Source code for tools.wavecal

from locate_psflets import locatePSFlets, PSFLets
from image import Image
from par_utils import Task, Consumer
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
    from import fits as fits
except BaseException:
    import pyfits as fits

from initLogger import getLogger
log = getLogger('crispy')
import os
import re
import time
import multiprocessing
from scipy import ndimage
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from reduction import calculateWaveList
from scipy.special import erf
from shutil import copy2
import glob
import warnings
from scipy import ndimage, interpolate


[docs]def do_inspection(par, image, xpos, ypos, lam): xg, yg = xpos.shape vals = np.array([(xpos[m, n], ypos[m, n]) for m in range(xg) for n in range(yg)]) pos = (vals[:, 0], vals[:, 1]) #aps = CircularAperture(pos, r=3) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 15)) mean = np.mean(image) std = np.std(image) norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=mean, vmax=mean + 5 * std) ax.imshow( image, cmap='Greys', norm=norm, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') for val in vals: circle = plt.Circle(val, 3, color='blue', lw=1, alpha=0.5) ax.add_artist(circle) #aps.plot(ax=ax,color='blue', lw=1, alpha=0.5) fig.savefig(par.wavecalDir + 'inspection_%3d.png' % (lam), dpi=300) plt.close(fig)
[docs]def make_polychrome(lam1, lam2, hires_arrs, lam_arr, psftool, allcoef, xindx, yindx, ydim, xdim, upsample=10, nlam=10): """ """ padding = 10 image = np.zeros((ydim + 2 * padding, xdim + 2 * padding)) x = np.arange(image.shape[0]) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, x) npix = hires_arrs[0].shape[2] // upsample dloglam = (np.log(lam2) - np.log(lam1)) / nlam loglam = np.log(lam1) + dloglam / 2. + np.arange(nlam) * dloglam for lam in np.exp(loglam): ################################################################ # Build the appropriate average hires image by averaging over # the nearest wavelengths. Then apply a spline filter to the # interpolated high resolution PSFlet images to avoid having # to do this later, saving a factor of a few in time. ################################################################ hires = np.zeros((hires_arrs[0].shape)) if lam <= np.amin(lam_arr): hires[:] = hires_arrs[0] elif lam >= np.amax(lam_arr): hires[:] = hires_arrs[-1] else: i1 = np.amax(np.arange(len(lam_arr))[np.where(lam > lam_arr)]) i2 = i1 + 1 hires = hires_arrs[i1] * \ (lam - lam_arr[i1]) / (lam_arr[i2] - lam_arr[i1]) hires += hires_arrs[i2] * \ (lam_arr[i2] - lam) / (lam_arr[i2] - lam_arr[i1]) for i in range(hires.shape[0]): for j in range(hires.shape[1]): hires[i, j] = ndimage.spline_filter(hires[i, j]) ################################################################ # Run through lenslet centroids at this wavelength using the # fitted coefficients in psftool to get the centroids. For # each centroid, compute the weights for the four nearest # regions on which the high-resolution PSFlets have been made. # Interpolate the high-resolution PSFlets and take their # weighted average, adding this to the image in the # appropriate place. ################################################################ xcen, ycen = psftool.return_locations(lam, allcoef, xindx, yindx) xcen += padding ycen += padding xcen = np.reshape(xcen, -1) ycen = np.reshape(ycen, -1) for i in range(xcen.shape[0]): if not ( xcen[i] > npix // 2 and xcen[i] < image.shape[0] - npix // 2 and ycen[i] > npix // 2 and ycen[i] < image.shape[0] - npix // 2): continue # central pixel -> npix*upsample//2 iy1 = int(ycen[i]) - npix // 2 iy2 = iy1 + npix ix1 = int(xcen[i]) - npix // 2 ix2 = ix1 + npix yinterp = (y[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2] - ycen[i]) * \ upsample + upsample * npix / 2 xinterp = (x[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2] - xcen[i]) * \ upsample + upsample * npix / 2 # Now find the closest high-resolution PSFs x_hires = xcen[i] * 1. / image.shape[1] y_hires = ycen[i] * 1. / image.shape[0] x_hires = x_hires * hires_arrs[0].shape[1] - 0.5 y_hires = y_hires * hires_arrs[0].shape[0] - 0.5 totweight = 0 if x_hires <= 0: i1 = i2 = 0 elif x_hires >= hires_arrs[0].shape[1] - 1: i1 = i2 = hires_arrs[0].shape[1] - 1 else: i1 = int(x_hires) i2 = i1 + 1 if y_hires < 0: j1 = j2 = 0 elif y_hires >= hires_arrs[0].shape[0] - 1: j1 = j2 = hires_arrs[0].shape[0] - 1 else: j1 = int(y_hires) j2 = j1 + 1 ############################################################## # Bilinear interpolation by hand. Do not extrapolate, but # instead use the nearest PSFlet near the edge of the # image. The outer regions will therefore have slightly # less reliable PSFlet reconstructions. Then take the # weighted average of the interpolated PSFlets. ############################################################## weight22 = max(0, (x_hires - i1) * (y_hires - j1)) weight12 = max(0, (x_hires - i1) * (j2 - y_hires)) weight21 = max(0, (i2 - x_hires) * (y_hires - j1)) weight11 = max(0, (i2 - x_hires) * (j2 - y_hires)) totweight = weight11 + weight21 + weight12 + weight22 weight11 /= totweight * nlam weight12 /= totweight * nlam weight21 /= totweight * nlam weight22 /= totweight * nlam image[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2] += weight11 * \ ndimage.map_coordinates(hires[j1, i1], [yinterp, xinterp], prefilter=False) image[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2] += weight12 * \ ndimage.map_coordinates(hires[j1, i2], [yinterp, xinterp], prefilter=False) image[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2] += weight21 * \ ndimage.map_coordinates(hires[j2, i1], [yinterp, xinterp], prefilter=False) image[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2] += weight22 * \ ndimage.map_coordinates(hires[j2, i2], [yinterp, xinterp], prefilter=False) image = image[padding:-padding, padding:-padding] return image
[docs]def make_hires_polychrome(lam1, lam2, hires_arrs, lam_arr, psftool, allcoef, xindx, yindx, ydim, xdim, upsample=10, nlam=10): """ """ padding = 10 image = np.zeros((ydim + 2 * padding, xdim + 2 * padding)) hiresimg = np.zeros((image.shape[0] * upsample, image.shape[1] * upsample)) x = np.arange(hiresimg.shape[0]) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, x) npix = hires_arrs[0].shape[2] dloglam = (np.log(lam2) - np.log(lam1)) / nlam loglam = np.log(lam1) + dloglam / 2. + np.arange(nlam) * dloglam for lam in np.exp(loglam): ################################################################ # Build the appropriate average hires image by averaging over # the nearest wavelengths. Then apply a spline filter to the # interpolated high resolution PSFlet images to avoid having # to do this later, saving a factor of a few in time. ################################################################ hires = np.zeros((hires_arrs[0].shape)) if lam <= np.amin(lam_arr): hires[:] = hires_arrs[0] elif lam >= np.amax(lam_arr): hires[:] = hires_arrs[-1] else: i1 = np.amax(np.arange(len(lam_arr))[np.where(lam > lam_arr)]) i2 = i1 + 1 hires = hires_arrs[i1] * \ (lam - lam_arr[i1]) / (lam_arr[i2] - lam_arr[i1]) hires += hires_arrs[i2] * \ (lam_arr[i2] - lam) / (lam_arr[i2] - lam_arr[i1]) for i in range(hires.shape[0]): for j in range(hires.shape[1]): hires[i, j] = ndimage.spline_filter(hires[i, j]) ################################################################ # Run through lenslet centroids at this wavelength using the # fitted coefficients in psftool to get the centroids. For # each centroid, compute the weights for the four nearest # regions on which the high-resolution PSFlets have been made. # Interpolate the high-resolution PSFlets and take their # weighted average, adding this to the image in the # appropriate place. ################################################################ xcen, ycen = psftool.return_locations(lam, allcoef, xindx, yindx) xcen += padding ycen += padding xcen = np.reshape(xcen, -1) ycen = np.reshape(ycen, -1) for i in range(xcen.shape[0]): if not (xcen[i] > npix // (2 * upsample) and xcen[i] < image.shape[0] - npix // (2 * upsample) and ycen[i] > npix // (2 * upsample) and ycen[i] < image.shape[0] - npix // (2 * upsample)): continue # central pixel -> npix*upsample//2 iy1 = int(ycen[i] * upsample) - npix // 2 iy2 = iy1 + npix ix1 = int(xcen[i] * upsample) - npix // 2 ix2 = ix1 + npix # yinterp = (y[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2] - ycen[i])*upsample + upsample*npix/2 # xinterp = (x[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2] - xcen[i])*upsample + upsample*npix/2 yinterp = (y[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2] - ycen[i] * upsample) + npix / 2 xinterp = (x[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2] - xcen[i] * upsample) + npix / 2 # if j==1: # print yinterp,xinterp # Now find the closest high-resolution PSFs x_hires = xcen[i] * 1. / image.shape[1] y_hires = ycen[i] * 1. / image.shape[0] x_hires = x_hires * hires_arrs[0].shape[1] - 0.5 y_hires = y_hires * hires_arrs[0].shape[0] - 0.5 totweight = 0 if x_hires <= 0: i1 = i2 = 0 elif x_hires >= hires_arrs[0].shape[1] - 1: i1 = i2 = hires_arrs[0].shape[1] - 1 else: i1 = int(x_hires) i2 = i1 + 1 if y_hires < 0: j1 = j2 = 0 elif y_hires >= hires_arrs[0].shape[0] - 1: j1 = j2 = hires_arrs[0].shape[0] - 1 else: j1 = int(y_hires) j2 = j1 + 1 ############################################################## # Bilinear interpolation by hand. Do not extrapolate, but # instead use the nearest PSFlet near the edge of the # image. The outer regions will therefore have slightly # less reliable PSFlet reconstructions. Then take the # weighted average of the interpolated PSFlets. ############################################################## weight22 = max(0, (x_hires - i1) * (y_hires - j1)) weight12 = max(0, (x_hires - i1) * (j2 - y_hires)) weight21 = max(0, (i2 - x_hires) * (y_hires - j1)) weight11 = max(0, (i2 - x_hires) * (j2 - y_hires)) totweight = weight11 + weight21 + weight12 + weight22 weight11 /= totweight * nlam weight12 /= totweight * nlam weight21 /= totweight * nlam weight22 /= totweight * nlam hiresimg[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2] += weight11 * ndimage.map_coordinates(hires[j1, i1], [yinterp, xinterp], prefilter=False) hiresimg[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2] += weight12 * ndimage.map_coordinates(hires[j1, i2], [yinterp, xinterp], prefilter=False) hiresimg[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2] += weight21 * ndimage.map_coordinates(hires[j2, i1], [yinterp, xinterp], prefilter=False) hiresimg[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2] += weight22 * ndimage.map_coordinates(hires[j2, i2], [yinterp, xinterp], prefilter=False) hiresimg = hiresimg[padding * upsample:-padding * upsample, padding * upsample:-padding * upsample] return hiresimg
[docs]def get_sim_hires(par, lam, upsample=10, nsubarr=1, npix=13, renorm=True): """ Build high resolution images of the undersampled PSF using the monochromatic frames. This version of the function uses the perfect knowledge of the Gaussian PSFLet. Only valid if par.gaussian=True. All PSFLets are the same across the entire FOV """ hires_arr = np.zeros((nsubarr, nsubarr, upsample * (npix + 1), upsample * (npix + 1))) size = upsample * (npix + 1) _x = np.arange(size) - size // 2 _y = np.arange(size) - size // 2 _x, _y = np.meshgrid(_x, _y) sig = par.FWHM / 2.35 * upsample sigma = sig * lam / par.FWHMlam psflet = (erf((_x + 0.5) / (np.sqrt(2) * sigma)) - erf((_x - 0.5) / (np.sqrt(2) * sigma))) * \ (erf((_y + 0.5) / (np.sqrt(2) * sigma)) - erf((_y - 0.5) / (np.sqrt(2) * sigma))) psflet *= upsample**2 / np.sum(psflet) for i in range(nsubarr): for j in range(nsubarr): hires_arr[i, j] = psflet return hires_arr
[docs]def gethires(x, y, good, image, upsample=5, nsubarr=5, npix=13, renorm=True): """ Build high resolution images of the undersampled PSF using the monochromatic frames. Inputs: 1. """ ################################################################### # hires_arr has nsubarr x nsubarr high-resolution PSFlets. Smooth # out the result very slightly to reduce the impact of poorly # sampled points. The resolution on these images, which will be # passed to a multidimensional spline interpolator, is a factor of # upsample higher than the pixellation of the original image. ################################################################### hires_arr = np.zeros((nsubarr, nsubarr, upsample * (npix + 1), upsample * (npix + 1))) _x = np.arange(3 * upsample) - (3 * upsample - 1) / 2. _x, _y = np.meshgrid(_x, _x) r2 = _x**2 + _y**2 window = np.exp(-r2 / (2 * 0.3**2 * (upsample / 5.)