, shift and propagate all of the IFS images for the reference star ########################################################################## # load first filelist to get its shape kristfile = Image(filename=target_file_list[0]) fileshape = adjust_krist_header(kristfile, lamc=lamc) Nlam = fileshape[0] lamlist = lamc * np.linspace(1. - BW / 2., 1. + BW / 2., Nlam) * u.nm # reference and target star cube conversions target_star_cube = convert_krist_cube( fileshape, lamlist, target_star_T, target_star_Vmag, tel_pupil_area) ########################################################################## # simulate the IFS flux at the detector plane (no losses other than QE) ########################################################################## target_outlist = [] for i in range(len(target_file_list)): reffile = target_file_list[i] if process_cubes:'Processing file ' + reffile.split('/')[-1]) cube =[0] *= target_star_cube # adjust headers for slightly different wavelength adjust_krist_header(cube, lamc=lamc) par.saveDetector = False detectorFrame = polychromeIFS(par, lamlist.value, cube, QE=True) Image(data=detectorFrame, header=par.hdr).write(outdir_time_series + '/' + \ reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_targetstar_IFS.fits', clobber=True) target_outlist.append(outdir_time_series + '/' + reffile.split('/') [-1].split('.')[0] + '_targetstar_IFS.fits') else: target_outlist.append(outdir_time_series + '/' + reffile.split('/') [-1].split('.')[0] + '_targetstar_IFS.fits') return target_outlist
# def process_offaxis(par,offaxis_psf_filename,fileshape,lamlist,lamc,outdir_average,Nave=1,inttime=1,Nreads=1, # target_star_T=5887*u.K, target_star_Vmag=5.03,tel_pupil_area=3.650265060424805*u.m**2): # # ''' # Processes an off-axis PSF cube from John Krist. This is used to normalized the cubes to contrast units, # so the single image needs to be read by the detector model and averaged the same number of times that # the target image is being averaged. # # Parameters # ---------- # par: Parameters instance # Crispy parameter instance # offaxis_psf_filename: string # Path to the off-axis cube from J. Krist # fileshape: tuple # Size of the original John Krist cube # lamlist: list # List of wavelengths corresponding to each slice # lamc: float # Central wavelength # outdir_average: string # Path to which we will export the off-axis IFS flux maps at the detector # Nave: integer # Number of files to average. This needs to be the same number as the number of times the target is averaged (nominally 100) # target_star_T: 'u.K' # Temperature of the target star in u.K # target_star_Vmag: float # V Magnitude of the target star # tel_pupil_area: 'u.m**2' # Collecting area of the telescope, minus obscurations, in u.m**2 # # Returns # ------- # offaxis_reduced: 3D ndarray # Reduced cube # # # ''' # offaxiscube = Image(offaxis_psf_filename) # print('Processing file '+offaxis_psf_filename) # # # # Need to re-center the off-axis psf if it is not the right size # if[1] < fileshape[1]: # diff = fileshape[1][1] # offaxiscube_recentered = np.zeros(fileshape) # offaxiscube_recentered[:,diff//2:-diff//2,diff//2:-diff//2] += # offaxiscube = Image(data=offaxiscube_recentered,header = offaxiscube.header) # offaxis_star_cube = convert_krist_cube(,lamlist,target_star_T,target_star_Vmag,tel_pupil_area) #*=offaxis_star_cube # # # adjust headers for different wavelength # adjust_krist_header(offaxiscube,lamc=lamc) # par.saveDetector=False # Image('/offaxiscube_star_processed.fits',clobber=True) # detectorFrame = polychromeIFS(par,lamlist.value,offaxiscube,QE=True) # det = Image(data = detectorFrame,header=par.hdr) # det.write(outdir_average+'/offaxis_star.fits',clobber=True) # # det_out = np.zeros(detectorFrame.shape) # # temporary use no noise # old_noise_param = par.nonoise # par.nonoise=True # for i in range(Nave*Nreads): # det_out+=readDetector(par,det,inttime=inttime) # # Image(data = det_out,header=par.hdr).write(outdir_average+'/offaxis_detector.fits',clobber=True) # # # revert back to original noise parameter # par.nonoise=old_noise_param # # offaxis_reduced = reduceIFSMap(par,outdir_average+'/offaxis_detector.fits') # Image("/offaxis_detector_red_optext.fits") # # return offaxis_reduced
[docs]def process_offaxis(par, offaxis_psf_filename, fileshape, lamlist, lamc, outdir_average, Nave=1, inttime=1, Nreads=1, filename='Jupiter_1x_5AU_90deg.dat', planet_radius=1.27, # in R_jup