Starting an IFS simulation from scratch

Let’s suppose that you want to model the ideal IFS and don’t have any idea (or don’t really care) about what the PSFLets look like and where they are located. In that case, you don’t need any datafile and can get started ASAP!

Let’s load things first.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import glob
%pylab inline --no-import-all
plt.rc('font', family='serif', serif='Times',size=20)
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=20)
plt.rc('xtick.major', size=10)
plt.rc('ytick.major', size=10)
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=20)
plt.rc('axes', labelsize=20)

import sys
import os
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Initializes the logger used throughout the software

In [2]:
from import getLogger
log = getLogger('crispy')

Operate in your working directory (where your parameter file lives)

In [3]:

Load parameters

In [4]:
from params import Params
par = Params()
SIMPLE  =                    T / conforms to FITS standard
BITPIX  =                    8 / array data type
NAXIS   =                    0 / number of array dimensions
EXTEND  =                    T
COMMENT ************************************************************
COMMENT ********************** General parameters ******************
COMMENT ************************************************************
NLENS   =                  108 / # lenslets across array
PITCH   =             0.000174 / Lenslet pitch (meters)
INTERLAC=                  2.0 / Interlacing
PHILENS =    26.56505117707799 / Rotation angle of the lenslets (deg)
PIXSIZE =              1.3E-05 / Pixel size (meters)
LENSAMP =                  0.5 / Lenslet sampling (lam/D)
LSAMPWAV=                660.0 / Lenslet sampling wavelength (nm)
FWHM    =                  2.0 / FHWM of PSFLet at detector (pixels)
FWHMLAM =                660.0 / Wavelength at which FWHM is defined (nm)
NPIX    =                 1024 / Number of detector pixels
BW      =                 0.18 / Bandwidth
PIXPRLAM=                  2.0 / Pixels per resolution element
RESLSTSQ=                  2.0 / Nspec per Nyq. sample for lstsq extraction
R       =                   50 / Spectral resolution

First off, you are going to trick crispy into building a fake wavelength calibration. This is usually important because in the real world, the wavelength calibration is the step that ensures that you can get good data out of your IFS images. For this exercise, you are going to use an a priori wavelength calibration (it’s built into crispy) to generate monochromatic flatfields. From these flatfields, you are going to build up your wavelength calibration - just like in real life!

Generate monochromatic flats

So, what’s our wavelength range? We are going to use the fiducial case of 600nm - 720nm, which is the first band of the WFIRST IFS. We are going to construct a few monochromatic flats across that range. The function we need is in the IFS module (that one has a lot of important functions).

In [5]:
from crispy.IFS import createWavecalFiles
Help on function createWavecalFiles in module crispy.IFS:

createWavecalFiles(par, lamlist, dlam=1.0)
    Creates a set of monochromatic IFS images to be used in wavelength calibration step

    par:   Parameter instance
            Contains all IFS parameters
    lamlist: list or array of floats
            List of discrete wavelengths at which to create a monochromatic flat
    dlam:  float
            Width in nm of the small band for each of the monochromatic wavelengths.
            Default is 1 nm. This has no effect unless we are trying to add any noise.

    This function populates the fields par.lamlist and par.filelist which are subsequently
    used by the buildcalibrations function. If this createWavecalFiles is not called, the
    two fields need to be populated manually with the set of files and wavelengths that
    you want to use for the calibration.

So here we go:

In [6]:
lamlist = np.arange(lamc*(1.-par.BW/2.),lamc*(1.+par.BW/2.)+5.,5.)
# lamlist = lamc*np.linspace(1.-BW/2.,1.+BW/2.,fileshape[0])

# let's create our new wavelength calibration directory to not mess up anything
# comment this out if this was already done and you are fine overriding the files in your folder
# try:
#     os.makedirs(par.prefix+'/testWavecal660')
# except OSError:
#     log.error('Wavecal folder already exists!')
#     raise'Wavecal folder is: %s' % par.wavecalDir)
crispy - INFO - Wavecal folder is: ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/
crispy - INFO - [ 600.6  605.6  610.6  615.6  620.6  625.6  630.6  635.6  640.6  645.6
  650.6  655.6  660.6  665.6  670.6  675.6  680.6  685.6  690.6  695.6
  700.6  705.6  710.6  715.6  720.6]
In [7]:
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_600.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_605.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_610.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_615.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_620.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_625.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_630.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_635.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_640.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_645.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_650.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_655.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_660.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 5 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_665.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_670.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_675.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_680.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_685.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 5 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_690.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_695.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 5 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_700.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_705.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_710.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_715.fits
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 4.995459
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming slices are evenly spread in wavelengths
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 4 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_720.fits
In [8]:
par.R = 50
# par.wavecalDir = ''

Let’s take a look at what we did.