**2)) ################################################################### # yreg and xreg denote the regions of the image. Each region will # have roughly 20,000/nsubarr**2 PSFlets from which to construct # the resampled version. For 5x5 (default), this is roughly 800. ################################################################### for yreg in range(nsubarr): i1 = yreg *[0] // nsubarr i2 = i1 +[0] // nsubarr i1 = max(i1, npix) i2 = min(i2,[0] - npix) for xreg in range(nsubarr): j1 = xreg *[1] // nsubarr j2 = j1 +[1] // nsubarr j1 = max(j1, npix) j2 = min(j2,[1] - npix) ############################################################ # subim holds the high-resolution images. The first # dimension counts over PSFlet, and must hold roughly the # total number of PSFlets divided by upsample**2. The # worst possible case is about 20,000/nsubarr**2. ############################################################ k = 0 subim = np.zeros((20000 / nsubarr**2, upsample * (npix + 1), upsample * (npix + 1))) ############################################################ # Now put the PSFlets in. The pixel of index # [npix*upsample//2, npix*upsample//2] is the centroid. # The counter k keeps track of how many PSFlets contribute # to each resolution element. ############################################################ for i in range(x.shape[0]): if x[i] > j1 and x[i] < j2 and y[i] > i1 and y[i] < i2 and good[i]: xval = x[i] - 0.5 / upsample yval = y[i] - 0.5 / upsample ix = int((1 + int(xval) - xval) * upsample) iy = int((1 + int(yval) - yval) * upsample) if ix == upsample: ix -= upsample if iy == upsample: iy -= upsample iy1, ix1 = [int(yval) - npix // 2, int(xval) - npix // 2] cutout =[iy1:iy1 + npix + 1, ix1:ix1 + npix + 1] #'{:},{:},{:}'.format(k,iy,ix)) subim[k, iy::upsample, ix::upsample] = cutout k += 1 meanpsf = np.zeros((upsample * (npix + 1), upsample * (npix + 1))) weight = np.zeros((upsample * (npix + 1), upsample * (npix + 1))) ############################################################ # Take the trimmed mean (middle 60% of the data) for each # PSFlet to avoid contamination by bad pixels. Then # convolve with a narrow Gaussian to mitigate the effects # of poor sampling. ############################################################ for ii in range(3): window1 = np.exp(-r2 / (2 * 1**2 * (upsample / 5.)**2)) window2 = np.exp(-r2 / (2 * 1**2 * (upsample / 5.)**2)) if ii < 2: window = window2 else: window = window1 if ii > 0: for kk in range(k): mask = 1. * (subim[kk] != 0) if np.sum(mask) > 0: A = np.sum(subim[kk] * meanpsf * mask) A /= np.sum(meanpsf**2 * mask) if A > 0.5 and A < 2: subim[kk] /= A else: subim[kk] = 0 chisq = np.sum(mask * (meanpsf - subim[kk])**2) chisq /= np.amax(meanpsf)**2 subim[kk] *= (chisq < 1e-2 * upsample**2) #mask2 = np.abs(meanpsf - subim[kk])/(np.abs(meanpsf) + 0.01*np.amax(meanpsf)) < 1 #subim[kk] *= mask2 subim[kk] *= subim[kk] > -1e-3 * np.amax(meanpsf) subim2 = subim.copy() for i in range(subim.shape[1]): for j in range(subim.shape[2]): _i1 = max(i - upsample // 4, 0) _i2 = min(i + upsample // 4 + 1, subim.shape[1] - 1) _j1 = max(j - upsample // 4, 0) _j2 = min(j + upsample // 4 + 1, subim.shape[2] - 1) data = subim2[:k, _i1:_i2, _j1:_j2][np.where( subim2[:k, _i1:_i2, _j1:_j2] != 0)] if data.shape[0] > 10: data = np.sort(data)[3:-3] std = np.std(data) + 1e-10 mean = np.mean(data) subim[:k, i, j] *= np.abs(subim[:k, i, j] - mean) / std < 3.5 elif data.shape[0] > 5: data = np.sort(data)[1:-1] std = np.std(data) + 1e-10 mean = np.mean(data) subim[:k, i, j] *= np.abs(subim[:k, i, j] - mean) / std < 3.5 data = subim[:k, i, j][np.where(subim[:k, i, j] != 0)] #data = np.sort(data) npts = data.shape[0] if npts > 0: meanpsf[i, j] = np.mean(data) weight[i, j] = npts meanpsf = signal.convolve2d( meanpsf * weight, window, mode='same') meanpsf /= signal.convolve2d(weight, window, mode='same') val = meanpsf.copy() for jj in range(10): tmp = val / signal.convolve2d(meanpsf, window, mode='same') meanpsf *= signal.convolve2d(tmp, window[::-1, ::-1], mode='same') ############################################################ # Normalize all PSFs to unit flux when resampled with an # interpolator. ############################################################ if renorm: meanpsf *= upsample**2 / np.sum(meanpsf) hires_arr[yreg, xreg] = meanpsf return hires_arr