planet_AU=3.6, planet_dist_pc=14.1, albedo=0.28, target_star_T=5887 * u.K, target_star_Vmag=5.03, ref_star_T=9377 * u.K, ref_star_Vmag=2.37, tel_pupil_area=3.650265060424805 * u.m**2, order=3, useQE=True, polychromeOut=True): ''' Processes an off-axis PSF cube from John Krist. This is used to to construct an ideal cube of the planet Parameters ---------- par: Parameters instance Crispy parameter instance offaxis_psf_filename: string Path to the off-axis cube from J. Krist fileshape: tuple Size of the original John Krist cube lamlist: list List of wavelengths corresponding to each slice lamc: float Central wavelength outdir_average: string Path to which we will export the off-axis IFS flux maps at the detector Nave: integer Number of files to average. This needs to be the same number as the number of times the target is averaged (nominally 100) target_star_T: 'u.K' Temperature of the target star in u.K target_star_Vmag: float V Magnitude of the target star tel_pupil_area: 'u.m**2' Collecting area of the telescope, minus obscurations, in u.m**2 polychromeOut: Boolean Whether or not to export a polychrome cube weighted by the PSF Returns ------- offaxis_reduced: 3D ndarray Reduced cube ''' kristfile =[0] adjust_krist_header(kristfile, lamc=lamc)'Recentering off-axis cube') offaxiscube = recenter_offaxis( offaxis_psf_filename, 0.01, outname=outdir_average + '/centered_offaxis.fits')[0] # compute the amount to be shifted in the cubes from J. Krist input_sampling = kristfile.header['PIXSIZE'] input_wav = kristfile.header['LAM_C'] * 1000. par.pixperlenslet = par.lenslet_sampling / \ (input_sampling * input_wav / par.lenslet_wav) 'The number of input pixels per lenslet is %f' % par.pixperlenslet) # Need to re-center the off-axis psf if it is not the right size if[1] < fileshape[1]: diff = fileshape[1] -[1] offaxiscube_recentered = np.zeros(fileshape) offaxiscube_recentered[:, diff // 2:-diff // 2, diff // 2:-diff // 2] += offaxiscube = Image( data=offaxiscube_recentered, header=offaxiscube.header) Image( outdir_average + '/offaxiscube.fits', clobber=True) # shift the planet to the correct position planet_WA = planet_AU / planet_dist_pc / (lamc * 1e-9 / 2.37 / 4.848e-6) 'Constructing off-axis cube at planet separation: %.2f lam/D (%.2f arcsec, %.2f lenslets)' % (planet_WA, planet_AU / planet_dist_pc, planet_WA * lamc / par.lenslet_wav / par.lenslet_sampling)) # ensure correct normalization after shifting, for extra safety oldsum = np.nansum( = ndimage.interpolation.shift(, [ 0.0, 0.0, planet_WA * par.pixperlenslet * lamc / par.lenslet_wav / par.lenslet_sampling], order=order) *= oldsum / np.nansum( Image( outdir_average + '/offaxiscube_shifted.fits', clobber=True) ########################################################################## # Propagate the target star ########################################################################## # this takes care of the photometry offaxis_star_cube = convert_krist_cube(, lamlist, target_star_T, target_star_Vmag, tel_pupil_area) offtarget = Image( * offaxis_star_cube, header=offaxiscube.header) # adjust headers for different wavelength adjust_krist_header(offtarget, lamc=lamc) #'{:}'.format([1,1,1])) out = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(None, offtarget.header)) out.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(( out.writeto( outdir_average + '/offaxiscube_star_processed.fits', clobber=True) detectorFrame = polychromeIFS(par, lamlist.value, offtarget, QE=useQE) det = Image(data=detectorFrame, header=par.hdr) det.write(outdir_average + '/offaxis_star.fits', clobber=True) det_out = np.zeros(detectorFrame.shape) # temporary use no noise old_noise_param = par.nonoise par.nonoise = True for i in range(Nave * Nreads): det_out += readDetector(par, det, inttime=inttime) Image( data=det_out, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/offaxis_star_detector.fits', clobber=True) # revert back to original noise parameter par.nonoise = old_noise_param offaxis_reduced = reduceIFSMap( par, outdir_average + '/offaxis_star_detector.fits') offaxis_reduced.write(outdir_average + "/offaxis_star_red_optext.fits") ########################################################################## # Propagate the ref star ########################################################################## # this takes care of the photometry offaxis_ref_star_cube = convert_krist_cube(, lamlist, ref_star_T, ref_star_Vmag, tel_pupil_area) offref = Image( * offaxis_ref_star_cube, header=offaxiscube.header) # adjust headers for different wavelength adjust_krist_header(offref, lamc=lamc) out = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(None, offref.header)) out.