In [9]:
listfiles = glob.glob(par.wavecalDir+'*.fits')
print listfiles
['..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_600.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_605.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_610.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_615.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_620.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_625.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_630.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_635.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_640.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_645.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_650.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_655.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_660.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_665.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_670.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_675.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_680.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_685.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_690.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_695.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_700.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_705.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_710.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_715.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_720.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam600.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam605.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam610.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam615.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam620.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam625.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam630.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam635.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam640.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam645.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam650.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam655.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam660.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam665.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam670.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam675.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam680.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam685.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam690.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam695.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam700.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam705.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam710.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam715.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/hires_psflets_lam720.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/polychromekeyR50.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/polychromeR50.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/PSFloc.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/PSFwidths.fits']

Now let’s show some images. We use the Image module of crispy for convenience.

In [10]:
from import Image
plt.colorbar(fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_600.fits

And a little zoom in:

In [11]:
plt.colorbar(fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_600.fits

The PSFLets are slowly changing because the geometry that we chose results in almost integer spacing in both X and Y between neighboring lenslets. If you want more diversity (usually it is preferable to have diversity), then change the lenslet size of detector pitch by a little bit.

Run a complete wavelength calibration

Now that we have monochromatic flats, it is time to run a wavelength calibration, just like one would do in any IFS. The function we need is in This is a much more complicated function.

In [12]:
from import buildcalibrations
Help on function buildcalibrations in module

buildcalibrations(par, filelist=None, lamlist=None, order=3, inspect=False, genwavelengthsol=False, makehiresPSFlets=False, makePolychrome=False, makehiresPolychrome=False, makePSFWidths=False, savehiresimages=True, borderpix=4, upsample=5, nsubarr=3, parallel=True, inspect_first=True, apodize=False, lamsol=None, threshold=0.0)
    Master wavelength calibration function

    par :   Parameter instance
            Contains all IFS parameters
    filelist: list of strings (optional)
            List of the fits files that contain the monochromatic calibration files. If None (default),
            use the files in par.filelist
    lamlist: list of floats (optional)
            Wavelengths in nm at which the files are taken. If None (default),
            use the files in par.lamlist
    order: int
            Order of the polynomial used to fit the PSFLet positions across the detector
    genwavelengthsol: Boolean
            If True, generate the wavelength calibration. Creates a text file with all
            polynomial coefficients that best fit the PSFLet positions at each wavelength.
            If False, then load an already-generated file.
    inspect: Boolean
            Whether or not to create PNG files that overlay PSFLet fitted position on the
            monochromatic pictures, to visually inspect the fitting results
    inspect_first: Boolean
            Whether or not to create a PNG file that overlays PSFLet fitted position on the
            monochromatic picture of the first file, to visually inspect the fitting results
    makehiresPSFlets: Boolean
            Whether or not to do a high-resolution fitting of the PSFs, using the sampling
            diversity. This requires high-SNR monochromatic images.
    makePolychrome: Boolean
            Whether or not to build the polychrome cube used in the least squares extraction
    makePSFWidths: Boolean
            Whether or not to fit the PSFLet widths using the high-res PSFLets
    makehiresPolychrome: Boolean
            Whether or not to build a polychrome cube at a high spatial resolution for future
            subpixel interpolations
    savehiresimages: Boolean
            Whether to save fits files with the high-res PSFLets
    borderpix:  int
            Number of pixels that are not taken into account towards the edges of the detector
    upsample: int
            Upsampling factor for each high-resolution PSFLet
    nsubarr: int
            Detector will be divided into nsubarr x nsubarr regions. A high-resolution PSFLet
            will be determined in each region from the average of all PSFLets within that
    parallel: Boolean
            Whether or not to parallelize the computation for the high-resolution PSFLet and
            polychrome computation. The wavelength calibration step cannot be parallelized since
            each wavelength uses the previous wavelength solution as a guess input.
    apodize: Boolean
            Whether to fit the spots only using lenslets within a circle, ignoring the corners of
            the detector
    lamsol: 2D array
            Optional argument that, if not None and if genwavelengthsol==False, will take the argument
            and use it as the current wavelength calibration to build the polychrome.
    threshold: float
            Threshold under which to zero out the polychrome. This is only useful for reducing
            the file size of the polychrome, and has only very little impact on the extraction.
            To be safe, for science extractions threshold should be kept at its default value of 0.0