[docs]def makeHires( par, xindx, yindx, lam, allcoef, psftool, imlist=None, parallel=True, savehiresimages=True, upsample=5, nsubarr=5): ''' Construct high-resolution PSFLets ''' hires_arrs = [] allxpos = [] allypos = [] allgood = []'Making high-resolution PSFLet models') if parallel:'Starting parallel computation') if not par.gaussian_hires: for i in range(len(lam)): xpos, ypos = psftool.return_locations( lam[i], allcoef, xindx, yindx) good = np.reshape(psftool.good, -1) xpos = np.reshape(xpos, -1) ypos = np.reshape(ypos, -1) allxpos += [xpos] allypos += [ypos] allgood += [good] # print(len(allxpos),len(imlist)) tasks = multiprocessing.Queue() results = multiprocessing.Queue() ncpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() consumers = [Consumer(tasks, results) for i in range(ncpus)] for w in consumers: w.start() for i in range(len(lam)): if par.gaussian_hires: tasks.put( Task( i, get_sim_hires, (par, lam[i], upsample, nsubarr))) else: tasks.put( Task( i, gethires, (allxpos[i], allypos[i], allgood[i], imlist[i], upsample, nsubarr))) for i in range(ncpus): tasks.put(None) for i in range(len(lam)): index, hiresarr = results.get() hires_arrs += [hiresarr] if savehiresimages: di, dj = hiresarr.shape[0], hiresarr.shape[2] outim = np.zeros((di * dj, di * dj)) for ii in range(di): for jj in range(di): outim[ii * dj:(ii + 1) * dj, jj * dj:(jj + 1) * dj] = hiresarr[ii, jj] out = fits.HDUList( fits.PrimaryHDU( hiresarr.astype( np.float32))) out.writeto( par.wavecalDir + 'hires_psflets_lam%d.fits' % (lam[index]), clobber=True) else:'No parallel computation') for i in range(len(lam)): if par.gaussian_hires: hiresarr = get_sim_hires(par, lam[i], upsample, nsubarr) else: xpos, ypos = psftool.return_locations( lam[i], allcoef, xindx, yindx) good = np.reshape(psftool.good, -1) xpos = np.reshape(xpos, -1) ypos = np.reshape(ypos, -1) hiresarr = gethires( xpos, ypos, good, imlist[i], upsample, nsubarr) hires_arrs += [hiresarr] if savehiresimages: di, dj = hiresarr.shape[0], hiresarr.shape[2] outim = np.zeros((di * dj, di * dj)) for ii in range(di): for jj in range(di): outim[ii * dj:(ii + 1) * dj, jj * dj:(jj + 1) * dj] = hiresarr[ii, jj] out = fits.HDUList( fits.PrimaryHDU( hiresarr.astype( np.float32))) out.writeto( par.wavecalDir + 'hires_psflets_lam%d.fits' % (lam[i]), clobber=True) return hires_arrs
[docs]def monochromatic_update(par, inImage, inLam, order=3, apodize=False): ''' TODO: also update polychrome when specified ''' "Making copies of wavelength solution from " + par.wavecalDir + "/lamsol.dat") copy2(par.wavecalDir + "/lamsol.dat", par.wavecalDir + "/lamsol_old.dat") lamsol = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(par.wavecalDir, "lamsol.dat")) lam = lamsol[:, 0] allcoef = lamsol[:, 1:] psftool = PSFLets() oldcoef = psftool.monochrome_coef(inLam, lam, allcoef, order=order)'Generating new wavelength solution') ysize, xsize = mask = np.ones((ysize, xsize)) if apodize: x = np.arange(ysize) med_n = np.median(x) x -= int(med_n) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, x) r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) mask = (r < ysize // 2) x, y, good, newcoef = locatePSFlets(inImage, polyorder=order, mask=mask, sig=par.FWHM / 2.35, coef=oldcoef, phi=par.philens, scale=par.pitch / par.pixsize, nlens=par.nlens) psftool.geninterparray(lam, allcoef, order=order) dcoef = newcoef - oldcoef indx = np.asarray([0, 1, 4, 10, 11, 14]) psftool.interp_arr[0][indx] += dcoef[indx] psftool.genpixsol( par, lam, allcoef, order=order, lam1=min(lam) / 1.05, lam2=max(lam) * 1.05) psftool.savepixsol(outdir=par.wavecalDir) ################################################################# # Update coefficients at all wavelengths ################################################################# for i in range(lamsol.shape[0]): lamsol[i, indx + 1] += dcoef[indx] ################################################################# # Record the shift in the spot locations. ################################################################# phi1 = np.mean([np.arctan2(oldcoef[4], oldcoef[1]), np.arctan2(-oldcoef[11], oldcoef[14])]) phi2 = np.mean([np.arctan2(newcoef[4], newcoef[1]), np.arctan2(-newcoef[11], newcoef[14])]) dx, dy, dphi = [dcoef[0], dcoef[10], phi2 - phi1]'%.2f: x-shift from archival spot positions (pixels)' % dx)'%.2f: y-shift from archival spot positions (pixels)' % dy) '%.2f: rotation from archival spot positions (degrees)' % (dphi * 180. / np.pi))"Overwriting old wavecal") np.savetxt(par.wavecalDir + "lamsol.dat", lamsol)"Don't forget to run buildcalibrations again with makePolychrome=True!") return dx, dy, dphi
