Source code for tools.reduction

    from import fits
except BaseException:
    import pyfits as fits

import numpy as np
from initLogger import getLogger
log = getLogger('crispy')
import scipy as sp
from scipy import signal
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy import ndimage
from locate_psflets import PSFLets
from image import Image
from scipy import interpolate
import warnings

def _smoothandmask(datacube, good):
    Set bad spectral measurements to an inverse variance of zero.  The
    threshold for effectively discarding data is an inverse variance
    less than 10% of the smoothed inverse variance, i.e., a
    measurement much worse than the surrounding ones.  This rejection
    is done separately at each wavelength.

    Then use a smoothed, inverse-variance-weighted map to replace the
    values of the masked spectral measurements.  Note that this last
    step is purely cosmetic as the inverse variances are, in any case,

    datacube: image instance
            containing 3D arrays data and ivar
    good:     2D array
            nonzero = good lenslet

    datacube: input datacube modified in place


    ivar = datacube.ivar
    cube =

    x = np.arange(7) - 3
    x, y = np.meshgrid(x, x)
    widewindow = np.exp(-(x**2 + y**2))
    narrowwindow = np.exp(-2 * (x**2 + y**2))
    widewindow /= np.sum(widewindow)
    narrowwindow /= np.sum(narrowwindow)

    for i in range(cube.shape[0]):
        ivar_smooth = signal.convolve2d(ivar[i], widewindow, mode='same')
        ivar[i] *= ivar[i] > ivar_smooth / 10.

        mask = signal.convolve2d(cube[i] * ivar[i], narrowwindow, mode='same')
        mask /= signal.convolve2d(ivar[i], narrowwindow, mode='same') + 1e-100
        indx = np.where(np.all([ivar[i] == 0, good], axis=0))
        cube[i][indx] = mask[indx]

    return datacube

[docs]def testReduction(par, name, ifsimage): ''' Scratch routine to test various things. Parameters ---------- par: Parameter instance Contains all IFS parameters name: string Name that will be given to final image, without fits extension ifsimage: Image instance of IFS detector map, with optional inverse variance Returns ------- cube : 3D array Return the reduced cube from the original IFS image ''' calCube = + par.wavecalName) waveCalArray = calCube[0].data # wavecal[0,:,:] waveCalArray = waveCalArray / 1000. xcenter = calCube[1].data nlens = xcenter.shape[1] ydim, xdim = ifsimage.shape lam_long = max(waveCalArray) lam_short = min(waveCalArray) wavelengths = np.arange(lam_short, lam_long, par.dlam) cube = np.zeros((len(wavelengths), nlens, nlens)) psftool = PSFLets() lam = np.loadtxt(par.wavecalDir + "lamsol.dat")[:, 0] allcoef = np.loadtxt(par.wavecalDir + "lamsol.dat")[:, 1:] # lam in nm psftool.geninterparray(lam, allcoef) xindx = np.arange(-nlens / 2, nlens / 2) xindx, yindx = np.meshgrid(xindx, xindx) for iwav in range(len(wavelengths)): wav = wavelengths[iwav]'Wavelength = %3.1f' % (wav * 1000.)) xcenter, ycenter = psftool.return_locations( wav * 1000., allcoef, xindx, yindx) good = (xcenter > 2) * (xcenter < xdim - 2) * \ (ycenter > 3) * (ycenter < ydim - 3) xcenter = np.reshape(xcenter, -1) ycenter = np.reshape(ycenter, -1) good = np.reshape(good, -1) xcenter[~good] = xdim / 2 ycenter[~good] = ydim / 2 pos = zip(xcenter, ycenter) aps = RectangularAperture(pos, 1, 5, 0) table = aperture_photometry(ifsimage, aps)['aperture_sum'] for i in range(nlens): for j in range(nlens): if good[j + i * nlens]: cube[iwav, j, i] = table[j + i * nlens] else: cube[iwav, j, i] = np.NaN fits.PrimaryHDU(cube).writeto(name + '.fits', clobber=True) return cube
[docs]def calculateWaveList(par, lam_list=None, Nspec=None, method='lstsq'): ''' Computes the wavelength lists corresponding to the center and endpoints of each spectral bin. Wavelengths are separated by a constant value in log space. Number of wavelengths depends on spectral resolution. Parameters ---------- par: Parameter instance Contains all IFS parameters lam_list: list of floats Usually this is left to None. If so, we use the wavelengths used for wavelength calibration. Otherwise, we could decide to focus on a smaller/larger region of the spectrum to retrieve. The final processed cubes will have bins centered on lam_midpts Nspec: int If specified, forces the number of bins in the final cube (uses np.linspace) Returns ------- lam_midpts: list of floats Wavelengths at the midpoint of each bin lam_endpts: list of floats Wavelengths at the edges of each bin ''' if lam_list is None: lamlist = np.loadtxt(par.wavecalDir + "lamsol.dat")[:, 0] else: lamlist = lam_list if Nspec is None: if method == 'lstsq': Nspec = int( np.log( max(lamlist) / min(lamlist)) * par.R * par.nchanperspec_lstsq + 2) else: Nspec = int( np.log( max(lamlist) / min(lamlist)) * par.R * par.npixperdlam + 2)'Reduced cube will have %d wavelength bins' % (Nspec - 1)) # lam_endpts = np.linspace(min(lamlist), max(lamlist), Nspec) # lam_midpts = (lam_endpts[1:]+lam_endpts[:-1])/2. loglam_endpts = np.linspace( np.log( min(lamlist)), np.log( max(lamlist)), Nspec) loglam_midpts = (loglam_endpts[1:] + loglam_endpts[:-1]) / 2 lam_endpts = np.exp(loglam_endpts) lam_midpts = np.exp(loglam_midpts) return lam_midpts, lam_endpts
[docs]def lstsqExtract(par, name, ifsimage, smoothandmask=True, ivar=True, dy=2, refine=False, hires=False, upsample=3, fitbkgnd=False, specialPolychrome=None, returnall=False, mode='lstsq', niter=10, pixnoise=0.0, normpsflets=False): ''' Least squares extraction, inspired by T. Brandt and making use of some of his code. Parameters ---------- par: Parameter instance Contains all IFS parameters name: string Name that will be given to final image, without fits extension ifsimage: Image Image instance of IFS detector map, with optional inverse variance Returns ------- cube : 3D array Return the reduced cube from the original IFS image ''' if specialPolychrome is None: try: polychromeR = par.wavecalDir + 'polychromeR%d.fits.gz' % (par.R)) except BaseException: polychromeR = par.wavecalDir + 'polychromeR%d.fits' % (par.R)) psflets = polychromeR[0].data else: psflets = specialPolychrome.copy() polychromekey = par.wavecalDir + 'polychromekeyR%d.fits' % (par.R)) xindx = polychromekey[1].data yindx = polychromekey[2].data good = polychromekey[3].data if fitbkgnd: n_add = 1 psflets = _add_row(psflets, n=n_add, dtype=np.float64) psflets[-n_add:] = 0 psflets[-1, 4:-4, 4:-4] = 1 xindx = _add_row(xindx, n=n_add) yindx = _add_row(yindx, n=n_add) good = _add_row(good, n=n_add) else: n_add = 0 par.hdr.append( ('fitbkgnd', fitbkgnd, 'Fit a uniform background to each microspectrum?'), end=True) if ivar: if ifsimage.ivar is None: ifsimage.ivar = np.ones( else: ifsimage.ivar = None cube = np.zeros((psflets.shape[0], par.nlens, par.nlens)) ivarcube = np.zeros((psflets.shape[0], par.nlens, par.nlens)) model = np.zeros( resid = np.empty( resid = ydim, xdim = for i in range(par.nlens): for j in range(par.nlens): if[:, i, j], axis=0): subim, psflet_subarr, [y0, y1, x0, x1] = get_cutout( ifsimage, xindx[:, i, j], yindx[:, i, j], psflets, dy, normpsflets=normpsflets) cube[:, j, i], ivarcube[:, j, i] = fit_cutout( subim.copy(), psflet_subarr.copy(), mode=mode, niter=niter, pixnoise=pixnoise) else: cube[:, j, i] = np.NaN ivarcube[:, j, i] = 0. for i in range(len(psflets)): ydim, xdim = _x = xindx[i] _y = yindx[i] good = (_x > dy) * (_x < xdim - dy) * (_y > dy) * (_y < ydim - dy) psflet_indx = _tag_psflets(, _x, _y, good, dx=10, dy=10) coefs_flat = np.reshape(cube[i].transpose(), -1) resid -= psflets[i] * coefs_flat[psflet_indx] model += psflets[i] * coefs_flat[psflet_indx] if hires: hires_polychromeR = par.wavecalDir + 'hiresPolyChromeR%d.fits.gz' % (par.R))[0].data hires_model = np.zeros(hires_polychromeR[0].shape) for i in range(len(psflets)): ydim, xdim = _x = xindx[i] _y = yindx[i] good = (_x > dy) * (_x < xdim - dy) * (_y > dy) * (_y < ydim - dy) psflet_indx = _tag_hires_psflets( hires_model.shape, _x, _y, good, dx=10, dy=10, upsample=upsample) coefs_flat = np.reshape(cube[i].transpose(), -1) hires_model += hires_polychromeR[i] * \ coefs_flat[psflet_indx] / upsample**2 lam_midpts, lam_endpts = calculateWaveList(par, method='lstsq') if 'cubemode' not in par.hdr: par.hdr.append( ('cubemode', 'Least squares', 'Method used to extract data cube'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('lam_min', np.amin(lam_midpts), 'Minimum (central) wavelength of extracted cube'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('lam_max', np.amax(lam_midpts), 'Maximum (central) wavelength of extracted cube'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('dloglam', np.log( lam_midpts[1] / lam_midpts[0]), 'Log spacing of extracted wavelength