    This function generates all the files required to process IFS cubes:
    lamsol.dat: contains a list of the wavelengths and the polynomial coefficients that
                describe the X,Y positions of all lenslets on the detector as a function
                of lenslet position on the lenslet array.
    polychromekeyRXX.fits:  where XX is replaced by the spectral resolution defined in the
                            parameters file. This is a multi-extension fits file with:
                            - a list of the central wavelengths at which the final cube will be reduced to
                            - an array of the X positions of all lenslets
                            - an array of the Y positions of all lenslets
                            - an array of booleans indicating whether that lenslet is good or not
                            (e.g. when it is outside of the detector area)
    polychromeRXX.fits: 3D arrays of size Nspec x Npix x Npix with maps of the PSFLets put in their correct
                        positions for each wavelength bins that we want in the output cube. Each PSFLet
                        in each wavelength slice is used for least-squares fitting.
    hiresPolychromeRXX.fits: same as polychromeRXX.fits but this time using the high-resolution PSFLets
    PSFLoc.fits:    nsubarr x nsubarr array of 2D high-resolution PSFLets at each location
                    in the detector.

In [13]:
# we can check that the file list has been loaded:'Wavecal files: %s' % par.filelist)
crispy - INFO - Wavecal files: ['..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_600.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_605.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_610.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_615.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_620.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_625.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_630.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_635.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_640.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_645.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_650.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_655.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_660.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_665.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_670.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_675.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_680.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_685.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_690.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_695.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_700.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_705.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_710.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_715.fits', '..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_720.fits']

One important aspect is that we can choose to use the same models for PSFLets as the one that was used to construct the monochromatic flatfields. This basically assumes that we have 100% knowledge of all the PSFLets, and can be set if par.gaussian_hires=True. Otherwise, we can actually use the deconvolution functions within crispy to approximate the lenslet PSFLets, by dividing up the detector into nsubarr^2 regions and averaging the PSFLets over these regions. Let’s assume for now that we have excellent models of our PSFLets.

In [14]:
par.gaussian_hires=True # assuming we know the PSFLets perfectly a priori

If you choose to change that to False, you should also change the following nsubarr parameter to >4 since there is likely variation of the PSFLet across the field of view. Let’s go! This takes a few minutes. It will finish by a parallel process so don’t worry if your computer heats up a bit.

In [15]:
                    inspect=False,         # if True, constructs a bunch of images to verify a good calibration
                    genwavelengthsol=True, # Compute wavelength at the center of all pixels
                    makehiresPSFlets=True, # this requires very high SNR on the monochromatic frames
                    makePolychrome=True,   # This is needed to use least squares extraction
                    upsample=3,            # upsampling factor of the high-resolution PSFLets
                    nsubarr=3,             # the detector is divided into nsubarr^2 regions for PSFLet averaging
                    apodize=False,          # to match PSFlet spot locations, only use the inner circular part of the
                                           #detector, hence discarding the corners of the detector where lenslets are
crispy - INFO - Building calibration files, placing results in ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_600.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_600.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing PSFlet location transformation coefficients
crispy - INFO - Performing initial optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_600.fits
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_600.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_605.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_605.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_610.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_610.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_615.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_615.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_620.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_620.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_625.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_625.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_630.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_630.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_635.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_635.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_640.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_640.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_645.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_645.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_650.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_650.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_655.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_655.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_660.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_660.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_665.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_665.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_670.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_670.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_675.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_675.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_680.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_680.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_685.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_685.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_690.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_690.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_695.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_695.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_700.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_700.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_705.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_705.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_710.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_710.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_715.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_715.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_720.fits
crispy - INFO - Initializing transformation coefficients with previous values
crispy - INFO - Performing final optimization of PSFlet location transformation coefficients for frame ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/det_720.fits
crispy - INFO - Saving wavelength solution to ..//ReferenceFiles/wavecalR50_660/lamsol.dat
crispy - INFO - Computing wavelength values at pixel centers
crispy - INFO - Making high-resolution PSFLet models
crispy - INFO - Starting parallel computation
crispy - INFO - Computing PSFLet widths...
crispy - INFO - Reduced cube will have 19 wavelength bins
crispy - INFO - Making polychrome cube
crispy - INFO - Saving polychrome cube
crispy - INFO - Saving wavelength calibration cube
crispy - INFO - Total time elapsed: 264 s