[docs]def buildcalibrations( par, filelist=None, lamlist=None, order=3, inspect=False, genwavelengthsol=False, makehiresPSFlets=False, makePolychrome=False, makehiresPolychrome=False, makePSFWidths=False, savehiresimages=True, borderpix=4, upsample=5, nsubarr=3, parallel=True, inspect_first=True, apodize=False, lamsol=None, threshold=0.0): """ Master wavelength calibration function Parameters ---------- par : Parameter instance Contains all IFS parameters filelist: list of strings (optional) List of the fits files that contain the monochromatic calibration files. If None (default), use the files in par.filelist lamlist: list of floats (optional) Wavelengths in nm at which the files are taken. If None (default), use the files in par.lamlist order: int Order of the polynomial used to fit the PSFLet positions across the detector genwavelengthsol: Boolean If True, generate the wavelength calibration. Creates a text file with all polynomial coefficients that best fit the PSFLet positions at each wavelength. If False, then load an already-generated file. inspect: Boolean Whether or not to create PNG files that overlay PSFLet fitted position on the monochromatic pictures, to visually inspect the fitting results inspect_first: Boolean Whether or not to create a PNG file that overlays PSFLet fitted position on the monochromatic picture of the first file, to visually inspect the fitting results makehiresPSFlets: Boolean Whether or not to do a high-resolution fitting of the PSFs, using the sampling diversity. This requires high-SNR monochromatic images. makePolychrome: Boolean Whether or not to build the polychrome cube used in the least squares extraction makePSFWidths: Boolean Whether or not to fit the PSFLet widths using the high-res PSFLets makehiresPolychrome: Boolean Whether or not to build a polychrome cube at a high spatial resolution for future subpixel interpolations savehiresimages: Boolean Whether to save fits files with the high-res PSFLets borderpix: int Number of pixels that are not taken into account towards the edges of the detector upsample: int Upsampling factor for each high-resolution PSFLet nsubarr: int Detector will be divided into nsubarr x nsubarr regions. A high-resolution PSFLet will be determined in each region from the average of all PSFLets within that region parallel: Boolean Whether or not to parallelize the computation for the high-resolution PSFLet and polychrome computation. The wavelength calibration step cannot be parallelized since each wavelength uses the previous wavelength solution as a guess input. apodize: Boolean Whether to fit the spots only using lenslets within a circle, ignoring the corners of the detector lamsol: 2D array Optional argument that, if not None and if genwavelengthsol==False, will take the argument and use it as the current wavelength calibration to build the polychrome. threshold: float Threshold under which to zero out the polychrome. This is only useful for reducing the file size of the polychrome, and has only very little impact on the extraction. To be safe, for science extractions threshold should be kept at its default value of 0.0 Notes ----- This function generates all the files required to process IFS cubes: lamsol.dat: contains a list of the wavelengths and the polynomial coefficients that describe the X,Y positions of all lenslets on the detector as a function of lenslet position on the lenslet array. polychromekeyRXX.fits: where XX is replaced by the spectral resolution defined in the parameters file. This is a multi-extension fits file with: - a list of the central wavelengths at which the final cube will be reduced to - an array of the X positions of all lenslets - an array of the Y positions of all lenslets - an array of booleans indicating whether that lenslet is good or not (e.g. when it is outside of the detector area) polychromeRXX.fits: 3D arrays of size Nspec x Npix x Npix with maps of the PSFLets