bins'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('nlam', lam_midpts.shape[0], 'Number of extracted wavelengths'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('CTYPE1', 'RA---TAN', 'first parameter RA , projection TANgential'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('CTYPE2', 'DEC--TAN', 'second parameter DEC, projection TANgential'), end=True) par.hdr.append(('CRVAL1', 0., 'Reference X pixel value'), end=True) par.hdr.append(('CRVAL2', 0., 'Reference Y pixel value'), end=True) par.hdr.append(('CRPIX1', par.nlens // 2, 'Reference X pixel'), end=True) par.hdr.append(('CRPIX2', par.nlens // 2, 'Reference Y pixel'), end=True) par.hdr.append(('EQUINOX', 2000, 'Equinox of coordinates'), end=True) angle = par.philens xpixscale = -0.01 / 3600. ypixscale = 0.01 / 3600. par.hdr.append( ('CD1_1', np.cos(angle) * xpixscale, 'Rotation matrix coefficient'), end=True) par.hdr.append(('CD1_2', -np.sin(angle) * xpixscale, 'Rotation matrix coefficient'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('CD2_1', np.sin(angle) * ypixscale, 'Rotation matrix coefficient'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('CD2_2', np.cos(angle) * ypixscale, 'Rotation matrix coefficient'), end=True) par.hdr['CTYPE3'] = 'WAVE-LOG' par.hdr['CUNIT3'] = 'nm' par.hdr['CRVAL3'] = lam_midpts[0] par.hdr['CDELT3'] = np.log( lam_midpts[1] / lam_midpts[0]) * lam_midpts[len(lam_midpts) // 2] par.hdr['CRPIX3'] = 1 if fitbkgnd: cube = cube[:-1] ivarcube = ivarcube[:-1] if hasattr(par, 'lenslet_flat'): lenslet_flat =[1].data lenslet_flat = lenslet_flat[np.newaxis, :] if "FLAT" not in par.hdr: par.hdr.append( ('FLAT', True, 'Applied lenslet flatfield'), end=True) cube *= lenslet_flat ivarcube /= lenslet_flat**2 + 1e-20 else: lenslet_flat = np.ones(cube.shape) if hasattr(par, 'lenslet_mask'): if "MASK" not in par.hdr: par.hdr.append(('MASK', True, 'Applied lenslet mask'), end=True) lenslet_mask =[1].data ivarcube *= lenslet_mask[np.newaxis, :] else: lenslet_mask = np.ones(cube.shape) if 'SMOOTHED' not in par.hdr: par.hdr.append( ('SMOOTHED', smoothandmask, 'Cube smoothed over bad lenslets'), end=True) else: par.hdr['SMOOTHED'] = ( smoothandmask, 'Cube smoothed over bad lenslets') if smoothandmask: cube = Image(data=cube * lenslet_mask[np.newaxis, :], ivar=ivarcube) cube = _smoothandmask(cube, np.ones(good.shape)) else: cube = Image(data=cube, ivar=ivarcube) # Image(,ivar=ivarcube,header=par.hdr,extraheader=ifsimage.extraheader).write(name+'.fits',clobber=True) out = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(None, par.hdr)) out.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(, par.hdr)) out.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(cube.ivar, par.hdr)) out.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(None, ifsimage.extraheader)) out.writeto(name + '.fits', clobber=True) Image( data=resid, header=par.hdr, extraheader=ifsimage.extraheader).write( name + '_resid.fits', clobber=True) Image( data=model, header=par.hdr, extraheader=ifsimage.extraheader).write( name + '_model.fits', clobber=True) if hires: Image( data=hires_model, header=par.hdr, extraheader=ifsimage.extraheader).write( name + '_hires_model.fits', clobber=True) if returnall: return cube, model, resid else: return cube
def _add_row(arr, n=1, dtype=None): """ """ if n < 1: return arr newshape = list(arr.shape) newshape[0] += n if dtype is None: outarr = np.zeros(tuple(newshape), arr.dtype) else: outarr = np.zeros(tuple(newshape), dtype) outarr[:-n] = arr meanval = (arr[0] + arr[-1]) / 2 for i in range(1, n + 1): outarr[-i] = meanval return outarr
[docs]def get_cutout(im, x, y, psflets, dy=3, normpsflets=False): """ Cut out a microspectrum for fitting. Return the inputs to linalg.lstsq or to whatever regularization scheme we adopt. Assumes that spectra are dispersed in the -y direction. Parameters ---------- im: Image intance Image containing data to be fit x: float List of x centroids for each microspectrum y: float List of y centroids for each microspectrum psflets: PSFLet instance Typically generated from polychrome step in wavelength calibration routine dy: int vertical length to cut out, default 3. This is the length to cut out in the +/-y direction; the lengths cut out in the +x direction (beyond the shortest and longest wavelengths) are also dy. Returns ------- subim: 2D array A flattened subimage to be fit psflet_subarr: 