Let’s take a look at the files we constructed:

In [16]:

Some of these files are described and explained in the papers associated with this work.

Construct fields to extract

Now, let’s construct a field that we will want to extract. For example, we will use a flatfield.

In [17]:
from crispy.unitTests import testCreateFlatfield
Help on function testCreateFlatfield in module crispy.unitTests:

testCreateFlatfield(par, pixsize=0.1, npix=512, pixval=1.0, Nspec=45, outname='flatfield.fits', useQE=True, method='optext')
    Creates a polychromatic flatfield

    par :   Parameter instance
        Contains all IFS parameters
    pixsize:   float
       Pixel scale (lam/D)
    npix: int
        Each input frame has a pixel size npix x npix
    pixval: float
        Each input frame has a unform value pixval in photons per second per nm of bandwidth
    Nspec: float
        Optional input forcing the number of wavelengths bins used
    outname: string
        Name of flatfield image
    useQE: boolean
        Whether to take into account the wavelength-dependent QE of the detector

In [18]:
par.saveRotatedInput = True
crispy - INFO - Reduced cube will have 44 wavelength bins
crispy - INFO - The number of input pixels per lenslet is 5.016181
crispy - INFO - Using PSFlet gaussian approximation
crispy - WARNING - Assuming endpoints wavelist is given
crispy - INFO - Creating Gaussian PSFLet templates
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/imagePlaneRot.fits
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/detectorFramepoly.fits
crispy - INFO - Done.
crispy - INFO - Performance: 50 seconds total
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//unitTestsOutputs/flatfield.fits
In [19]:
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//unitTestsOutputs/flatfield.fits
crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//unitTestsOutputs/flatfield.fits

Reduce the flatfield!

In [20]:
from crispy.IFS import reduceIFSMap
detector = reduceIFSMap(par,par.unitTestsOutputs+'/flatfield.fits',method='lstsq_conv',smoothbad=False,fitbkgnd=False,niter=1)
Help on function reduceIFSMap in module crispy.IFS:

reduceIFSMap(par, IFSimageName, method='optext', smoothbad=True, name=None, hires=False, dy=3, fitbkgnd=True, specialPolychrome=None, returnall=False, niter=10, pixnoise=0.0, normpsflets=False)
    Main reduction function

    Uses various routines to extract an IFS detector map into a spectral-spatial cube.

    par :   Parameter instance
            Contains all IFS parameters
    IFSimageName : string or 2D ndarray
            Path of image file, of 2D ndarray.
    method : 'lstsq', 'optext'
            Method used for reduction.
            'lstsq': use the knowledge of the PSFs at each location and each wavelength and fits
            the microspectrum as a weighted sum of these PSFs in the least-square sense. Can weigh the data by its variance.
            'optext': use a matched filter to appropriately weigh each pixel and assign the fluxes, making use of the inverse
            wavlength calibration map. Then remap each microspectrum onto the desired wavelengths

    cube: 3D ndarray
        Reduced IFS cube

crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//unitTestsOutputs/flatfield.fits
crispy - INFO - Reduced cube will have 19 wavelength bins
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/flatfield_red_lstsq_conv_resid.fits
crispy - INFO - Writing data to ..//SimResults/flatfield_red_lstsq_conv_model.fits
crispy - INFO - Elapsed time: 11.791295s