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(( out.writeto( outdir_average + '/offaxiscube_ref_star_processed.fits', clobber=True) detectorFrame = polychromeIFS(par, lamlist.value, offref, QE=useQE) det = Image(data=detectorFrame, header=par.hdr) det.write(outdir_average + '/offaxis_ref_star.fits', clobber=True) det_out = np.zeros(detectorFrame.shape) # temporary use no noise old_noise_param = par.nonoise par.nonoise = True for i in range(Nave * Nreads): det_out += readDetector(par, det, inttime=inttime) Image( data=det_out, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/offaxis_ref_star_detector.fits', clobber=True) # revert back to original noise parameter par.nonoise = old_noise_param offaxis_reduced = reduceIFSMap( par, outdir_average + '/offaxis_ref_star_detector.fits') offaxis_reduced.write(outdir_average + "/offaxis_ref_star_red_optext.fits") ########################################################################## # Propagate the planet ########################################################################## contrast = calc_contrast( lamlist.value, distance=planet_AU, radius=planet_radius, filename=filename, albedo=albedo) = * \ offaxis_star_cube.value * contrast[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] # adjust headers for slightly different wavelength par.saveDetector = False out = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(None, offaxiscube.header)) out.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(( out.writeto( outdir_average + '/offaxiscube_planet_processed.fits', clobber=True) detectorFrame = polychromeIFS(par, lamlist.value, offaxiscube, QE=useQE) par.hdr.append( ('XSHIFT', planet_WA * par.pixperlenslet * lamc / par.lenslet_wav / par.lenslet_sampling, 'X Shift in px in offaxis cubes'), end=True) det = Image(data=detectorFrame, header=par.hdr) det.write(outdir_average + '/offaxis_planet.fits', clobber=True) det_out = np.zeros(detectorFrame.shape) # temporarily use no noise old_noise_param = par.nonoise par.nonoise = True for i in range(Nave * Nreads): det_out += readDetector(par, det, inttime=inttime) Image( data=det_out, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/offaxis_planet_detector.fits', clobber=True) # revert back to original noise parameter par.nonoise = old_noise_param # reduce the IFS map reduced = reduceIFSMap( par, outdir_average + '/offaxis_planet_detector.fits') reduced.write( outdir_average + '/offaxis_planet_red_optext.fits', clobber=True) PSF_cube = + '/detectorFramePoly.fits')[1].data out = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(None, offaxiscube.header)) out.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(PSF_cube)) out.writeto(outdir_average + '/PSF_cube.fits', clobber=True) ########################################################################## # Construct a polychrome cube with weights corresponding to the off-axis PSF for # maximum-likelihood extraction ########################################################################## if polychromeOut: # interpolate original list of wavelengths interpol = interp1d(lamlist.value, range(len(lamlist))) lam_midpts, _ = calculateWaveList(par, method='lstsq') # find closest index indices = np.round(interpol(lam_midpts)).astype(int) # now offaxiscube[indices] corresponds to the slices with the # coefficients for the polychrome newcube = Image([indices], header=offaxiscube.header) # construct polychrome (make sure par.savePoly=True) detector = polychromeIFS(par, lam_midpts, newcube, QE=useQE) PSF_polychrome = par.exportDir + '/detectorFramePoly.fits')[1].data out = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(None, offaxiscube.header)) out.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(PSF_polychrome)) out.writeto(outdir_average + '/PSF_polychrome.fits', clobber=True) return reduced