2D ndarray first dimension is wavelength, second dimension is spatial, and is the same shape as the flattened subimage. Notes ----- Both subim and psflet_subarr are scaled by the inverse standard deviation if it is given for the input Image. This will make the fit chi2 and properly handle bad/masked pixels. """ x0, x1 = [int(np.amin(x)) - dy + 1, int(np.amax(x)) + dy + 1] y0, y1 = [int(np.amin(y)) - dy + 1, int(np.amax(y)) + dy + 1] subim =[y0:y1, x0:x1] # if im.ivar is not None: # isig = np.sqrt(im.ivar[y0:y1, x0:x1]) # subim *= isig subarrshape = tuple([len(psflets)] + list(subim.shape)) psflet_subarr = np.zeros(subarrshape) for i in range(len(psflets)): psflet_subarr[i] = psflets[i][y0:y1, x0:x1] if normpsflets: psflet_subarr[i] /= np.sum(psflet_subarr[i]) # if im.ivar is not None: # psflet_subarr[i] *= isig return subim, psflet_subarr, [y0, y1, x0, x1]
[docs]def RL(img, psflets, niter=10, guess=None, eps=1e-10, prior=0.0): ''' Richardson-Lucy deconvolution ''' # 1. Guess with ordinary least squares psflets_flat = np.reshape(psflets.copy(), (psflets.shape[0], -1)) img_flat = np.reshape(img, -1) if guess is None: # guess = np.linalg.lstsq(psflets_flat.T, img_flat-prior)[0] guess = (np.sum(img) - prior * len(img_flat)) * \ np.ones(psflets.shape[0]) res = [] res.append(guess) loglike = [] # 2. Compute log likelihood to follow progress ll = -np.sum(, psflets_flat)) + \ np.sum(np.log(, psflets_flat) + 1e-10) * img_flat) prevll = -np.inf loglike.append(ll) val = guess.copy() prev = np.zeros_like(val) count = 0 # main loop while np.sum((prev - val)**2) > eps and count < niter: prev = val.copy() prevll = ll.copy() # compute new likelihood (Expectation step) mult =, psflets_flat) ll = -np.sum(mult) + np.sum(np.log(mult + 1e-10) * img_flat) loglike.append(ll) # 2. update # maximize new likelihood (Maximization step) val = prev * np.sum(psflets_flat * img_flat / (, psflets_flat) + prior + 1e-10), axis=1) # val = # prev*,psflets_flat)+prior_flat+1e-10,img_flat) res.append(val) count += 1 # export a bunch of stuff for bookkeeping, but really only [0] matters return val, np.array(res), np.array(loglike), count
[docs]def fit_cutout(subim, psflets, mode='lstsq', niter=5, pixnoise=0.0): """ Fit a series of PSFlets to an image, recover the best-fit coefficients. This is currently little more than a wrapper for np.linalg.lstsq, but could be more complex if/when we regularize the problem or adopt some other approach. Parameters ---------- subim: 2D nadarray Microspectrum to fit psflets: 3D ndarray First dimension is wavelength. psflets[0] must match the shape of subim. mode: string Method to use. Currently limited to lstsq (a simple least-squares fit using linalg.lstsq), this can be expanded to include an arbitrary approach. Returns ------- coef: array The best-fit coefficients (i.e. the microspectrum). Notes ----- This routine may also return the covariance matrix in the future. It will depend on the performance of the algorithms and whether/how we implement regularization. """ try: if not subim.shape == psflets[0].shape: raise ValueError("subim must be the same shape as each psflet.") except BaseException: raise ValueError("subim must be the same shape as each psflet.") subim_flat = np.reshape(subim, -1) N = psflets.shape[0] psflets_flat = np.reshape(psflets, (N, -1)) A = psflets_flat.T if mode == 'lstsq': guess = np.ones(N) * np.sum(subim_flat) / float(N) var = np.reshape( np.sum(psflets * guess[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], axis=0) + pixnoise, -1) Ninv = np.diag(1. / (var + 1e-10)) Cinv =,, A)) C = np.linalg.inv(Cinv) right =,, subim_flat)) f =, right) coef = f icov = np.diagonal(C) elif mode == 'lstsq_conv': guess = np.ones(N) * np.sum(subim_flat) / float(N) for i in range(niter): var = np.reshape( np.sum(psflets * guess[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], axis=0) + pixnoise, -1) Ninv = np.diag(1. / (var + 1e-10)) Cinv =,, A)) C = np.linalg.inv(Cinv) Q = sp.linalg.sqrtm(Cinv) s = np.sum(Q, axis=0) ivarlstsq = s**2 # inverse variance R = Q / s[:, np.newaxis] right =,, subim_flat)) f =, right) guess =, f) coef = guess icov = ivarlstsq elif mode == 'RL': coef = RL(subim, psflets=psflets, niter=niter, prior=pixnoise)[0] icov = 0 elif mode == 'RL_conv': rl = RL(subim, psflets=psflets, niter=niter, prior=pixnoise)[0] var = np.reshape( np.sum(psflets * rl[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], axis=0) + pixnoise, -1) Ninv = np.diag(1. / (var + 1e-10)) Cinv =,, A)) C = np.linalg.inv(Cinv) Q = sp.linalg.sqrtm(Cinv) s = np.sum(Q, axis=0) R = Q / s[:, np.newaxis] # Ctilde = np.diag(1./(s**2+1e-10) coef =, rl) ivarlstsq = s**2 icov = ivarlstsq else: raise ValueError( "mode " + mode + " to fit microspectra is not currently implemented.") return coef, icov