Let’s plot what we have got

In [21]:
ftsize = 15
plt.colorbar(fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)

crispy - INFO - Read data from HDU 1 of ..//SimResults/flatfield_red_lstsq.fits
crispy - INFO - Read inverse variance from HDU 2 of ..//SimResults/flatfield_red_lstsq.fits
In [22]:
from import fits
BB = fits.getdata(par.unitTestsOutputs+"/flatfield.fits")
BBres = fits.getdata(par.exportDir+'/flatfield_red_lstsq_resid.fits')
BBmod = fits.getdata(par.exportDir+'/flatfield_red_lstsq_model.fits')
plt.colorbar(fraction=0.046, pad=0.04,orientation='horizontal')
plt.colorbar(fraction=0.046, pad=0.04,orientation='horizontal')
plt.colorbar(fraction=0.046, pad=0.04,orientation='horizontal')
plt.title('Residuals (\% of data max)',fontsize=ftsize)

The residuals are caused by an imperfect wavelength calibration (small errors in centroids). In this region it is less than +/-2% of the peak data value, and the induced errors in recovered flux are +/-1% in slice number 5 (see above). These are systematic errors that we can calibrate by using an IFS flat field.

If we want to know the correspondence between slice and wavelength, we can do the following

In [23]:
from import calculateWaveList
lam_midpts,lam_endpts = calculateWaveList(par,method='lstsq')
print('Wavelengths at midpoints for lstsq (nm): ',lam_midpts)
print('Wavelengths at endpoints for lstsq (nm): ',lam_endpts)
lam_midpts,lam_endpts = calculateWaveList(par,method='optext')
print('Wavelengths at midpoints for optext (nm): ',lam_midpts)
print('Wavelengths at endpoints for optext (nm): ',lam_endpts)
crispy - INFO - Reduced cube will have 19 wavelength bins
('Wavelengths at midpoints for lstsq (nm): ', array([ 603.48591977,  609.29942699,  615.16893696,  621.09498916,
        627.07812827,  633.11890422,  639.21787224,  645.37559291,
        651.5926322 ,  657.86956154,  664.20695787,  670.60540367,
        677.06548705,  683.58780178,  690.17294734,  696.821529  ,
        703.53415785,  710.31145087,  717.15403098]))
('Wavelengths at endpoints for lstsq (nm): ', array([ 600.6       ,  606.38570655,  612.22714804,  618.12486136,
        624.0793886 ,  630.09127706,  636.16107931,  642.28935325,
        648.47666214,  654.72357468,  661.03066505,  667.39851296,
        673.82770368,  680.31882816,  686.87248301,  693.4892706 ,
        700.1697991 ,  706.91468254,  713.72454087,  720.6       ]))
crispy - INFO - Reduced cube will have 19 wavelength bins
('Wavelengths at midpoints for optext (nm): ', array([ 603.48591977,  609.29942699,  615.16893696,  621.09498916,
        627.07812827,  633.11890422,  639.21787224,  645.37559291,
        651.5926322 ,  657.86956154,  664.20695787,  670.60540367,
        677.06548705,  683.58780178,  690.17294734,  696.821529  ,
        703.53415785,  710.31145087,  717.15403098]))
('Wavelengths at endpoints for optext (nm): ', array([ 600.6       ,  606.38570655,  612.22714804,  618.12486136,
        624.0793886 ,  630.09127706,  636.16107931,  642.28935325,
        648.47666214,  654.72357468,  661.03066505,  667.39851296,
        673.82770368,  680.31882816,  686.87248301,  693.4892706 ,
        700.1697991 ,  706.91468254,  713.72454087,  720.6       ]))

Start from known wavecal

In the case where we want to use another wavecal (e.g. obtained from lab measurements), we can set this up with par.PSFLetPositions = True

In [24]:
# par.PSFLetPositions = True
# par.wavecalDir = par.prefix+'/Calibra_170425/'

# watch out to be sure you have the correct R that matches the wavecal! In this case, it is R=70
#par.R = 70

Repeat the flatfield exercise

In [25]:
#from crispy.unitTests import testCreateFlatfield
In [26]:
# par.PSFLetPositions = False
# par.R=50
# par.wavecalDir = par.prefix+'/wavecalR50_SC/'
In [27]:
# from crispy.unitTests import testCrosstalk
# testCrosstalk(par,pixval=25,method='optext',useQE=False)
# extracted = reduceIFSMap(par,par.unitTestsOutputs+'/crosstalk.fits',method='lstsq',smoothbad=False)

In [28]:
# extracted = reduceIFSMap(par,par.unitTestsOutputs+'/flatfield.fits',method='lstsq',smoothbad=False)