[docs]def RDI_noise( par, xshift, yshift, order=3, rootname="mflib", outdir_time_series='OS5', outdir_detector='OS5/OS5_detector', outdir_average='OS5/OS5_average', process_cubes=True, process_offaxis_files=True, process_detector=True, take_averages=True, countershift=True, normalize_cubes=True, forced_inttime_ref=50, offaxis_reduced="OS5/OS5_average/offaxis.fits", psf_time_series_folder='/Users/mrizzo/IFS/OS5/with_lowfc', Nref=30, ref_only=True, offaxis_psf_filename='/Users/mrizzo/IFS/OS5/offaxis/spc_offaxis_psf.fits', ref_star_T=9377 * u.K, ref_star_Vmag=2.37, target_star_T=5887 * u.K, target_star_Vmag=5.03, IWA=3, OWA=9, lamc=660., BW=0.18, tel_pupil_area=3.650265060424805 * u.m**2, mflib='/mflib.fits.gz'): ''' Determines the SNR map of a simulation using RDI. Here we assume the target PSF time series is already in hand, and already in outdir_time_series. Parameters ---------- par: Parameters instance Crispy parameter instance xshift: float The amount to shift the input in X (in final IFS cube pixels) yshift: float The amount to shift the input in Y (in final IFS cube pixels) order: integer The order of the spline transform used for shifting the cubes rootname: string The root name of the final SNR cube maps outdir_time_series: string Path to which we will export the IFS fluxes at the detector outdir_detector: string Path to the folder where we will put the detector maps outdir_average: string Path to the folder where we will put the final results and other byproducts of the function process_cubes: Boolean Whether or not to process the IFS cubes, or assume that they are already processed countershift: Boolean Whether to countershift the reference star or not normalize_contrast: Boolean Whether to normalize the SNR map to contrast units using off-axis PSF offaxis_reduced: string Path to the offaxis PSF that will be used for contrast normalization psf_time_series_folder: string Path to the folder where all the original files are located Nref: integer Out of the files in John Krist's folder, how many correspond to observations of the reference star ref_only: Boolean Whether to only process the reference files or also target files ref_star_T: 'u.K' Temperature of the reference star in u.K target_star_T: 'u.K' Temperature of the target star in u.K ref_star_Vmag: float V Magnitude of the reference star target_star_Vmag: float V Magnitude of the target star lamc: float Central wavelength of the band, in nm BW: float Bandwidth tel_pupil_area: 'u.m**2' Collecting area of the telescope, minus obscurations, in u.m**2 mflib: string Name of the matched filter library file Returns ------- pixstd: array List of slice-by-slice standard deviation of the RDI cube convolved with the matched filter ''' # load the filenames filelist = sorted(glob.glob(psf_time_series_folder + '/*.fits')) fileshape = fits.getdata(filelist[0]).shape lamlist = lamc * np.linspace(1. - BW / 2., 1. + BW / 2., fileshape[0]) * u.nm reffiles = filelist[:Nref] targetfiles = filelist[Nref:] c = np.cos(par.philens) s = np.sin(par.philens) ref_outlist = processReferenceCubes( par, xshift * c - yshift * s, yshift * c + xshift * s, order=order, outdir_time_series=outdir_time_series, ref_input_list=reffiles, process_cubes=process_cubes, ref_star_T=ref_star_T, ref_star_Vmag=ref_star_Vmag, lamc=lamc, BW=BW, tel_pupil_area=tel_pupil_area) if ref_only: target_outlist = processTargetCubes( par, targetfiles, outdir_time_series=outdir_time_series, process_cubes=False, target_star_T=target_star_T, target_star_Vmag=target_star_Vmag, lamc=lamc, BW=BW, tel_pupil_area=tel_pupil_area) else: target_outlist = processTargetCubes( par, targetfiles, outdir_time_series=outdir_time_series, process_cubes=process_cubes, target_star_T=target_star_T, target_star_Vmag=target_star_Vmag, lamc=lamc, BW=BW, tel_pupil_area=tel_pupil_area) if process_offaxis_files: process_offaxis( par, offaxis_psf_filename=offaxis_psf_filename, fileshape=fileshape, lamlist=lamlist, lamc=lamc, inttime=1, Nreads=1, Nave=1, outdir_average=outdir_average, target_star_T=target_star_T, target_star_Vmag=target_star_Vmag, tel_pupil_area=tel_pupil_area) ########################################################################## # Add the off-axis PSF before reading on the detector ########################################################################## if process_detector:"Taking average of reference star") ref_det_outlist = averageDetectorReadout( par, ref_outlist, outdir_detector, forced_inttime=forced_inttime_ref) #zodi_filename = os.path.abspath(outdir_average+'/zodicube.fits')"Taking average of target star without planet") target_nosource_outlist = averageDetectorReadout( par, target_outlist, outdir_detector, suffix='nosource_detector')"Taking average of target star with planet") target_det_outlist = averageDetectorReadout( par, target_outlist, outdir_detector, offaxis=outdir_average + '/offaxis_planet.fits') else: ref_det_outlist = [] target_nosource_outlist = [] target_det_outlist = [] suffix = 'detector' for reffile in ref_outlist: ref_det_outlist.append( outdir_detector + '/' + reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_' + suffix + '.fits') for reffile in target_outlist: target_nosource_outlist.append( outdir_detector + '/' + reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_nosource_detector.fits') target_det_outlist.append( outdir_detector + '/' + reffile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_' + suffix + '.fits') par.hdr.append(('comment', ''), end=True) par.hdr.append(('comment', '*' * 60), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('comment', '*' * 22 + ' Postprocessing ' + '*' * 20), end=True) par.hdr.append(('comment', '*' * 60), end=True) par.hdr.append(('comment', ''), end=True) ########################################################################## # Take averages ########################################################################## if take_averages:'Taking averages') ref_star_average = np.zeros( Image(filename=ref_det_outlist[0]).data.shape) target_star_average = np.zeros( Image(filename=target_det_outlist[0]).data.shape) target_star_nosource_average = np.zeros( Image(filename=target_nosource_outlist[0]).data.shape) for reffile in ref_det_outlist: ref_star_average += Image(filename=reffile).data ref_star_average /= par.timeframe * len(ref_det_outlist) for reffile in target_det_outlist: target_star_average += Image(filename=reffile).data target_star_average /= par.timeframe * len(target_det_outlist) for reffile in target_nosource_outlist: target_star_nosource_average += Image(filename=reffile).data target_star_nosource_average /= par.timeframe * \ len(target_nosource_outlist) ref = Image(data=ref_star_average) ref.write( outdir_average + "/ref_average_detector_" + rootname + ".fits", clobber=True) target = Image(data=target_star_average, header=par.hdr) target.write( outdir_average + '/target_average_detector.fits', clobber=True) target_nosource = Image( data=target_star_nosource_average, header=par.hdr) target.write( outdir_average + '/target_star_nosource_average.fits', clobber=True) else: ref_star_average = Image( outdir_average + '/average_ref_star_detector.fits').data target_star_average = Image( outdir_average + '/average_target_star_detector.fits').data target_star_nosource_average = Image( outdir_average + '/average_target_star_nosource_detector.fits').data if "NREADS" not in par.hdr: par.hdr.append( ('NREADS', par.Nreads, 'Number of subframes co-added per image'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('EXPTIME', par.timeframe, 'Total exposure time for number of frames'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('NIMGS', len(target_det_outlist), 'Number of time series steps'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('TOTTIME', len(target_det_outlist) * par.timeframe, 'Total integration time on source'), end=True) ########################################################################## # Reduce IFS images ########################################################################## ref_reduced = reduceIFSMap( par, outdir_average + "/ref_average_detector_" + rootname + ".fits") ref_reduced.write( outdir_average + "/ref_average_detector_" + rootname + "_red_optext.fits", clobber=True) target_reduced = reduceIFSMap( par, outdir_average + '/target_average_detector.fits') target_reduced.write( outdir_average + "/target_average_detector_red_optext.fits", clobber=True) target_nosource_reduced = reduceIFSMap( par, outdir_average + '/target_star_nosource_average.fits') target_nosource_reduced.write( outdir_average + "/target_star_nosource_average_red_optext.fits", clobber=True) if normalize_cubes:"Normalizing cubes...") offaxis_star_cube = Image( outdir_average + "/offaxis_star_red_optext.fits") lam_midpts, waveList = calculateWaveList(par, method='optext') dlam = (waveList[-1] - waveList[0]) / (len(waveList) - 1) # ratio = 1./np.nansum(np.nansum(,axis=2),axis=1) ratio = 1. / \ np.nanmax(np.nanmax(, axis=2), axis=1) *= ratio[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] *= ratio[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] *= ratio[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] par.hdr.append( ('comment', 'Normalized cubes to photons per sec per nm'), end=True) ref_reduced.write( outdir_average + "/ref_average_detector_red_optext_normalized.fits", clobber=True) target_reduced.write( outdir_average + "/target_average_detector_red_optext_normalized.fits", clobber=True) target_nosource_reduced.write( outdir_average + "/target_star_nosource_average_red_optext_normalized.fits", clobber=True) # ref_reduced is now the IFS cube from the shifted reference star # target_reduced is the IFS cube from the target star ########################################################################## # Counter-shift the reference cube ########################################################################## if countershift:[np.isnan(] = 0.0 = ndimage.interpolation.shift(, [0.0, -yshift, -xshift], order=order) ref_reduced.write( outdir_average + "/ref_average_detector_countershifted_" + rootname + "_red_optext.fits", clobber=True) ########################################################################## # Do basic least squares RDI, slice by slice; no mean subtraction for now ########################################################################## ydim, xdim =[0].shape mask, scratch = bowtie([0], ydim // 2 - 1, xdim // 2, openingAngle=60, clocking=- par.philens * 180. / np.pi, IWApix=IWA * lamc / par.lenslet_wav / par.lenslet_sampling, OWApix=OWA * lamc / par.lenslet_wav / par.lenslet_sampling, export=outdir_average + '/bowtie', twomasks=False) maskleft, maskright = bowtie([0], ydim // 2 - 1, xdim // 2, openingAngle=60, clocking=- par.philens * 180. / np.pi, IWApix=IWA * lamc / par.lenslet_wav / par.lenslet_sampling, OWApix=OWA * lamc / par.lenslet_wav / par.lenslet_sampling, export=outdir_average + '/bowtie', twomasks=True) ########################################################################## # Convolve with matched filter the files before post-processing ########################################################################## if mflib == '': # re-build the matched filter library construct_mflib( par, planet_cube=outdir_average + '/offaxis_planet_red_optext.fits', threshold=0.2, lamc=lamc, BW=BW, outdir=outdir_average, mask=mask, trim=30, outname='mflib.fits.gz', order=3) mflib = outdir_average + '/mflib.fits.gz' convolvedwoRDItarget = convolved_mf(, mflib) Image(data=convolvedwoRDItarget, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/convolved_without_RDI_target.fits') convolvedwoRDIreference = convolved_mf(, mflib) Image(data=convolvedwoRDIreference, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/convolved_without_RDI_reference.fits') convolvedwoRDItarget_nosource = convolved_mf(, mflib) Image(data=convolvedwoRDItarget_nosource, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/convolved_without_RDI_target_nosource.fits') ########################################################################## # RDI ########################################################################## coefs, residual = scale2imgs( target_reduced, ref_reduced, maskleft, returndiff=True) coefs, residual_nosource = scale2imgs( target_reduced, ref_reduced, maskleft, returndiff=True) par.hdr.append(('comment', 'Applied RDI'), end=True) Image( data=residual, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + "/lstsq_residual_" + rootname + ".fits") Image( data=residual_nosource, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + "/lstsq_residual_nosource_" + rootname + ".fits")"Convolving with matched filter") convolvedwRDI = convolved_mf(residual, mflib) Image( data=convolvedwRDI, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/convolved_with_RDI.fits') convolvedwRDI_nosource = convolved_mf(residual_nosource, mflib) Image(data=convolvedwRDI_nosource, header=par.hdr).write( outdir_average + '/convolved_with_RDI_nosource.fits') ########################################################################## # Outputs ########################################################################## outkey = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(convolvedwRDI.astype(np.float))) outkey.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(convolvedwRDI_nosource.astype(np.float))) outkey.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(convolvedwoRDItarget.astype(np.float))) outkey.writeto( outdir_average + '/mflib' + rootname + '.fits', clobber=True) pixstd = np.array([np.nanstd(convolvedwoRDItarget[i] * maskleft) for i in range(convolvedwoRDItarget.shape[0])]) pixstd /= np.array([np.nanstd(convolvedwRDI[i] * maskleft) for i in range(convolvedwRDI.shape[0])]) return pixstd