def _tag_psflets(shape, x, y, good, dx=8, dy=7): """ Create an array with the index of each lenslet at a given wavelength. This will make it very easy to remove the best-fit spectra accounting for nearest-neighbor crosstalk. Parameters ---------- shape: tuple Shape of the image and psflet arrays. x: ndarray x indices of the PSFlet centroids at a given wavelength y: ndarray y indices of the PSFlet centroids good: boolean ndarray True if the PSFlet falls on the detector Returns ------- psflet_indx: ndarray Has the requested input shape (matching the PSFlet image). The array contains the indices of the closest lenslet to each pixel at the wavelength of x and y Notes ----- The output, psflet_indx, is to be used as follows: coefs[psflet_indx] will give the scaling of the monochromatic PSFlet frame. """ psflet_indx = np.zeros(shape, oldshape = x.shape x_int = (np.reshape(x + 0.5, -1)).astype(int) y_int = (np.reshape(y + 0.5, -1)).astype(int) good = np.reshape(good, -1) x = np.reshape(x, -1) y = np.reshape(y, -1) x_i = np.arange(shape[1]) y_i = np.arange(shape[0]) x_i, y_i = np.meshgrid(x_i, y_i) mindist = np.ones(shape) * 1e10 for i in range(x_int.shape[0]): if good[i]: iy1, iy2 = [y_int[i] - dy, y_int[i] + dy + 1] ix1, ix2 = [x_int[i] - dx, x_int[i] + dx + 1] dist = (y[i] - y_i[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2])**2 dist += (x[i] - x_i[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2])**2 indx = np.where(dist < mindist[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2]) psflet_indx[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2][indx] = i mindist[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2][indx] = dist[indx] good = np.reshape(good, oldshape) x = np.reshape(x, oldshape) y = np.reshape(y, oldshape) return psflet_indx def _tag_hires_psflets(shape, x, y, good, dx=10, dy=10, upsample=3, npix=13): """ Create an array with the index of each lenslet at a given wavelength. This will make it very easy to remove the best-fit spectra accounting for nearest-neighbor crosstalk. Parameters ---------- shape: tuple Shape of the image and psflet arrays. x: ndarray x indices of the PSFlet centroids at a given wavelength y: ndarray y indices of the PSFlet centroids good: boolean ndarray True if the PSFlet falls on the detector Returns ------- psflet_indx: ndarray Has the requested input shape (matching the PSFlet image). The array contains the indices of the closest lenslet to each pixel at the wavelength of x and y Notes ----- The output, psflet_indx, is to be used as follows: coefs[psflet_indx] will give the scaling of the monochromatic PSFlet frame. """ psflet_indx = np.zeros(shape, oldshape = x.shape x_int = (np.reshape((x + 0.5) * upsample, -1)).astype(int) y_int = (np.reshape((y + 0.5) * upsample, -1)).astype(int) good = np.reshape(good, -1) x = np.reshape(x, -1) * upsample y = np.reshape(y, -1) * upsample x_i = np.arange(shape[1]) y_i = np.arange(shape[0]) x_i, y_i = np.meshgrid(x_i, y_i) mindist = np.ones(shape) * 1e10 for i in range(x_int.shape[0]): if good[i]: iy1, iy2 = [y_int[i] - dy * upsample, y_int[i] + dy * upsample + upsample] ix1, ix2 = [x_int[i] - dx * upsample, x_int[i] + dx * upsample + upsample] dist = (y[i] - y_i[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2])**2 dist += (x[i] - x_i[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2])**2 indx = np.where(dist < mindist[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2]) psflet_indx[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2][indx] = i mindist[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2][indx] = dist[indx] good = np.reshape(good, oldshape) x = np.reshape(x, oldshape) y = np.reshape(y, oldshape) return psflet_indx