put in their correct positions for each wavelength bins that we want in the output cube. Each PSFLet in each wavelength slice is used for least-squares fitting. hiresPolychromeRXX.fits: same as polychromeRXX.fits but this time using the high-resolution PSFLets PSFLoc.fits: nsubarr x nsubarr array of 2D high-resolution PSFLets at each location in the detector. """ outdir = par.wavecalDir if filelist is None: if par.filelist is None: raise else: filelist = par.filelist if lamlist is None: if par.lamlist is None: raise else: lamlist = par.lamlist lam1 = min(lamlist) lam2 = max(lamlist) try: os.makedirs(outdir) except OSError: if not os.path.isdir(outdir): raise"Building calibration files, placing results in " + outdir) tstart = time.time() coef = None allcoef = [] imlist = [] ysize, xsize = Image(filename=filelist[0]).data.shape mask = np.ones((ysize, xsize)) if apodize: y = np.arange(ysize) x = np.arange(xsize) x -= xsize // 2 y -= ysize // 2 x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) mask = (r < min(ysize, xsize) // 2) for i, ifile in enumerate(filelist): im = Image(filename=ifile) # sets the inverse variance to be the mask im.ivar = mask # this is just to keep while we use noiseless images. Remove when real # images are used. += 1e-9 imlist += [im] if genwavelengthsol: x, y, good, coef = locatePSFlets(im, polyorder=order, mask=mask, sig=par.FWHM / \ 2.35, coef=coef, phi=par.philens, scale=par.pitch / par.pixsize, nlens=par.nlens) allcoef += [[lamlist[i]] + list(coef)] if inspect: do_inspection(par,, x, y, lamlist[i]) elif inspect_first and i == 0: do_inspection(par,, x, y, lamlist[i]) if genwavelengthsol:"Saving wavelength solution to " + outdir + "lamsol.dat") allcoef = np.asarray(allcoef) np.savetxt(outdir + "lamsol.dat", allcoef) lam = allcoef[:, 0] allcoef = allcoef[:, 1:] elif lamsol is None:"Loading wavelength solution from " + outdir + "lamsol.dat") lam = np.loadtxt(outdir + "lamsol.dat")[:, 0] allcoef = np.loadtxt(outdir + "lamsol.dat")[:, 1:] else: lam = lamsol[:, 0] allcoef = lamsol[:, 1:]"Computing wavelength values at pixel centers") psftool = PSFLets() psftool.genpixsol( par, lam, allcoef, order=order, lam1=lam1 / 1.01, lam2=lam2 * 1.01) psftool.savepixsol(outdir=outdir) xindx = np.arange(-par.nlens / 2, par.nlens / 2) xindx, yindx = np.meshgrid(xindx, xindx) if makehiresPSFlets: hires_arrs = makeHires( par, xindx, yindx, lam, allcoef, psftool, imlist, parallel, savehiresimages, upsample, nsubarr) hires_list = np.sort( glob.glob( par.wavecalDir + 'hires_psflets_lam???.fits')) if makePSFWidths:"Computing PSFLet widths...") if not makehiresPSFlets: hires_arrs = [[0].data for filename in hires_list] lam_hires = [int(re.sub('.*lam', '', re.sub('.fits', '', filename))) for filename in hires_list] else: lam_hires = lam.copy() shape = hires_arrs[0].shape sigarr = np.zeros((len(hires_list), shape[0], shape[1])) _x = np.arange(shape[2]) / float(upsample) _x -= _x[_x.shape[0] // 2] # Measure the std along the average of ~3 columns for i in range(sigarr.shape[0]): for j in range(sigarr.shape[1]): for k in range(sigarr.shape[2]): row = np.sum( hires_arrs[i][j, k, :, shape[3] // 2 - 1:shape[3] // 2 + 1], axis=1) sigarr[i, j, k] = np.sum(row * _x**2) sigarr[i, j, k] /= np.sum(row) sigarr[i] = np.sqrt(sigarr[i]) mean_x = psftool.xindx[:, :, psftool.xindx.shape[-1] // 2] mean_y = psftool.yindx[:, :, psftool.yindx.shape[-1] // 2] longsigarr = np.zeros( (len(lam_hires), mean_x.shape[0], mean_x.shape[1])) ix = mean_x * hires_arrs[0].shape[1] / par.npix - 0.5 iy = mean_y * hires_arrs[0].shape[0] / par.npix - 0.5 for i in range(sigarr.shape[0]): longsigarr[i] = ndimage.map_coordinates( sigarr[i], [iy, ix], order=3, mode='nearest') fullsigarr = np.ones((psftool.xindx.shape)) for i in range(mean_x.shape[0]): for j in range(mean_x.shape[1]): if psftool.good[i, j]: fit = interpolate.interp1d(np.asarray(lam_hires), longsigarr[:, i, j], bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') fullsigarr[i, j] = fit(psftool.lam_indx[i, j]) out = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(fullsigarr.astype(np.float32))) out.writeto(outdir + 'PSFwidths.fits', clobber=True) if makePolychrome: if not makehiresPSFlets: hires_arrs = [[0].data for filename in