[docs]def intOptimalExtract(par, name, IFSimage, smoothandmask=True): """ Calls the optimal extraction routine Parameters ---------- par : Parameter instance Contains all IFS parameters name: string Path & name of the output file IFSimage: Image instance Image instance of input image. Can have a .ivar field for a variance map. Return ------ 3D ndarray Datacube of reduced IFS image. The corresponding wavelengths can be found in using calculateWaveList(par) Notes ----- A cube is also written at par.SimResults/name.fits """ loc = PSFLets(load=True, infiledir=par.wavecalDir) #Nspec = int(par.BW*par.npixperdlam*par.R) lam_midpts, scratch = calculateWaveList(par, method='optext') datacube = fitspec_intpix_np( par, IFSimage, loc, lam_midpts, smoothandmask=smoothandmask) # datacube.write(name+'.fits',clobber=True) out = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(None, par.hdr)) out.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(, par.hdr)) out.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(datacube.ivar, par.hdr)) out.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(None, datacube.extraheader)) out.writeto(name + '.fits', clobber=True) return datacube
[docs]def fitspec_intpix(par, im, PSFlet_tool, lamlist, delt_y=6, flat=None, mode='gaussvar'): """ Optimal extraction routine Parameters ---------- par : Parameter instance Contains all IFS parameters im: Image instance IFS image to be processed. PSFlet_tool: PSFLet instance Inverse wavelength solution that is constructed during wavelength calibration lamlist: list of floats List of wavelengths to which each microspectrum is interpolated. delt_y: int Width in pixels of each microspectrum in the cross-dispersion direction flat: Whether a lenslet flatfield is used (not implemented yet) smoothandmask: Boolean Whether to smooth and mask bad pixels Returns ------- image: Image instance Reduced cube in the field """ loglam = np.log(lamlist) ######################################################################## # x-locations of the centers of the microspectra. The y locations # are integer pixels, and the wavelengths in PSFlet_tool.lam_indx # are given at the centers of the pixels. Dispersion is in the # y-direction. Make copies of all arrays to ensure that they are # in native byte order as required by Cython. ######################################################################## xindx = np.zeros(PSFlet_tool.xindx.shape) xindx[:] = PSFlet_tool.xindx yindx = np.zeros(PSFlet_tool.yindx.shape) yindx[:] = PSFlet_tool.yindx loglam_indx = np.log(PSFlet_tool.lam_indx + 1e-100) nlam = np.zeros(PSFlet_tool.nlam.shape, np.int32) nlam[:] = PSFlet_tool.nlam Nmax = max(PSFlet_tool.nlam_max, lamlist.shape[0]) data = np.zeros( data[:] = lamsol = np.loadtxt(par.wavecalDir + "lamsol.dat")[:, 0] allcoef = np.loadtxt(par.wavecalDir + "lamsol.dat")[:, 1:] # lam in nm PSFlet_tool.geninterparray(lamsol, allcoef) cube = np.zeros((len(lamlist), par.nlens, par.nlens)) ydim, xdim = sig = par.FWHM / 2.35 for i in range(par.nlens): for j in range(par.nlens): good = True for lam in lamlist: _x, _y = PSFlet_tool.return_locations( lam, allcoef, j - par.nlens / 2, i - par.nlens / 2) good *= (_x > delt_y) * (_x < xdim - delt_y) * \ (_y > delt_y) * (_y < ydim - delt_y) if good: ix = xindx[i, j, :PSFlet_tool.nlam[i, j]] y = yindx[i, j, :PSFlet_tool.nlam[i, j]] iy = np.nanmean(y) if ~np.isnan(iy): lams = PSFlet_tool.lam_indx[i, j, :PSFlet_tool.nlam[i, j]] i1 = int(iy) - delt_y / 2. arr = np.arange(i1, i1 + delt_y) dy = arr - iy if mode == 'sum': # gaussian = np.exp(-dy**2/eff_sig**2/2.) # weights = np.sum(gaussian**2) pix_center_vals = [ np.sum([i1:i1 + delt_y, val], axis=0) for val in ix] elif mode == 'gaussvar': weights = np.array( [np.sum((np.exp(-dy**2 / (sig * wav / par.FWHMlam)**2 / 2.))**2) for wav in lams]) pix_center_vals = np.array([np.sum([i1:i1 + delt_y, ix[ii]] * np.exp(-dy**2 / ( sig * lams[ii] / par.FWHMlam)**2 / 2.)) for ii in range(PSFlet_tool.nlam[i, j])]) / weights elif mode == 'gaussnovar': weights = np.array( [np.sum((np.exp(-dy**2 / (sig)**2 / 2.))**2) for lam in lams]) pix_center_vals = np.array([np.sum([i1:i1 + delt_y, ix[ii]] * np.exp(-dy**2 / ( sig)**2 / 2.)) for ii in range(PSFlet_tool.nlam[i, j])]) / weights tck = interpolate.splrep( np.log(lams), pix_center_vals, s=0, k=3) cube[:, j, i] = interpolate.splev(loglam, tck, ext=1) # func = interp1d(lams,pix_center_vals,kind='linear') # cube[:,j,i] = func(lamlist) else: cube[:, j, i] = np.NaN else: cube[:, j, i] = np.NaN # # if flat is not None: # /= flat + 1e-10 # datacube.ivar *= flat**2 # if smoothandmask: good = np.any( != 0, axis=0) datacube = _smoothandmask(cube, good) par.hdr.append( ('cubemode', 'Optimal Extraction', 'Method used to extract data cube'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('lam_min', np.amin(lamlist), 'Minimum (central) wavelength of extracted cube'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('lam_max', np.amax(lamlist), 'Maximum (central) wavelength of extracted cube'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('dloglam', loglam[1] - loglam[0], 'Log spacing of extracted wavelength bins'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('nlam', lamlist.shape[0], 'Number of extracted wavelengths'), end=True) # par.hdr.append(('CDELT3','AWAV-LOG', 'Number of extracted wavelengths'), end=True) # par.hdr.append(('nlam',lamlist.shape[0], 'Number of extracted wavelengths'), end=True) # par.hdr.append(('nlam',lamlist.shape[0], 'Number of extracted wavelengths'), end=True) return Image(data=cube, header=par.hdr, extraheader=im.extraheader)
[docs]def fitspec_intpix_np( par, im, PSFlet_tool, lamlist, smoothandmask=True, delt_y=5): """ Original optimal extraction routine in Numpy from T. Brand Parameters ---------- par : Parameter instance Contains all IFS parameters im: Image instance IFS image to be processed. PSFlet_tool: PSFLet instance Inverse wavelength solution that is constructed during wavelength calibration lamlist: list of floats List of wavelengths to which each microspectrum is interpolated. delt_y: int Width in pixels of each microspectrum in the cross-dispersion direction Returns ------- image: Image instance Reduced cube in the field """ xindx = PSFlet_tool.xindx yindx = PSFlet_tool.yindx Nmax = PSFlet_tool.nlam_max try: sig = + 'PSFwidths.fits')[0].data except BaseException: log.warning( "No PSFLet widths found - assuming critical samping at central wavelength") sig = par.FWHM / 2.35 * np.ones(xindx.shape) x = np.arange([1]) y = np.arange([0]) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) ydim, xdim = coefs = np.zeros( tuple([max(Nmax, lamlist.shape[0])] + list(yindx.shape)[:-1])) cube = np.zeros((len(lamlist), par.nlens, par.nlens)) ivarcube = np.zeros((len(lamlist), par.nlens, par.nlens)) xarr, yarr = np.meshgrid(np.arange(Nmax), np.arange(delt_y)) #loglam = np.log(lamlist) lamsol = np.loadtxt(par.wavecalDir + "lamsol.dat")[:, 0] allcoef = np.loadtxt(par.wavecalDir + "lamsol.dat")[:, 1:] PSFlet_tool.geninterparray(lamsol, allcoef) #polychromekey = + 'polychromekeyR%d.fits' % (par.R)) # lams = polychromekey[0].data # xindx = polychromekey[1].data+0.5 # yindx = polychromekey[2].data+0.5 # good = polychromekey[3].data good = PSFlet_tool.good for i in range(xindx.shape[0]): for j in range(yindx.shape[1]): if good[i, j]: _x = xindx[i, j, :PSFlet_tool.nlam[i, j]] _y = yindx[i, j, :PSFlet_tool.nlam[i, j]] _sig = sig[i, j, :PSFlet_tool.nlam[i, j]] _lam = PSFlet_tool.lam_indx[i, j, :PSFlet_tool.nlam[i, j]] iy = np.nanmean(_y) if ~np.isnan(iy): i1 = int(iy - delt_y / 2.) dy = _y[xarr[:, :len(_lam)]] - y[i1:i1 + delt_y, int(_x[0]):int(_x[-1]) + 1] lams, _ = np.meshgrid(_lam, np.arange(delt_y)) weight = np.exp(-dy**2 / 2. / _sig**2) / \ _sig / np.sqrt(2. * np.pi) data =[i1:i1 + delt_y, int(_x[0]):int(_x[-1]) + 1] if im.ivar is not None: ivar = im.ivar[i1:i1 + delt_y, int(_x[0]):int(_x[-1]) + 1] else: ivar = np.ones(data.shape) coefs[:len(_lam), i, j] = np.sum( weight * data * ivar, axis=0) coefs[:len(_lam), i, j] /= np.sum(weight**2 * ivar, axis=0) tck = interpolate.splrep( _lam, coefs[:len(_lam), i, j], s=0, k=3) cube[:, j, i] = interpolate.splev(lamlist, tck, ext=1) tck = interpolate.splrep( _lam, np.sum( weight**2 * ivar, axis=0) / np.sum( weight**2, axis=0), s=0, k=3) ivarcube[:, j, i] = interpolate.splev(lamlist, tck, ext=1) else: cube[:, j, i] = np.NaN ivarcube[:, j, i] = 0. else: cube[:, j, i] = np.NaN ivarcube[:, j, i] = 0. if 'cubemode' not in par.hdr: par.hdr.append( ('cubemode', 'Optimal Extraction', 'Method used to extract data cube'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('lam_min', np.amin(lamlist), 'Minimum mid wavelength of extracted cube'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('lam_max', np.amax(lamlist), 'Maximum mid wavelength of extracted cube'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('dloglam', np.log( lamlist[1] / lamlist[0]), 'Log spacing of extracted