hires_list] lam_midpts, lam_endpts = calculateWaveList(par, lam, method='lstsq') Nspec = len(lam_endpts) polyimage = np.zeros((Nspec - 1, ysize, xsize)) xpos = [] ypos = [] good = []'Making polychrome cube') if not parallel: for i in range(Nspec - 1): polyimage[i] = (lam_endpts[i + 1] - lam_endpts[i]) * make_polychrome(lam_endpts[i], lam_endpts[i + 1], hires_arrs, lam, psftool, allcoef, xindx, yindx, ysize, xsize, upsample=upsample) _x, _y = psftool.return_locations( lam_midpts[i], allcoef, xindx, yindx) _good = (_x > borderpix) * (_x < xsize - borderpix) * \ (_y > borderpix) * (_y < ysize - borderpix) xpos += [_x] ypos += [_y] good += [_good] else: tasks = multiprocessing.Queue() results = multiprocessing.Queue() ncpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() consumers = [Consumer(tasks, results) for i in range(ncpus)] for w in consumers: w.start() for i in range(Nspec - 1): tasks.put(Task(i, make_polychrome, (lam_endpts[i], lam_endpts[i + 1], hires_arrs, lam, psftool, allcoef, xindx, yindx, ysize, xsize, upsample))) for i in range(ncpus): tasks.put(None) for i in range(Nspec - 1): index, poly = results.get() polyimage[index] = poly * \ (lam_endpts[index + 1] - lam_endpts[index]) _x, _y = psftool.return_locations( lam_midpts[index], allcoef, xindx, yindx) _good = (_x > borderpix) * (_x < xsize - borderpix) * \ (_y > borderpix) * (_y < ysize - borderpix) xpos += [_x] ypos += [_y] good += [_good]'Saving polychrome cube') polyimage[polyimage < threshold] = 0.0 out = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(polyimage.astype(np.float32))) out.writeto(outdir + 'polychromeR%d.fits.gz' % (par.R), clobber=True) out = fits.HDUList( fits.PrimaryHDU( np.sum( polyimage, axis=0).astype( np.float32))) out.writeto( outdir + 'polychromeR%dstack.fits.gz' % (par.R), clobber=True) else: lam_midpts, lam_endpts = calculateWaveList(par, lam, method='lstsq') xpos = [] ypos = [] good = [] for i in range(len(lam_midpts)): _x, _y = psftool.return_locations( lam_midpts[i], allcoef, xindx, yindx) _good = (_x > borderpix) * (_x < xsize - borderpix) * \ (_y > borderpix) * (_y < ysize - borderpix) xpos += [_x] ypos += [_y] good += [_good]'Saving wavelength calibration cube') outkey = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(lam_midpts)) outkey.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(np.asarray(xpos))) outkey.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(np.asarray(ypos))) outkey.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(np.asarray(good).astype(np.uint8))) outkey.writeto(outdir + 'polychromekeyR%d.fits' % (par.R), clobber=True) if makehiresPolychrome:'Making high-resolution polychrome cube (can use lots of memory)') if not makehiresPSFlets: hires_list = np.sort( glob.glob( par.wavecalDir + 'hires_psflets_lam???.fits')) hires_arrs = [[0].data for filename in hires_list] lam_midpts, lam_endpts = calculateWaveList(par, lam, method='lstsq') Nspec = len(lam_endpts) hirespoly = np.zeros((Nspec - 1, ysize * upsample, xsize * upsample)) if not parallel: for i in range(Nspec - 1): hirespoly[i] = (lam_endpts[i + 1] - lam_endpts[i]) * make_hires_polychrome(lam_endpts[i], lam_endpts[i + 1], hires_arrs, lam, psftool, allcoef, xindx, yindx, ysize, xsize, upsample=upsample) / upsample**2 else: tasks = multiprocessing.Queue() results = multiprocessing.Queue() ncpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() consumers = [Consumer(tasks, results) for i in range(ncpus)] for w in consumers: w.start() for i in range(Nspec - 1): tasks.put(Task(i, make_hires_polychrome, (lam_endpts[i], lam_endpts[i + 1], hires_arrs, lam, psftool, allcoef, xindx, yindx, ysize, xsize, upsample))) for i in range(ncpus): tasks.put(None) for i in range(Nspec - 1): index, poly = results.get() hirespoly[index] = poly * \ (lam_endpts[index + 1] - lam_endpts[index]) / upsample**2'Saving hi-res polychrome cube') out = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(hirespoly.astype(np.float32))) out.writeto( outdir + 'hirespolychromeR%d.fits.gz' % (par.R), clobber=True) out = fits.HDUList( fits.PrimaryHDU( np.sum( hirespoly, axis=0).astype( np.float32))) out.writeto( outdir + 'hiresPolychromeR%dstack.fits' % (par.R), clobber=True)"Total time elapsed: %.0f s" % (time.time() - tstart))