wavelength bins'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('nlam', lamlist.shape[0], 'Number of extracted wavelengths'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('CTYPE1', 'RA---TAN', 'first parameter RA , projection TANgential'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('CTYPE2', 'DEC--TAN', 'second parameter DEC, projection TANgential'), end=True) par.hdr.append(('CRVAL1', 0., 'Reference X pixel value'), end=True) par.hdr.append(('CRVAL2', 0., 'Reference Y pixel value'), end=True) par.hdr.append(('CRPIX1', par.nlens // 2, 'Reference X pixel'), end=True) par.hdr.append(('CRPIX2', par.nlens // 2, 'Reference Y pixel'), end=True) par.hdr.append(('EQUINOX', 2000, 'Equinox of coordinates'), end=True) angle = par.philens xpixscale = -0.01 / 3600. ypixscale = 0.01 / 3600. par.hdr.append( ('CD1_1', np.cos(angle) * xpixscale, 'Rotation matrix coefficient'), end=True) par.hdr.append(('CD1_2', -np.sin(angle) * xpixscale, 'Rotation matrix coefficient'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('CD2_1', np.sin(angle) * ypixscale, 'Rotation matrix coefficient'), end=True) par.hdr.append( ('CD2_2', np.cos(angle) * ypixscale, 'Rotation matrix coefficient'), end=True) par.hdr['CTYPE3'] = 'WAVE-LOG' par.hdr['CUNIT3'] = 'nm' par.hdr['CRVAL3'] = lamlist[0] par.hdr['CDELT3'] = np.log( lamlist[1] / lamlist[0]) * lamlist[len(lamlist) // 2] par.hdr['CRPIX3'] = 1 if hasattr(par, 'lenslet_flat'): lenslet_flat =[1].data lenslet_flat = lenslet_flat[np.newaxis, :] if "FLAT" not in par.hdr: par.hdr.append( ('FLAT', True, 'Applied lenslet flatfield'), end=True) cube *= lenslet_flat ivarcube /= lenslet_flat**2 + 1e-20 else: lenslet_flat = np.ones(cube.shape) if hasattr(par, 'lenslet_mask'): if "MASK" not in par.hdr: par.hdr.append(('MASK', True, 'Applied lenslet mask'), end=True) lenslet_mask =[1].data lenslet_mask = lenslet_mask[np.newaxis, :] ivarcube *= lenslet_mask else: lenslet_mask = np.ones(cube.shape) if smoothandmask: if 'SMOOTHED' not in par.hdr: par.hdr.append( ('SMOOTHED', True, 'Cube smoothed over bad lenslets'), end=True) cube = Image(data=cube * lenslet_mask, ivar=ivarcube) #good = np.any( != 0, axis=0) cube = _smoothandmask(cube, np.ones(good.shape)) else: if 'SMOOTHED' not in par.hdr: par.hdr.append( ('SMOOTHED', False, 'Cube NOT smoothed over bad lenslets'), end=True) cube = Image(data=cube, ivar=ivarcube) cube = Image(, ivar=cube.ivar, header=par.hdr, extraheader=im.extraheader) return cube
[docs]def fitspec_intpix_np_old( im, PSFlet_tool, lam, delt_x=7, header=fits.PrimaryHDU().header): """ """ xindx = PSFlet_tool.xindx yindx = PSFlet_tool.yindx Nmax = PSFlet_tool.nlam_max x = np.arange([1]) y = np.arange([0]) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) coefs = np.zeros(tuple([max(Nmax, lam.shape[0])] + list(xindx.shape)[:-1])) xarr, yarr = np.meshgrid(np.arange(delt_x), np.arange(Nmax)) loglam = np.log(lam) for i in range(xindx.shape[0]): for j in range(yindx.shape[1]): _x = xindx[i, j, :PSFlet_tool.nlam[i, j]] _y = yindx[i, j, :PSFlet_tool.nlam[i, j]] _lam = PSFlet_tool.lam_indx[i, j, :PSFlet_tool.nlam[i, j]] if not (np.all(_x > x[0, 10]) and np.all(_x < x[0, -10]) and np.all(_y > y[10, 0]) and np.all(_y < y[-10, 0])): continue i1 = int(np.mean(_x) - delt_x / 2.) dx = _x[yarr[:len(_lam)]] - x[_y[0]:_y[-1] + 1, i1:i1 + delt_x] #var = _var[yarr[:len(_lam)]] - x[_y[0]:_y[-1] + 1, i1:i1 + delt_x] sig = 0.7 weight = np.exp(-dx**2 / 2. / sig**2) data =[_y[0]:_y[-1] + 1, i1:i1 + delt_x] if im.ivar is not None: ivar = im.ivar[_y[0]:_y[-1] + 1, i1:i1 + delt_x] else: ivar = np.ones(data.shape) coefs[:len(_lam), i, j] = np.sum( weight * data * ivar, axis=1)[::-1] coefs[:len(_lam), i, j] /= np.sum(weight**2 * ivar, axis=1)[::-1] tck = interpolate.splrep( np.log(_lam[::-1]), coefs[:len(_lam), i, j], s=0, k=3) coefs[:loglam.shape[0], i, j] = interpolate.splev( loglam, tck, ext=1) header['cubemode'] = ( 'Optimal Extraction', 'Method used to extract data cube') header['lam_min'] = ( np.amin(lam), 'Minimum (central) wavelength of extracted cube') header['lam_max'] = ( np.amax(lam), 'Maximum (central) wavelength of extracted cube') header['dloglam'] = (np.log(lam[1] / lam[0]), 'Log spacing of extracted wavelength bins') header['nlam'] = (lam.shape[0], 'Number of extracted wavelengths') datacube = Image(data=coefs[:loglam.shape[0]], header=header) return datacube